How the pig saved live-evil, part 1 of a series
"The Rise and Fall of Fergie the Rat"
A few years ago, ADV was one of the largest anime licensors in the US. Matt Greenfield was one of the two people at the helm of this licensing giant.
Fergie the rat was a late-born runt of his litter and abandoned by his mom, left to fend for himself. Fergie would have surely perished except that he had the good fortune to be born in Greenfield's attic and Greenfield didn't really clean up his place a lot, he would often leave food just lying around and Fergie would survive by nibbling on this food.
Matt also often left his computer on when he went to work, and Fergie quickly discovered how to get online and surf the net. The pig met Fergie on the "Lil' Pals" BBS and they became good friends. Fergie also became good friends with several other de-facto group leaders, including Shinsen's Yue-bing and Mr. Sparkles, who led multiple groups through proxy. The Pig and these other leaders developed an 'understanding' with Fergie, Fergie would listen in on Matt's calls to and from his work, snoop on him as he used the computer and even read his files, etc. In exchange, they would send Fergie 'gifts' like food and things like that.
The pig used his connections with Fergie to know which titles ADV would license and manage the group accordingly. License negotations weren't always smooth or straightforward and some titles did manage to slip through the cracks, but this strategy did work out pretty well. Fergie's largest accomplishment was when Live-evil was subbing "Death Note" and early on in the effort (around episode #3) it was discovered that ADV was in the final stage of negotiating a license for it. After a substantial bribe from the Pig, Fergie sprung into action by whispering into Matt's ear as he slept, giving him nightmares about the iconic horror title. Fergie did this for three nights, back-to-back, after which Matt ordered his executives to halt licensing negotations on the title. Time passed; "Death Note" was later licensed by Viz, a move outside Fergie's control, but in the meantime Live-evil had time to sub 9 more episodes of it.
With this, the Pig realised what Fergie was capable of and he and Mr. Sparkles developed a 'grand plan'. Every new release season, he and Mr. Sparkles would watch the new releases, choose several of the worst ones, and then pass the names onto Fergie, telling him to convince Matt in his sleep that those titles were "must have" licenses for ADV. Yue-bing wanted nothing to do with this plan, calling it unfeasible. But their persistance paid off, quarter after quarter, ADV would announce more of thse dumb licenses, leaving fans and everyone else in the industry to wonder "what had gotten into their head". And only the Pig and Mr. Sparkles knew the answer to that.
Fergie was a strange case though, rather than being content to be "part of the team" he kept demanding more bribes and "goodiez" from the Pig and Mr. Sparkles. He quickly rose to the positions of "Top Rat" of the Greenfield household, and became the leader of the 70-or-so rats that lived there. Feeling at the top of his world, he supported his lavish lifestyle with the bribes the Pig and Mr. Sparkles sent him.
Meanwhile ADV's fortunes were the exact opposite. John Ledford, Matt's counterpart at ADV, tried to put the brakes on Matt's strange behavior and wild over-licensing of poor shows but by then it was too late. Early in 2008 ADV had gone heavily into debt and had to scale back several of its divisions and halt operations in other areas. By Mid-2008 ADV had all but collapsed.
In this way, three small animals were able to take down what was at one time the largest independent licensor of Anime. Where is he today? Once ADV collapsed, so to did Fergie's own powerbase being dependent on bribes from the Pig and Mr. Sparkles. When times were good, Fergie acted not out of friendship but out of greed so when things turned and the Pig and Mr. Sparkles no longer needed him, he was all but forgotten. Unable to support his lavish lifestyle, he disappeared into obscurity and was never heard from again.