oooh, i have another, BIG frustration! (haha)
okay, so, i have two best girlfriends, and we hang out a lot, and watch anime/Smallville together, and pretty much are just around each other a lot for youth group/church functions and that type of thing.
well, girlfriend #1, my cousin, decided to go on the wondrous south beach diet, (which if you haven't heard is very successful but rather difficult to stick with in the beginning, as you can't have bread/crackers/rice/pretty much anything like that) and it's working for her, so girlfriend #2 decides she wants to try it too.
which is fine.
i'm happy that they're trying it, and i'd try it too, but it involves eating a lot of meat, and most meat just disgusts me most of the time. also, i can't live without my carbs. XD
BUT it feels like they're forcing their diet on me, because if i'm around them, i can't eat anything they can't eat, or they'll be tempted and want to cheat.
today we had a big church-related dinner (we're baptists, go figure, lol) and cake was served. girlfriend #2 turned to me and said "oh no, they're serving cake!" and i said "i like cake..." and she said "but i can't have it, and you're sitting next to me!" so i was like "okay.. i'll just eat my cake outside then..?" the way she said it, it was almost like she expected me to just not eat any! (i didn't, but not for that reason.)
i mean, it's not horrible, but there's something very upsetting about feeling like you're committing a crime against your best friends because you're eating bread.