Author Topic: TSUBASA CHRONICLE 2ND SEASON FAQ's - READ ME!  (Read 64032 times)

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Offline LTanimeanime

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« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2006, 06:26:37 pm »
Congratulations. You are the weakest link.


what did u mean by that

Offline TsubasaSeraphina

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« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2006, 08:08:57 am »
Hmmm. I would hope you arn't adressing me, however if that is the case, I'd like to tell you I tried my best to be polite, I always do. I am very sorry that when I asked that question I didn't really know how it works around here or much anything about the comunity in general. I'm sorry if you found my question offensive.

I'd like explain, as well, that I did not ask when the episode would be out. I simply asked if someone could tell me about what was going on, I thought perhaps there was a lisence issue, but I don't know where to find out details on such a thing. I'd also given thought to the possibility that someone involved with the project was having their own problems outside of the internet, I simply wanted to know the details concerning these issues. I did go through threads, take advantage of the search option, and so forth. Although, I do believe you ought to examine your own behavoir before you cast stones my way, kind Sir.

Also, come to think of it, I just thought, judging by the TRC S2 master tread, that some people do care that they "aren't get getting their weekly fix of anime", and that is not to say that anyone has pressured the staff or been rude, but they do care.

If the circumstances surrounding the lack of new releases in this series have been clearly explain somewhere, please link me, I'd like to know, it makes waiting easier. The nearest thing to a explination that I've been able to pick up is that Tufo-sensei has dissapeared for reasons unknown, and if you think that that is a quite clear explination, I'd simply have to beg to differ with you. Although, at this point, I'd be more concerned that somthing was wrong, but I hope he returns soon.

^-^; and one more thing,
I would greatly appriciate it if you would not call me "baka".

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Offline Blue Mage

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« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2006, 09:36:49 am »
First things, first. You didn't happen to actually read the first page properly, did you? You'll note that the post that LTanimeanime quoted occurred before you posted in this thread. Why on earth would my response to that post be a response to you then?

As to the rest of your post:
To be frank, the explanation has been quite clear. The translator simply doesn't currently have the time to devote to fansubbing activities due to issues IRL. In essence, the translator for the show is gone. I really don't see how much more clear one can get. If no more details have been given, it's most likely due to the fact that a) they aren't particularly relevant and b) they're no one else's bloody damn business. It has been stated on this very website that unless a series has been announced as being dropped, we are still doing it. Questions answered.

Also, come to think of it, I just thought, judging by the TRC S2 master tread, that some people do care that they "aren't get getting their weekly fix of anime", and that is not to say that anyone has pressured the staff or been rude, but they do care.

Unless there has been some stated goal as to when these episodes will be released, there is simply no excuse for even asking. It is the commonly written rule of fansubbing that because this is an activity done in people's spare time, it cannot be expected to conform to any sort of schedule. All sorts of things crop up to delay a project. When I said "no one," the implication is in fact "the staff".

If you'll remember, there were a couple of rather long pauses during the first season as well.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2006, 09:38:37 am by Blue Mage »
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Offline aranhil

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« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2006, 06:36:25 am »
I still don't understand why the hell people in this community think it's SO incredibly rude to ask "when will the next episode is coming out".  It's not the translator's responsibility, not the group's responsibility, not anyone's responsibility to get the fansubs out.  People do this out of their own interest and spare time; and whenever they don't have time they can simply stop it all at once and no one can do anything about it.  So why feel pressured?  Why be so sensitive?  No one is going to accuse of anybody for the delay; they are merely asking.  If nobody in the group has time to make new releases, then they wouldn't have time to care about how many millions of fans asking about releases on the forum.  So what's the problem?  Live Evil is not the only fansub group on the planet, if this group doesn't have it at the moment, other groups will.  If LTanimeanime doesn't get the answer, he/she will just go find other sources.  Why would anyone be so nervous to think that such a question is pressuring?  LTanimeanime is just asking a question, not making an accusation!  (Even if it was an accusation, so what?  There are more important things in life than making these releases or getting angry at some stranger on the internet.)  If you don't have the answer we'll just go other places.  What's the big deal?  Yet Blue Mage sounds like he's in some sort of rage against such a harmless question.  This IS an online FORUM, after all.

Offline TsubasaSeraphina

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« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2006, 08:10:02 am »
First things, first. You didn't happen to actually read the first page properly, did you? You'll note that the post that LTanimeanime quoted occurred before you posted in this thread. Why on earth would my response to that post be a response to you then?

I didn't read the first page becuase I was having wireless issues and when I clicked the link it brought me to the most current page, I tried to veiw the first page but my connenction was failing. (I hate wireless...) Anyways, I figured it was a response to me becuase your post was simply too long and perhaps too harsh to be a response to such a vauge post. That is to say, the post you responded to didn't warrant that reply, said person simply asked when the episode would be out and not any details, whereas your reply made a point of the fact that the reasons where clearly explained, which would be completly out of place since Lt. didn't ask why.

~*Eternal Snow*~
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Offline Blue Mage

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« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2006, 08:55:04 am »
This line of discussion is quickly becoming silly, so I'll keep this short. It is considered rude to ask when the next episode is coming simply because it irritates the fansubbers. You'll note that the staff are generally pretty happy to give status updates on virtually any show but the very popular ones.

It doesn't matter if the questions are harmless or that we should probably ignore them. We don't feel particularly pressured by the questions and we sure as hell aren't sensitive. It's a matter of precedent. If we let someone get away with it now... the slippery slope effect comes into play. The single most irritating factor here is that it's spam. Both here and on the IRC channel, people just don't need to be wading through the junk of dozens of people asking "Where's my TRC?" We had the same issue when it came to ID4. You've been told not to do it, so don't. It's as simple as that.

As to my supposed rage issues....

I just can't think of any response to that. I don't have any rage issues. Weird, yes. Random, yes. Exceedingly strange, yes. Mildly irritated, probably. Full of rage? No. I'm actually rather amused by this whole thing.

TsubasaSeraphina, as much as I do sympathize with wireless difficulties, there is no excuse for the misunderstanding. You did not take the time to understand what was going on in the thread, made a snap judgement and thus managed to make a nuisance of yourself. My original response to the original post by LTanimeanime was quite appropriate.

And one final thing:
While this is an online forum, it isn't a public forum. There are specific rules both here and on the IRC channel. You've just encountered the best enforced of those rules. It may be a silly one, but hey, dem's de rules...
« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 09:06:17 am by Blue Mage »
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Offline hikaru_masha

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« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2006, 09:28:41 am »
And in the words of Jackie Chan's awesome grandfather: "And one more thing!"
Lurk before you post. Baka.  :-X

that was his uncle not grandfather

Offline hikaru_masha

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« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2006, 10:01:57 am »
I would just like to say that this is rather ammusing! Watching all you ppl argue...its so funny. i have just a few breif comments....

1. These people sub for us! it is a priveledge to be able to watch these shows, not a right!
2. They dont have to do  this, it isn't a job, they don't profit from it. infact, they lose the time they put into these projects.
3. If it want for yhem, you'd still be waiting for funimation to release the dub!
4. If you agrivate the subbers, they wont want to do it for you. It's just like why give a bratty child candy?
5. It IS rude to continuously pester the people who are doing YOU a favour by asking "when will the next episode be out?". It's ungreatful and nagging! its just like if your mom were to ask you "did you clean your room yet?" over and over 50 million times. chill out and give these ppl some slack! the episode will be out when it's out so chill!
6. Even if you dont agree that it is rude, if someone is saying it offends them, that's the end of the discussion! geeze! you have no right to judge what people are insulted by.

so basically, get off thier case! i'm not saying this as an angry encoder, im saying this as another fan waiting on the next you can't say my opinion is biased! For fuck's sakes! think about what you're doing before you shoot your mouth off!

Honestly! The stupidity and lack of manners of some people really amazes me!
« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 10:09:36 am by hikaru_masha »

Offline Blue Mage

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« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2006, 04:26:13 pm »
that was his uncle not grandfather

Good grief, I'd forgotten that. Thank you.

Post edited.
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Offline Tsubasa

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Tsubasa S2 and NANA has been dropped!
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2006, 05:20:00 pm »
Tsubasa S2 and NANA had been dropped!
22:02 Mamo-chan: tsubie. if you were a doll. you'd be this:
22:03 Mamo-chan: :O
22:06 Tsubie-chan: kaawaii