General > Leeching & Technical Problems

Rose of Versailles patch


It has been brought to our attention that episode 5 of ROV in the bittorrent batch is slightly corrupt (1 frame).

A zidrav patch file has been created to correct this problem.  To use this patch, you will need zidrav and the following patch file:

* Patch:
* Zidrav:
The correct CRC for episode 5 is: 60E5F411... or apparently 7B9D9469.  (yeah, we can't seem to figure it out either, but both versions are error-free >.<)

Please let us know if any additional problems are found.


I was wondering, do we need to patch this if we are getting RoV now, or is it fixed and the patch is needed for people who had the old version of the batch?

Also, someone batched your release of RoV with some old releases of Dear Brother in a Riyoko Idea collection. What I was wondering was: if I was using this, would I still be able to connect to people who are seeding the stand-alone "[Live-eviL] Rose of Versailles 1-40 (COMPLETE)" file which is seeded on ScaryWater?

I just figured it might make more sense to download both at once. I did find a stand-alone Dear Brother torrent, but I figured it would go really slowly. Actually it might just be better to do them separately, or like, if they could be merged, not sure.

retrograde inversion:
To answer your questions in order:
1. Not sure the batch ever was updated...
2. No, if you use another site's batch torrent, you probably won't be able to use it to talk to our batch torrent—especially since the contents of the torrents are different; it's very likely that each torrent divides all the files into individual chunks differently, and the chunks would not be compatible between the two torrents. So use one torrent or the other, but not both. (Preferably ours ;p)

if your worried about the speed of the torrent, you can always use a bt client that let's you choose which files in the batch to download, and just block the ROV in the combined torrent.  that way you won't have to worry about DLing it twice.

as for the patch, i believe the batch plays fine with out it, but if you have a problem then get the patch.

as this anime was licensed im suprised this hasnt been cleaned im locking it for now then removing it later i think


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