Author Topic: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)  (Read 127031 times)

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #60 on: March 10, 2009, 12:10:02 am »
2009-03-08 20:08:  Reference number 303

This is a difficult question and I am not sure there is just one answer.  The biblical nature is not lost, the statement itself is as if someone is hearing the words of god.  We do not know the context for these words, we can guess at it, but ultimately we do not know it.  The words are simply given.

> Do you know what is the sin?
> It isn't because you ate the forbidden fruit.
> Do you know what is the sin?
> It isn't because you listened to the serpent.
> You still don't know what is the sin?
> Then, that itself is your sin.

If you read the original storey, 3:12, man, confronted by god, blames woman.  3:13, woman, confronted by god, blames the snake.  My immediate view here is that neither one admited guilt, ie. "I was wrong, please forgive me."  They tried to justify their misdeed, this is why they were punished.  Had they admitted guilt, that in itself would be punishment enough.  The sin is 'pride'.

By another interpretation, the sin would be non-temperance or 'lack of judgement', but this would be paradoxical since neither man nor woman could be expected to practice judgement before the act.  Both had will, but no judgement.  So the first interpretation seems the most obvious.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #61 on: March 13, 2009, 01:05:51 am »
2009-03-12 09:28:  Reference number 305

I don't feel sorrey for them.  Really.  To me they are both stupid.  It is just a matter of who is more stupid.  Right or wrong is beside the point, I'm tired of listening to the whining. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #62 on: March 16, 2009, 10:00:38 pm »
2009-03-15 07:16:  Reference number 307

It's not what you think it is.  He has pleanty of time.  It's deeper than that, it's the overall message.  He's got complications with that overall message, hence it doesn't get done.  Think of it this way, if you are told to do something, but that 'something' conflicts with your own sense of who you are, how the world works, your beliefs on right and wrong, etc., it puts some people into a state of cognitive dissonance where the act itself is never done.  Excuses might be given, but those excuses are not real, they are made-up, decoys to justify their avoidance of the act.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #63 on: March 20, 2009, 01:33:16 am »
2009-03-18 23:39:  Reference number 309

It was a delicate situation.  Letting her run wild with her plans, not putting a stop to them immediately, would only invite further damage.  When we put a stop to her scheme, we did find one already in the works.  Sure, we could have put someone new in her place and kept operating, at least until a release was made.  But those kinds of things are neither our field of expertise nor how we operate.  And no, I don't know what they'll do with it now that the whole boondoggle has been revealed.  Look at it from their perspective, they never intended to do this to begin with, so they'll probably just throw it away. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #64 on: March 25, 2009, 11:19:16 pm »
2009-03-24 07:12:  Reference number 312

To even act this way shows a total lack of perspective.  It's like the old saying among pigs, don't get in bed with a cat and then complain you got bitten.  The numbers cited alone should show this complete lack of perspective. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #65 on: April 08, 2009, 10:33:59 pm »
2009-04-08 08:37:  Reference number 319

[WARNING:  possible spoilers]

It can be looked at any number of ways, but her final words confirm the most obvious interpretation.
A shared dream between two people, one, up to and including the moment of being born, the other, in doubt and questioning the past.  Of course there are other interpretations, but that is the most obvious and sensible one.  The theme should also be made obvious around the same time, if not already (I guessed it in the previous episode), to have faith in one's own past doings, not doubt. 


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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #66 on: April 18, 2009, 01:24:46 am »
2009-04-17 07:03:  Reference number 324

That they had memos to begin with is part of the systemic problem.  Memos are bureaucracy.  They are written by bureaucrats who are detached from the work at hand.  They are rarely, if ever, used in practice.  The bureaucrat writes it so he can say 'look what I did'.

In the uncommon case where real documents are used for, or applied to, a task, these documents are typically 'white paper' or 'working documents'.  These are much more readable than 'memos' and if you have read the memos in question you should agree.  But in most real cases, problems like these are handled as-you-go.  When Bob the rat's treachery was revealed, we didn't have a protocol or document or anything formal like that.  We didn't ask for one either.  Granted they were going to feed him to the cat, but so what. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #67 on: April 28, 2009, 12:49:58 am »
2009-04-26 21:01:  Reference number 332

It is worth watching.  Complaining 'it is not accurate' is really not valid, 3K is far from accurate to begin with. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #68 on: May 09, 2009, 12:21:14 am »
2009-05-08 06:21:  Reference number 338

It cannot be applied in every single situation.  In fact most everyday situations, it can't.  But in situations where it is relevant, it is absolute and transcends all other things.  It's not a complicated thing, really.

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #69 on: May 22, 2009, 01:52:51 am »
2009-05-20 11:41:  Reference number 347

Probably in the mid-late period of the year, think around July to September. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #70 on: July 01, 2009, 12:45:31 am »
2009-06-30 12:17:  Reference number 361

Yes, September 2009 for real.  #1 through #5 will be re-released also.  Wolf and spice should also be out by the end of the year.  

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #71 on: July 06, 2009, 11:59:42 pm »
2009-07-06 06:41:  Reference number 362

Absolutely nothing happened.  In reality everything went as normal.  Real people can confirm this.  Do not listen to rumors / online innuendo.  No, that is not yelling / shrieking you hear in the background. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #72 on: July 07, 2009, 12:15:09 am »
2009-07-06 06:45:  Reference number 363

Yes.  Basically this is what happened.  At the "last minute", Mr. Sparkles decided he wanted to host a small animal mascot meet-and-greet where the mascots could meet the fans and industry, sign autographs, take questions and all that.  Not as any kind of fundraiser or charity event, but, "just because".  Basically just your everyday, garden-variety panel. 

Now this was kinda late notice, Ben was kinda iffy about pushing this through at the last minute until he saw the fan and industry response and some people who wanted in on it, ie. to be there, pressured him to push it through.  It was really rushed, last-minute, so the only timeslot Ben could find for the panel where a large enough room was available happened to overlap with the industry/fansubbing panel.  And when the industry execs who were considering attending that panel heard about the small animal meet and greet, they badly wanted to attend and suddenly that created a conflict in their schedule.  I'm sure you can figure out the rest from there. 

So honestly there is nothing there.  It is not that they (Funi or anyone else) hates anyone.  They'd just rather be somewhere else.  Sorrey if it causes anyone troubles, but that's just the way things sometimes turn out.  Bad luck, it happens. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #73 on: July 27, 2009, 07:37:55 pm »
2009-07-27 06:45:  Reference number 366


NOTE:  Thanks for pointing this out to the pig.  I'll look into it tonight. 

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Re: Answers from the pig (responses to questions asked over Skype)
« Reply #74 on: July 31, 2009, 06:16:14 pm »
2009-07-31 8:51:  Reference number 368

The reason Vincent wasn't there (*) was b'cos he died a few months ago.  Everyone was really sad, here is the memorial video that was made shortly after he died.

(*) The pig is refering to the 'small animal mascot meet and greet' panel at Otakon.