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Offline hostghost

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Fansub - technical
« on: November 02, 2006, 07:33:38 pm »
Anybody have a link, or the patience to explain what exactly the various steps of the fansub process are.

These steps are mentioned in the FAQ:
Translation -> Timing -> Editing -> Typesetting -> QC encode -> QC -> QC implement -> Final Encode

What kind of programs and prcesses do a episode go through before it goes to distro?

(I truly hope I left anything that could trigger a "who has the biggest accesories" debate)  :P

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Offline YaoiBoy

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Re: Fansub - technical
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 08:39:33 pm »
These steps are mentioned in the FAQ:
Translation -> Timing -> Editing -> Typesetting -> QC encode -> QC -> QC implement -> Final Encode

What kind of programs and prcesses do a episode go through before it goes to distro?

These are the typical programs that get used:
notepad: translation and script editing
Aegisub/Sabbu/Medusa: timing and typesetting (sometimes editing)
Virtual Dub/AviSynth: encoding
AfterEffects/AFX/Vegas/Premiere: visual effects, including complex karaoke and typesetting

Fansubbing is typically done a PC. A fast machine is normally not required, unless you are an encoder or work on visual effects. I do all my work on a dual Xeon workstation, which is overkill for most fansubbing jobs, but makes the FX stuff easier to work with.

Hope this is useful,
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Re: Fansub - technical
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 04:32:49 pm »
Yooiboy is great and he knows a lot of stuff.  :D

* Tsubasa huggles Yaoi as usual.

Anyways, you know what I found interesting? Different people have different opinions regarding what to use for timing. Some people actually use notepad. Then some go for the other common stuff like sub-station, aegisub and/or Medusa. Then some people like them, some people not. Then they start complaing how Aegisub sub sucks and such. Then when a timer experiencing difficult with something like Aegisub asks around for suggestions, it seems a lot of the experienced timers agree it sucks and suggests softwares like sabbu or zombie.  Then there are people who are perfectly happy with their Aegisub.

So lucky i'm no timer.  ;D I'd be really confused that way.  :-\ But timers sure need patience and efficient ones have them too.

And Mr. Stuffed Sheep, if you want to know the exact element that stirred up the accessory thing, well I'm sure you know it's the battle of the genders nature of that thread. Correct me if I'm wrong gumba. >_>

22:02 Mamo-chan: tsubie. if you were a doll. you'd be this:
22:03 Mamo-chan: :O
22:06 Tsubie-chan: kaawaii

Offline hostghost

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Re: Fansub - technical
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2006, 09:17:18 pm »
Great information!

I have alot of after effects/premiere and notepad experience, but never heard of athe other programs. I think I will check some of them out. It's nice to see exactly how much work it takes to do a sub.  :)

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Offline Tsubasa

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Re: Fansub - technical
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 05:56:48 am »
Yaoi also makes great clips with his Vegas Video software.  :D

22:02 Mamo-chan: tsubie. if you were a doll. you'd be this:
22:03 Mamo-chan: :O
22:06 Tsubie-chan: kaawaii