Author Topic: The Frustration Thread  (Read 67947 times)

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Offline Sapphi

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Re: The Frustration Thread
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2007, 04:33:36 am »
i'm frustrated with my life.

the (Christian) school that i've gone to for the past 2 years has also been the school that my cousins and closest friends have gone to, now, EVERYONE decides to pack up and leave (for another Christian school) and i refuse to go, it is waaayy too small.  and while i don't like big schools, i really don't like tiny ones.

so yeah.  it'd be okay if at least one really good friend were staying.
but none of them are.  and my one, close girlfriend who isn't going to Christian school #2 is being pulled out of school by her dad because this one desperate for attention guy decided to pull a cute trick and upset the fragile balance. 

may i mention that this DFA guy has a fascination with pushing me around whenever he sees me in the hallway?  he's super tall, too....  and i'm like 5' 3", so i'm all like "please don't hurt me.."  haha.

yeah, and uhh, then there's this other guy, and he's pretty much been stalking me ever since he found out that i like anime.  and it freaks the crap right out of me.  and now i'm not even going to have my girlfriends there to protect me, lol...

i know in a couple years we'd probably all be going to different colleges anyway, but seriously, i wasn't prepared to have everyone just up and leave me, heh.  here's hoping i survive next year...   :-X
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Offline Tsubasa

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Re: The Frustration Thread
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2007, 09:26:08 am »
Aw, I am leaving home to go to Mass in late August. While I am excited, I am extremely sad because of the people I'll be leaving behind... especially my parents who don't have anyone to take care of them and they're getting old without insurance and all the $$$ they have saved, they'll have to use it to pay for the 4 years of college. Well, I am on a scholarship but they don't meet 100% need.... this school (*kicks*). And their package consists of a work-study that states an amount which people never manage to earn, loans, etc so basically parents gotta pay more than the aid documents said they're expected to. >> Sucky school. Seriously, schools aren't as good as their reputation tend to be. Here they're like 'OMG, the school you're going to is really great.' I am like 'well it's a women's college and apart from the fact that I am a bit homophobic... I heard it's not as intellectually challenging.' You need to be challenged!  >:( So yeah, it does make you frustrated and sad that you have to leave people or they have to leave you and it's inevitable cause time waits for no one and no one can stop the future.

However, I got some nice e-mails over the last couple of days and received services from some nice people and.... *cough* Viz got...*cough*, so I am happy.

- Tsubasa

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Re: The Frustration Thread
« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2007, 09:37:39 am »
I am frustrated coz I have to give up my twin little bed, it's hot (and I've just taken a shower and feel icky) and there's no fan, my toothpaste and toothbrush have been moved to my new home so I didn't get to brush my teeth and will have to stay without it, I am having to eat lunch without being hungry, and most importantly my IP keeps changing too much and dynamic IPs are no fun if you have channels on ETG.  :-\

Meeeeeeooooowwww! Hisssssss!

Ok nuff

- Tsubasa
22:02 Mamo-chan: tsubie. if you were a doll. you'd be this:
22:03 Mamo-chan: :O
22:06 Tsubie-chan: kaawaii

Offline Sapphi

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Re: The Frustration Thread
« Reply #48 on: July 02, 2007, 07:41:48 am »
oooh, i have another, BIG frustration!  (haha)

okay, so, i have two best girlfriends, and we hang out a lot, and watch anime/Smallville together, and pretty much are just around each other a lot for youth group/church functions and that type of thing.

well, girlfriend #1, my cousin, decided to go on the wondrous south beach diet, (which if you haven't heard is very successful but rather difficult to stick with in the beginning, as you can't have bread/crackers/rice/pretty much anything like that) and it's working for her, so girlfriend #2 decides she wants to try it too.

which is fine.
i'm happy that they're trying it, and i'd try it too, but it involves eating a lot of meat, and most meat just disgusts me most of the time.  also, i can't live without my carbs.  XD

BUT it feels like they're forcing their diet on me, because if i'm around them, i can't eat anything they can't eat, or they'll be tempted and want to cheat.

today we had a big church-related dinner (we're baptists, go figure, lol) and cake was served.  girlfriend #2 turned to me and said "oh no, they're serving cake!"  and i said "i like cake..."  and she said "but i can't have it, and you're sitting next to me!"  so i was like "okay.. i'll just eat my cake outside then..?"  the way she said it, it was almost like she expected me to just not eat any! (i didn't, but not for that reason.)

i mean, it's not horrible, but there's something very upsetting about feeling like you're committing a crime against your best friends because you're eating bread.

yeah.   :-X
There was this one time, GOKU was acting like a super stud, and Harlock got sick of him, so Harlock SHOT GOKU, and GOKU DIED.
  ~ Masakari