Author Topic: The Game of Shiritori  (Read 140899 times)

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Re: The Game of Shiritori
« Reply #135 on: November 24, 2013, 01:40:51 am »
I posted that over 5 years ago.... *whaps tenken with salmon*

Yeah, I know, but you said back then that the thread should be resurrected. Since no one else bothered to take action, I did.  ;)

I haven't seen the  "1) Only nouns can be used." rule at other places I've played this game. That's in the normal game?

And with 9 pages of posts, the "can not be repeated" rule becomes kinda hard to manage  :P

As far as I know, the "only nouns can be used" rule is one of the basic rules for the normal game. I think the other shiritori games you have seen elsewhere were bending the rules in one way or another.  ;)

Nah, just 9 pages of posts is nothing. You just have to use your imagination and be creative.  ;D
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