Author Topic: The Questions in the "Answers from the Pig" thread  (Read 25596 times)

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Offline Sindobook

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The Questions in the "Answers from the Pig" thread
« on: September 08, 2008, 10:03:57 pm »
B'cos multiple people have asked, I'll post what I can remember here.

A047) Someone was asking about the breakup of some disgaea fan-group.

A048) Someone was asking about two rumors they had heard about live-evil over IRC.

A049) Someone was asking what the pig's most favorite show to watch was.

A050) Someone was asking about the horse character in the forementioned show.

A051) Someone was asking about [DELETED]

after A051) This was my own comment about whether [DELETED] was telling the truth or not.

A052)  Someone was asking how to make vegetable stir-fry, one of the dishes the pig eats.

A053)  Someone was insisting to the pig that Yue-bing was not dangerous, and this was his response.

A057)  Someone was asking the pig if he he thought Harlock-esque shows were realistic or not.

A060)  Someone was complaining to the pig about their high energy bill.

A064)  Someone called about a politician who made some bad comparison between postwar iraq and postwar Japan.

A065)  Someone was asking the pig about an improper translation in a game they were playing.

A067)  Someone was asking the pig about SOS ("Save Our Sailors") and the Pop Tart Procot, etc.  This event happened long before the pig was born, so he didn't know the answer.

A074)  Someone was asking the pig about covered-call stock / options trading schemes.

80)  Someone was asking a reportedly bad frame in an Episode of Shion no Ou that Live-evil released.

82)  Someone was asking the pig for advice regarding a fansubbing group he was creating.

87)  Someone was asking the pig how he planned to respond to different groups that were attacking Bittorrent and its use online.

93)  Someone was asking the pig about a newer stir-fry recipe.

further response to A051)  [DELETED]

95)  Someone was asking the pig who in "Shion no Ou" his favorite character was.

114)  Someone was asking about a character in one of the pig's online blogs / stories I think.

119)  The pig was instructing someone on searching an online database.

121)  Someone was asking the pig for his report on the "Bunny Caucus".

127)  Someone was asking about the ending in the second season of Higurashi TV show.

129)  Someone was asking how likely in Shion no Ou it was that Shion could be the murderer.

131)  Someone was asking about the pin numbering scheme used with BGA ICs.

137)  Someone was asking the pig where they could get online 'visual novel' type software.

141)  Someone was inquiring to the pig about an unusual IRC user using the live-evil channel.

Offline Sindobook

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Re: The Questions in the "Answers from the Pig" thread
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 10:35:32 pm »
142)  After some debate, this is the pig's continued explanation for his answer to reference 141.

145)  Someone was asking the pig which modern-shows have animal-friendly or pet-friendly themes.

152)  The pig adresssed one of Yue-bing's schemes to facilitate even faster "speedsubbing".

157)  Someone was asking the pig if a certain fansub was a live-evil release or not.

158)  Someone was asking the pig about honey getting old.

159)  The pig is quoting the publically available scripts for Pelsia.

163)  Someone was asking the pig if he liked the current Nanoha TV series (Nanoha StrikerS)

165)  The pig is commenting further on the above.

166)  Someone called the pig all panicked about a reported rice shortage.

171)  NA

172)  Someone said the submarine in Daughter of Twenty Faces was messed up.

175)  Someone was asking the pig to explain other comments he had made bout Daughter of Twenty Faces.

197)  Someone was asking the pig about Yue-bing's "stunning" loss at the Bunny Caucus.

199)  Someone asked for a repost of the pig's ratings.

212)  Something about communication theory or different ways to "communicate".

220)  Someone asked the pig about small animals playing Wii Fit.

224)  Someone asked the pig about a reported shortage of Timothy Hay.

Offline Sindobook

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Re: The Questions in the "Answers from the Pig" thread
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2008, 11:17:44 pm »
226)  [DELETED]

239)  Someone was asking the pig why he felt the second Minami-ke series was worse than the first.

243)  Someone was telling the pig he had seen a human-sized bunny and was asking him about them.

247)  Someone was asking if the pig liked any of the second Minami-ke series episodes.

251)  Someone was accusing the pig of promoting violence when he encouraged people to watch Higurashi during a recent pigcast.

258)  Someone was asking about pigs (or other small animals) that were rumored to have been injured in India.

264)  Several people asked about "Moonshine", which made the pig rather annoyed. 

Offline Sindobook

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Re: The Questions in the "Answers from the Pig" thread
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2009, 10:14:49 pm »
270)  Someone was asking about a rumor that some project (can't remember what) had been dropped or forever stalled.

275)  People were inquiring about an acronym the pig used in a pigcast around the same time.

278)  Someone called in about the rumor that Jojo and Mr. Sparkles had gotten in some big fight or altercation with ramifications for the groups they are in.

281)  Someone asked for more details about the Shion sequel.

293)  Someone asked the pig about a celebrity or some other irrelevant person-of-non-interest (can't remember who, but it doesn't matter).

300) Someone asked the pig if finished episodes were being held back (not released) due to poor economic conditions.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 09:45:05 pm by Sindobook »

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Re: The Questions in the "Answers from the Pig" thread
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2009, 12:41:08 am »
303)  Someone asked the pig for his interpretation of one of Frederica Bernkastel's poems.

305)  The pig was asked to comment on whether not not he felt sorry for the investors who had lost money with Bernie Madoff. 

307)  The pig was asked about general problems encountered with the release of the final episode of "The Daughter of 20 faces".

309)  The pig was asked why the Crunchyroll affair that Yue-bing had facilitated was terminated immediately rather than an alternate course of action taken.

312)  The pig was asked about some other whiners in the news, honestly I can't remember what.

319)  The pig was asked for his interpretation of the final main story arc in the show "Clannad:  After Story"

324)  The pig was asked about some political memos that were causing a furor in the news-of-the-day.

332)  The pig was asked about the current show "Souten Kouro"(?) or something like that, a rendetion of 3K told from the perspective of Cao Cao.

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Re: The Questions in the "Answers from the Pig" thread
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2009, 11:09:03 pm »
347)  Someone was asking the pig when the final episode release of 'Daughter of 20 faces' anime would be.

361)  Someone asked the pig when the new Yotusba manga (from the new publisher, forgot who) would available.

362)  No comment.

363)  The question was in relation to whether the Otakon fansub and industry panel had been canned due to the actions of the pig and friends.

366)  Someone notified the pig of general antipattern use by a offending user, in followup the offending user was banned.

368)  Someone asked why Vincent was not at the Otakon small animal meet and greet panel.

371)  Someone was asking about the current state of [Deleted].

373)  Someone was asking if Yamaha Corporation was going to release a vocaloid-type cavy/bunny/ferret type product incorporating the simulated voices of the Pig, Mr. Sparkles, and Mikey.

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Re: The Questions in the "Answers from the Pig" thread
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2009, 10:09:04 pm »
377)  Someone was asking about the pig's feelings about a PETA bilboard advertisement that had recently went up.

387)  Someone was asking who won the game between the pig and his "Battleship" rival Mr. Hops. 

388)  Someone was informing the pig that one of the "early warning honey pot" accounts had been hacked and/or defaced.  Someone was asking the pig what he thought about the main character in a game that was recently released (can't remember the name).

397)  Numerous questions, all pertaining to [DELETED].

408)  [DELETED].

437)  Someone was worried and asking the pig why the scarywater website was down.

445)  Someone was asking the pig if he knew anything about [DELETED] sightings in-person.