
What are your thoughts on this matter? Good? Bad? So-so?

Bad. I thought fansubbing was just an enjoyable hobby with no monetary gains? No pan handling required.
3 (25%)
Good. We should give back to our favorite groups! (Although, minor brainwashing and etc may be involved.)
0 (0%)
Neutral. I don't think it's good or bad, and don't really care.
2 (16.7%)
0 (0%)
Why are you asking this anyway?
1 (8.3%)
Brown-nosing is cool. I like to get acknowledged.  :D
0 (0%)
Fansubbing is not a non-profit organization like The American Red Cross....
2 (16.7%)
E, none of the above.
4 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: Donating money to fansub groups....good or bad?  (Read 51400 times)

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Offline mamochan

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Re: Donating money to fansub groups....good or bad?
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2008, 10:00:14 am »
What does your alcohol fund have to do with donating to fansubs? *kicks bastard to rizon* Stay on topic :P

Also, people who donate to fansub groups are douchebags. That is all :D
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Offline Saintevil

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Re: Donating money to fansub groups....good or bad?
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2008, 01:21:28 am »
Saintevil: lol, I see. You forgot to post which one of the choices you picked in the poll and the reason(s).  :P  :)

I'm not really for or against it, so I voted "Neutral. I don't think it's good or bad, and don't really care."

I do it for fun, the experience of doing something I wanted to try, and because I like anime. If other people need to add a monitary value to it, then maybe they are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Offline bossyman15

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Re: Donating money to fansub groups....good or bad?
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2009, 06:43:15 am »
E, none of the above.

E? Should it be G? Everybody knows it should be G.

Offline tenkenX6

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Re: Donating money to fansub groups....good or bad?
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2009, 10:11:29 am »
E, none of the above.

E? Should it be G? Everybody knows it should be G.

Actually, in this case, "E" is correct. I was trying to make it sound/look like a multiple choice quiz/test option.  :)
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Offline DesertSkorpion

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Re: Donating money to fansub groups....good or bad?
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2009, 01:25:23 am »
E, none of the above.

E? Should it be G? Everybody knows it should be G.

Actually I counted it out as H
I voted that fan subs are not non profits like the red cross. Here's my line of thought:
If the fan sub is a very popular one and wants high quality customer service and large bandwidth to offer the best downloads, it would be better for them to use a dedicated server system then the freebie online websites. Those are great for something small time or blogish. However freebie websites are not large enough, nor do they have the bandwidth necessary, to offer a good customer relationship and experience.
Secondly this very forum is another good example. I'm not aware, someone can point me to one if they exist, of a freebie website that offers you the ability to have a decent forum system like the one created by Simple Machines LLC. So in order to have a good sized, decent forum where the fans and the subbers can come together you need to have a server setup somewhere. Unfortunately not every fan sub group gets a dedicated server, the ISP connection, and the bandwidth donated to them. These things cost money. Granted, for the most part, they are still pretty cheap each month.
Thirdly there are equipment costs. For example one of the fan sub groups I am a member of bought a brand new server last year. They do have the bandwidth and ISP connection donated true, but without donations of hard cash there would be no more group. The server they had previously was also donated and the person donating its use pulled the plug (so to speak).
Fourthly a decent and honest fan sub group that finds itself needing to ask for donations will not make a request for huge cash cows every month. They might figure out what the exact costs are and ask for that amount only, they might have bandwidth and ISP donated and therefore only ask for small donations to guarantee they have money in an emergency to replace equipment.
In short there are a number of reasons they need access to at least some cash monthly. If a fan sub group ever said I had to pay to get the sub then it wouldn't be a donation, (left to me to decide if I want to give them anything and/or how much) and therefore not in the same league. I wouldn't even do business with those individuals. Instead I would find someone like Live-evil or Static Subs where I have to say the quality of work speaks for itself and makes it worth my time to consider donations now and then.
Unfortunately at this time I am dead ass poor-boy broke so I can not offer donations, only my appreciation and thanks for a well done job

Offline Prince

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Re: Donating money to fansub groups....good or bad?
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2009, 03:41:53 am »
personally i don't disagree with donating however i do think regular monthly/etc donations aren't quite right.
by the way the more i look at your poll the more biased i realise it is: the only options supporting it say something questionable about either the person or the group. imagine one where the person wanted to help their favourite anime but couldn't/didn't know how/was too lazy/there was no localisation (as we know many groups like L-E only sub for) etc. Imagine, as a seperate option even, that the group gave donation money to charity or put towards the anime's creators/etc e.g. by buying more of the DVDs or merchandise and whatnot. the DVDs could, perhaps, be donated to some worthy cause, or perhaps brought to some western country such as America/England and sold for almost exactly the same price with smart conversion...
which brings me conveniently onto my next point, as much as i would love to see a financial summary, or perhaps even proper accounts, for the group's donations and expenditures with said donations... do you realise how unrealistic this is? don't forget that a fansub group is practically a meta-group, an internet group with rare few people living together let alone meeting up and sharing tools/'group equipment' like say if you were a school club.
lastly...oh i don't even remember what else i had to say i got distracted, good day

Offline tenkenX6

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Re: Donating money to fansub groups....good or bad?
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2009, 05:21:43 am »
@DesertSkorpion:  Yeah, it would be "H" if it was an official multiple choice test at school. However, I just used "E" because I'm just random like that.  ;) 

@Prince:  Well, I didn't mean the poll to be biased or offending in any way or form. I'm sorry if you read into the choices that way and were offended in any way. I just created those choices very randomly and pure out of good nature. If you were to talk to me long enough in real life, IRC, or on an instant messaging program, you would fully understand why I chose to type out things randomly like I do. I know it may sound/seem dumb but that's just how I am.  ;D Anyway, sorry again if I came across the wrong way.
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Re: Donating money to fansub groups....good or bad?
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2009, 05:32:32 am »
it's cool, it didn't. but i read through the options, read through the topic, came back to think about what my opinion is and realised there wasn't one. just kinda pointing it out not getting upset no worries. who would get upset anyway it's just a random poll the real meat is in the topic always has been