Main PC (built myself in May 2005):
Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz w/ hyperthreading
Intel motherboard
2 GB of RAM
1.5 TB of hard drive space
Windows XP SP2
connected to a lovely 19" Gateway 2000 CRT
This is what I use for all my fansubbing.
local server (built myself in late 2004 from mostly spare parts):
Pentium III 933 Mhz
256 MB RAM
approx 1 TB disk space
FreeBSD 6.2
connecticut server (My beloved Maaya, by far my favorite PC):
Almost all original parts from a Packard Bell desktop purchased in 1998, was used for approximately 5 years in a small real estate office in CT before being decommissioned
Cyrix MII 233 Mhz
32 megs RAM
approximately 1 TB disk space attached to a 3ware RAID controller purchased in 2001
FreeBSD 5.2 BETA, custom kernel compiled last on Sun Apr 4 01:06:01 EST 2004. The system needed to be ultra-streamlined to run efficiently with only 32 megs ram. Everything was compiled from scratch with tweaked gcc switches for performance.
This PC is nearing 10 years in age and is by far my most stable PC. Can anyone top this one?
