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The Ideal BitTorrent Client for you

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The uTorrent is one of the best Free BitTorrent client for netbook.What makes uTorrent an ideal bittorrent client for netbooks is its extremely small size and less than 6MB of memory requirement.This makes uTorrent really light on your netbook resources,and provides you with a good to use bittorent client to download torrents.

What I like about µtorrent is that it's available for macs :D.

I've only used a few different bit torrent clients in the past but I like u torrent a lot. It's light weight and fast.  8)

Back in the day I used Azureus and loved it. Not too long ago I tried it again to see how it had changed, and wow, just way to much junk going on.

I've been using Transmission for awhile and it works pretty good.  I've been meaning to try out µTorrent to see if it's any better than Transmission.


--- Quote from: soxonoxon on September 20, 2014, 09:39:02 am ---Back in the day I used Azureus and loved it. Not too long ago I tried it again to see how it had changed, and wow, just way to much junk going on.

--- End quote ---
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