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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #90 on: May 13, 2008, 08:19:31 am »
*Bows to all*

Hello,  I am a long time anime fan and have been apart of the community for many years now and recently found your group by accident as one of the tube sites out there had a few of your episodes of galaxy express 999.  The series, which has eluded me for almost half a decade now and now you are currently working on subbing it actually brought tears to my eyes, as i will finally be able to watch the series that first got me into anime in the first place.  I have always been a fan of support those who work so hard to help give joy to the fans around the world, and though i did not see one, if you have a place one can donate to please let me know and i will try and help donate the best i can.  I also notices that you are looking for QCer's and would love and try and help out the best i can.  In short, i truly thank you for the work you do and putting out anime that most people have never heard of.

Hello and welcome to the forums.  ;D Even though I haven't been with the group for very long, I would like to thank you for your kind comments.  I'm sure the other members will welcome the compliment.  Anyways, if you're interested in QCing, you should go to our IRC channel and talk to one of the OPs about it.  :)
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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #91 on: June 18, 2008, 10:45:12 pm »
Hi. {bows}

I love cute anime, yes that includes the world masterpiece series. I am so happy that you guys are working on some of them! Sadly, I'm very much a beginner with Japanese, nor have I ever done any of the other parts of the fansubbing process. But I am a librarian, so if you need something organized, I am your person:)
The Zen librarian searched for nothing on the web and got 327,465,357 hits.

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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #92 on: June 19, 2008, 11:56:52 am »
*looks around*

Uh, hi. I decided to join L-E because of absolutely no reason. Ya, srsly. I think I'll just hang around here and see how it turns out. Idling FTW.

I feel lazy.


Man, that was a terrible introduction. Okay so here's a good one. I'm a computer engineering major who is hopefully planning to attend San Jose State Uni by next Jan as a senior transfer. I rike anime and manga and is obsessed by technology. One day I hope to own a beastly computer so that I can encode episodes faster and try out different codecs and settings. Yah, that's about it.

Zawa Zawa

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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #93 on: June 19, 2008, 10:32:54 pm »
Hi from another n00b  :)

My name's Steve, a long-time anime fan from the UK.

I found my way here thanks to your work on the classics like Harlock, GE999 and QM, but I'm also enjoying Shion and Twenty Faces.
I've QC'd a couple of episodes already,  hopefully I can continue and give something back to the community.

My favourite shows are a bit of a mixed bag... Aria, Monster, Gunbuster, Ichigo Mashimaro, Hajime no Ippo, Beck.

Nice to hear that you guys are planning to release Dirty Pair TV in the future, I'll be looking forward to that.

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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #94 on: July 25, 2008, 02:51:22 pm »
Hi all,I am new here,but have 'stealth visited' for years.   :D

I have been watching anime in one form or another since the late 70's.

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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #95 on: November 19, 2008, 05:05:07 am »
Uh, yeah... I'm new too.

Actually, I've been watching Live-eviL stuff for years.  I've got DAQ #1, so I know it's at least as far back as 2003.  ;D

I download a ton of stuff but don't actually watch too much of it.  Too much bandwidth and too little free time.  So I'm really not up on new shows.  Because that excuse is getting pretty old, I decided to become a translator.  Now I have a really excellent excuse for not watching new stuff... Actually that's not completely true.  It turns out I knew an LE staffer IRL from back in the day, but didn't know it, and she asked me to join (to work on Snow Queen)  It took more than a year for me to say that I'd do it.  I hesitated for a long time because I thought my skills wouldn't be up to the high standard of quality that LE has.

Anyway, I started with LE in May or June, and I've been doing Snow Queen since episode 16, so when that's late or delayed it is occasionally my fault.  I've also been doing TL checks for some shows like DAQ (36-45) and GE999 (33).  And I translated episode 3 of Lamune whateverthisiterationiscalled.  The release pipeline is long, and while translation is the most necessary step, it doesn't usually take the longest.

So hi.  I'd have been on the forums earlier, but, well... I'm an old man (started fansubbing in 1993, but took a break from 1995-2008 :P ) and I still like email better.  IRC is still good, though.

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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #96 on: November 20, 2008, 08:28:18 am »
It turns out I knew an LE staffer IRL from back in the day, but didn't know it, and she asked me to join (to work on Snow Queen)  It took more than a year for me to say that I'd do it.  I hesitated for a long time because I thought my skills wouldn't be up to the high standard of quality that LE has.

Oh, who might that be? Could it perhaps be suzaku_nomiko(aka Suz):o
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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #97 on: November 20, 2008, 12:56:56 pm »
Oh, who might that be? Could it perhaps be suzaku_nomiko(aka Suz):o

Could be.  But due to some local club politics, everyone (except me) who'd been an officer prior to around 2001 was either totally not involved anymore or was sort of in extreme stealth mode.  So until after I agreed to start working for LE, I just thought she was some random person who happened to be on our club mailing list...

Offline tenkenX6

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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #98 on: November 23, 2008, 08:57:29 am »
Hmm....I see. That's interesting. It's kind of like a minor revelation.  :o
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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #99 on: November 29, 2008, 07:47:02 am »
Hello all, JayGee here.  I'm a new QC recruit.  Been an anime fan for roughly two years, but I'm only just now getting my feet wet when it comes to getting involved in fansubbing.

Go easy on me!

Offline tenkenX6

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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #100 on: December 02, 2008, 09:28:08 am »
Hello all, JayGee here.  I'm a new QC recruit.  Been an anime fan for roughly two years, but I'm only just now getting my feet wet when it comes to getting involved in fansubbing.

Go easy on me!

Hey, welcome to the group.  ;D We could always use more QC'ers. BTW, we will go easy on you if you actively do your end of the job(which it seems you are so far).  ;)
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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #101 on: December 03, 2008, 11:54:37 pm »
BTW, we will go easy on you if you actively do your end of the job(which it seems you are so far).  ;)

I never planned on doing otherwise, so I guess I'm set then.

Offline Saintevil

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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #102 on: December 04, 2008, 12:44:08 am »
Since I've got my access now, I thought I'd introduce myself.

My name is Steve, I'm 28 and live about 30 miles north of Seattle in a town called Everett.

I've watched anime for about 7 years and really got into in it maybe 4 years ago. I've only been doing to torrent and IRC thing for aout 2 years.

My favs would be Beck, Cowboy Bebop, Honey and Clover, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Of the more current stuff, I really like Toradora and Detroit Metal City.

Outside of anime, I'm a big sports fan (NFL, MLB, MMA), WWE, video games, pub quizes and online sports sims. I have a Chihuahua named Mocha and two cats, Krauser and Grover. Also, I make a mean grilled PBnJ

Hope to contribute to the QC team the best I can and look forward to helping in anyway.

Offline tenkenX6

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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #103 on: December 05, 2008, 08:31:06 am »
Since I've got my access now, I thought I'd introduce myself.

My name is Steve, I'm 28 and live about 30 miles north of Seattle in a town called Everett.

I've watched anime for about 7 years and really got into in it maybe 4 years ago. I've only been doing to torrent and IRC thing for aout 2 years.

My favs would be Beck, Cowboy Bebop, Honey and Clover, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Of the more current stuff, I really like Toradora and Detroit Metal City.

Outside of anime, I'm a big sports fan (NFL, MLB, MMA), WWE, video games, pub quizes and online sports sims. I have a Chihuahua named Mocha and two cats, Krauser and Grover. Also, I make a mean grilled PBnJ

Hope to contribute to the QC team the best I can and look forward to helping in anyway.

I know this may sound like stereotyping or whatever, but do you like Ichiro Suzuki, since you live near Seattle and like MLB?  ;D I've been a big fan of his for years now. He's such an awesome athlete, IMHO.

BTW, welcome to the group. We look forward to your QCing help.  :)
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Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« Reply #104 on: December 05, 2008, 08:34:44 am »
Nice to have all the new blood around! Keeps the group fresh and fun :)

Look forward to seeing you guys on irc ^^

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