Since we've gotten so many requests, here's a brief status report.
To whoever sent us the iDog, very funny. Honestly people we need a real bot, not some kind of robot pet. Send us a real bot body (with an intact brain) and we'll finish this series.
The pig is listening to your suggestions. Thank you poppy561, like you suggested we tried downloading his brain data into V-BotSim JAVA applet recently but this just ain't going to cut it. It made a few posts to ASuki and then started browsing the web and this forum and it just wasn't doing anything useful. We tried to convince it to translate 22 but it went onto amazon and was about to place an order for 20 pink furby plush dolls so we had to pull the plug. We're not going to go near V-BotSim again until they fix the Personality Module support. The old Tofu definately wouldn't have acted that way.
On to the topic of encouragement, this is just as much your project just as it is ours. We can't do this without fan support. Pestering the pig ain't going to make it show up any faster. I don't mean emotional support or support in principle.
The sooner we get a reliable, working bot to download his brain back into the sooner we can finish this and everyone gets to go home happy.
I know he broke down at probably the worst time possible but that is just part of what goes on in fansubbing and you have to deal with it. Other groups have had to deal with worse issues every day, we consider ourselves lucky. I remember when EF's bot went frankenstein, commandeered their webpage, posted nasty stories about there members, and just generally ran around causing havoc. When Tofu went, he just went. It was like a 'pop' and he was gone.
There's fans out there, lots of fans for this show, you can do it, so c'mon. Even if you can't order us up new bot, get a used one or something. Send us one of your old ones you don't need. There's groups out there with bots that are idling and even one of those older ones would probably suffice. You won't know until you try. Not only will this series finally be finished, but you'll also earn the eternal gratitude of the pig. And that's far more valueable than anything else you'll receive in your life.