We dropped that series long ago.
AnimeCo is fansubbing the series.
Remember, google is your friend 
Actually AnimeCo hasn't done anything with this series in quite some time. I think they released episode 36 in August of 2007. Anime Club Arabic did episodes 37 - 39 around September of 2008, but then they also seemed to stop. I'll join Raza in asking if you guys are up to starting it up again

Could you finish
Ashita no Nadja since nobody else seems to want to? Rather surprising when you realize that
Rosemary Applefield and
Nadja Applefield were the first and second place winners of the
2004 Anime Saimoe Tournament I never have figured out why no fansub group finished this series. I would think that a show that received first and second place as the most Moe Anime Girl in a series, would have subbers flocking to finish it.
I realize that because Nadja and the troupe are touring all of Europe this anime is a translation nightmare
, but I'm sure that a group as great as Live-Evil is up to the challenge! GAMBARE!