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Come QC for Live-Evil!

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Blue Mage:
Do you like You're Under Arrest, Shion no Ou, Detective Academy Q, and the other Live-Evil projects? Would you like to get involved in fansubbing?

We need more QCers! The quality checker's purpose in life is to watch an episode and nitpick. We ask you to find any errors in translation (any that are easily detectable at least), editing, timing, typesetting, and encoding. It's a great way to learn about fansubbing and to start getting involved. Benefits include watching pre-releases and bitching at ops when they screw up.  ;)

The primary requirements include competency in modern-day english (spelling, grammar, syntax and diction), as well as the ability to play those video types used by L-E. A passing familiarity with VDub, Aegisub or Substation Alpha is handy but certainly not necessary.

All potential QCers, please please please read this page before applying, as that will be our first question to you!

If you feel up to the task, pm tlynnec (aka. tlynnec|LLE) either here in the forums or in the IRC channel (#live-evil on or email

We already have six regular qc'ers for Detective Academy Q, practically two people with actually something called qc control.  But we desperately need for the other series like Mami.  So people please, it's a fun job, worthwhile job, and we'll love you if you volunteer to qc for us.  Just post on this thread, drop in a pm or visit the channel.  No previous experience required, just a good level of attention span ^^ and stable internet connection--and yes those mentioned above except the techinal stuff aren't largely required but would be a plus point. Of-course you can always learn.  The technical knowledge is required for qc fix, and non-technical is okay for only qc'ing.

Hi. I've been QCing for Live-Evil for about 7 months now. I've had a lot of fun here. I get to see episodes before they're released. I've also seen a lot of good stuff that I otherwise wouldn't have noticed. I've gone on to download the earlier episodes for many of these series, I thought they were that good.

Do you have a favourite series here that's stalled? Would you like to see it moving again? If you're in the QC team you'll have a better chance to get it started again. Do you want to learn how to fan-sub? The QC team talks to people who can teach you. Do you want to make friends with people scattered around the world? Here is your chance.

When I joined the Live-eviL QC team I told then right off that I had a second reason for coming. I wanted to get Creamy Mami moving again. Over the months I've done more than QC. I've learned how to time. I've done some editing. And when a new translator came along I was able to work with her to get Creamy Mami started again.

So here's our problem. Tlynnec and I are the two most active members of the QC team. Lately, we've also started editing. But we can't QC our own work. Another of our members recently disappeared. (Not suprising. People come and go.  :-* ) And the staff working on Detective Academy Q, Captain Harlock and Creamy Mami are all trying to increase productivity to 3 or 4 episodes a month for each of these series.

So we need new people to help out the rest of the QC staff.

Especially since one of Live-eviL's two main mandates is to produce high quality fan subs. (The other is to get some of the older series fan-subbed.) This means that every time an episode enters QC, we want at least three people to QC it.

So if you are interested, here is what you need to do. You need to tell Gumbaloom that you would like to volunteer. The best way is to catch him chatting in IRC channel #live-evil @ He is also know as Professor_Gumba there. If he's not chatting, then PM him. Alternately, leave a message for Gumbaloom on the forum here. Keep trying. Eventually you will get noticed.

We are looking for people with the following skills.
- You must know English grammar fairly well. If you got a reasonly good mark in grade 10 English then you are probably OK.
- We don't expect you to QC everything that comes along but you must be willing to QC several series.
- Whey you QC something, the report needs to be submitted reasonably quickly. When something is ready to QC, we try to get reports from three people over the next day or so. Not counting download time it probably takes around 40 to 60 minutes to QC a 24 minute episode. When you're done you upload your notes, telling us what you think should be changed.
- We want people who are willing to make a commitment. If you think you're willing to put in an hour or two a week, we'd really like to hear from you.

If you've been watching fan-subbed anime and you've ever wondered what it would be like to do fan-subbing yourself, here is your chance.

Go for it!  ;D

We could truly use a few more dedicated QCer's at this point!!!!
Lack of QC staff=slower releases  :-[  :'(
Right now we only have 2 or 3 people who QC lots of projects on a regular basis, so if you have a favorite anime and you are frustrated with slow releases, do something about it. Come and be a QCer. Its fun, pretty easy and there are perks as well.

I'm not really busy with anything at the moment so I can help out with qcing on something. Just shoot me a pm on irc and I will be more than happy.


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