We like to watch things on big screen instead of a pc monitor; and unfortunately many encodes with hardsubs use way to small or otherwise hard to read subs for that purpose (think of us short sighted elderly people out here

) or dont respect the
legacy overscan area of most tv displays. With softsubs that problem does not occur on standalone players...
For example, the font size and type used in the l-E Under Arrest hardsubbed releases is generally a good choice; but the
safe area is not respected so that the whole picture must be shrunk to keep the subs (especially the additional and/or karaoke ones) on the screen, which is impossible when using a standalone player, if you dont want to reencode...... otherwise IT WOULD BE PERFECT (hint hint

We respect and understand LEs decision not to give out .srt files--- there are to many greedy people on eBay...