Author Topic: It's almost that time of year again -- the Live-evil New Fansub Series Lottery  (Read 11954 times)

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Offline Sindobook

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Guess what folks!  It's almost that time of year again!

For those that don't remember or haven't been through one of these before, read the FAQ below. 
The solicitation period will start on Monday, Oct 29. and will last 2 weeks.  After this time, the lottery will be held and the pig will randomly select a few new series' which we will then proceed to fansub.

For the loyal fans, this is your chance to suggest new series or to have your favorite series subbed by your favorite fansub group.  Don't let this once-a-year opportunity pass you by.  Call up the pig to vote, and remember, vote early and vote often.

1) How do I contact the pig to suggest a new series? 

Contact the pig like you normally contact him (see the piggie FAQ).  SERIES SUGGESTIONS MUST BE MADE OVER SKYPE.  DO NOT POST YOUR SUGGESTIONS AS PART OF THIS THREAD.

2) Okay I've downloaded Skype and placed a call in to the pig.  The call went through, but all I hear is squeaking noises.  How do I record my new series suggestion?

There are two ways to do this.  1) Speak the name of the series.  Your voice may be recorded for later use.  2) Type the name of the series in the "Skype Chat" window. 

3) Okay, I've done that.  How do I know my suggestion has been received?

Listen for a response from the pig.  When you hear a response from the pig, that is the indication that your request has been received.

4) How is the lottery actually held?

The names of the different series' suggested are written on some piggie treats, one treat per series name.  The treats are placed in the piggies cage simultaneously.  Then we turn the piggies lose and when only three piggie treats remain, those three series will be selected for subbing by live-evil.

Offline Sindobook

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Alright folks!

After some internal discussion we are making one change for this year.

There will be only two new titles picked by the lottery.
The third title will be chosen based on a "game of skill" played against the pig.

Keep watching this forum for threads, in the next few days a post will be made describing how to challenge and play against the pig online.  The "game of skill" we have chosen is Shogi, which is popularized in the show "Shion no Ou". 

The way it will work is this.  You get a chance to play against, and possibly beat the pig at Shogi.  Due to the anticipated popular demand, there will be a limit of one challenge (and play) per person over the time period.  At the end of the allotted time period, the player who was able to beat the pig in the fewest number of moves gets to choose the third title.  If nobody can beat the pig in the alloted time period, the pig will choose the next title.

If you lost to the pig during the contest, fear not.  You can redeem yourself once the contest is over and the third title has been chosen.  There will be pleanty of time for a re-match where you can attempt to reclaim your honour or redeem yourself.

Details of how to challenge and play against the pig will be posted soon.  Most likely it will be a free online site if we can find one that is usable and reliable.  The games will be on an even level with no handicaps. 
DO NOT mistake yourself into thinking it will be an easy task to defeat the pig.  He is no pushover and he has been practicising against Shisen's Yuebing and others.