Author Topic: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...  (Read 18085 times)

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Offline Labrokratis

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Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« on: January 11, 2009, 04:10:46 pm »
I was thinking, which Matsumoto-based animes remain unlincenced at the USA, so it could be possible a replacement of Galaxy Express 999 at Live-eviL.

Queen Millennia – The Movie, comes first in mind. AFAIK, there are ready English subs online, but all the versions I found, have awful audio, which is ironic since the specific movie has a soundtrack by the legendary New Age musician Kitaro. Based on what you managed to do with Captain Harlock’s soundtrack, I would love to see this movie released by Live-eviL.

The same I feel for the Captain Harlock movie Arcadia of my youth. But that one is licenced I think (pitty: That amazing masterpiece with remastered audio would be a great honor to Leiji Matsumoto and all his fans around the world!).

Second in mind, it comes the Yamato Universe. I know that it is licenced (both movies and series), but there is also that one unlicenced telemovie of the first series that exists and fits perfectly to the Leijiniverse (it doesn’t mess with the Kodai timeline, so you can follow the logic that he became the first Captain Harlock, as it happens in the well known manga...). Maybe that rare telemovie, would be of some interest for your team.
There is also that “Yamato MV Series: The Music Videos”, that released back in the 80s and we in the west world know its existance only through the internet. It combines the amazing drawings of Matsumoto with the amazing remastering music of the Yamato series / movies. There is occasional dialogue, so there is something to translate. This MV Series is pure anime art by the standards of  it’s time, but I don’t know if a funsub group would have an interest to do something with it.
The last trace of unlicenced Matsumoto in the Yamato Universe, is that “Dai Yamato Zero-Go” 5 OVA series. Many Yamato fans wish to watch it, even if it is well known that it is not Matsumoto at it’s best.

Then, we have all those Queen Millennia and Galaxy Express Telemovies / Specials. I only saw a couple of them and I don’t know if someone own them out there in a raw or other form. There are sure lots that Live-eviL could do with them!
Galaxy Express 999 has 4 telemovies, one Special (Glass of Clair) and something called “Niji no Michishirube”, released in 2001 ( I don’t have the slilghty idea what it is). On the other hand, Queen Millennia has one Pilot and 2 Television specials that many would die to see released!

Two less known Leiji Matsumoto somehow related series, are the Wakusei Robo Danguard and Starzinger, which doesn’t belong to the Leijiniverse. I don’t like them personally, but both have their following. Maybe a Live-eviL treatment, changes my opinion!

Finally, there are a couple of OVAs, like Fire Force DNA Sights (must be licenced), the unbroadcasted Cosmowarrior Zero - Marina Story , the two Torajima no Mi-me shorts (released as a bonus on the last Queen Emeraldas DVDs) and the episodes 3 and 4 of Queen Emeraldas that never released in the West world and over the years became some of a Matsumoto Fetich series to own.

Well, that’s all, as far as I know. Am I missing something?

On the bottom line, I would like to say that I know that many members of Live-eviL are fans of Leiji Matsumoto and I would be 100% pleased if you simply keep up with Harlock SSX and Queen Millennia. I’m already very happy with what you have done already with the Leijiniverse and I have to admit that you have done a lot so far! You don’t have to do anything more to remain forever a honored mention to all the fans of Leiji Matsumoto around the world! But you know, how greedy we – the fans – are. So, if we can force you to do even more things with the Leijiniverse, we gonnna use all means necessary!

Keep up the good work!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 04:14:14 pm by Labrokratis »

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Re: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2009, 05:31:35 am »
Well, I can't give out confidential info on "would be" projects, but I can tell you that there will definitely be more Captain Harlock SSX episodes in the future. I'm the translator for it, so as long as I don't get tired of it(HIGHLY unlikely) or something major come up in real life, I'll finish up the rest of the series eventually. However, I will not give you any guaranteed release dates and etc, though.  ;)  ;D
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Re: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2009, 07:04:52 am »
Rest assured, there are a few new projects we are looking at. A few that you mentioned are in consideration.

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Re: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 07:37:42 am »
Well, that’s all, as far as I know. Am I missing something?

I can think of at least one other off the top of my head which I am somewhat interested in (mainly because I know so little about it)... Marine Snow no Densetsu.  Maybe sometime in the next few years we'll be able to track down a raw for it or something...

Offline Artel

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Re: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2009, 10:17:50 am »
Pretty exhaustive list, Labrokratis! There are still a few other productions you can add:

Mirror of Arei: The Way to the Virgin Space (1985)
This was a special short movie Toei made for Expo '85. It was released on video tape and the Japanese-exclusive disc format VHD, but never on LD.

Saint-Elmo: Apostle of Light (1986)
A TV movie made to promote an electricity company of all things, this was also released on video tape, but not LD.

Submarine Super 99 (2004)
One of the newest unlicensed (in English) Matsumoto TV shows, this 13-part series was released on DVD in Japan, and was also given a French DVD release complete with French subtitles.

The same I feel for the Captain Harlock movie Arcadia of my youth. But that one is licenced I think (pitty: That amazing masterpiece with remastered audio would be a great honor to Leiji Matsumoto and all his fans around the world!).

Arcadia of My Youth was licensed by AnimEigo, but I believe that lapsed a while ago. Indeed some of the other previously officially-licensed Matsumoto material is now unlicensed, such as Maetel Legend and Harlock Saga both from the defunct CPM. DNA Sights 999.9 was licensed by Urban Vision, but in their case it obviously goes without saying that they never released it on DVD.

Second in mind, it comes the Yamato Universe. I know that it is licenced (both movies and series), but there is also that one unlicenced telemovie of the first series that exists and fits perfectly to the Leijiniverse (it doesn’t mess with the Kodai timeline, so you can follow the logic that he became the first Captain Harlock, as it happens in the well known manga...). Maybe that rare telemovie, would be of some interest for your team.

I'm not entirely certain what you're referring to with a TV movie of the first Yamato series, but I suspect it was the specially-prepared version that was mostly the same as the theatrical movie, except with shorter, newly-animated ending. This new ending was included as an extra on one of the R1 Voyager Entertainment DVDs.

I can think of at least one other off the top of my head which I am somewhat interested in (mainly because I know so little about it)... Marine Snow no Densetsu.  Maybe sometime in the next few years we'll be able to track down a raw for it or something...

The Legend of Marine Snow, like some of the other older Matsumoto specials, was released on Japanese VHS, but no other format, so raws would technically be available, but obviously not in the best condition.

All in all, I think that covers most of the missing gaps in terms of what other Leiji Matsumoto material is out there, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was even more obscure material just waiting to be unearthed! :)

Offline Labrokratis

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Re: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2009, 12:00:00 pm »
Thank you all for your replies!

It is very good to know that Harlock SSX gonna continue production! I don't care how many years is gonna take to finish it, I'm young enough to have time to wait for some more decades (I already done once that with Yamato and Captain Harlock 78).

I didn't know that Submarine Super 99 is unlicenced on USA. I already have the french dub of the series, but the DVDs I got from don't include the original audio neither have french subs (I tried to play it smart and bought the cheap release ...).

The Yamato telemovie I'm talking about, is the version that personally Matsumoto edited for TV Broadcast.
The Voyager Ent. DVDs include indeed the extra animation (I own those DVDs too) but that telemovie also had extreme editing to roll better than the (awful IMO) original movie and also have some different dialogue. At least this is what some old yamato fans told me.

Fire Force DNA Sights 999.9 is a mediocre OVA. I have the Italian DVD (that included the original audio). Probably is the only Matsumoto based anime that I don't care about. Of course it has it's place to the leijiniverse (it presents new characters and concepts about Matsumoto's universe), but it is not something that I could watch frequently.

Anyway, since the big ones from Live-eviL told us not to worrie, we don't need something more to read!
I'm ready to be suprised!
Thank you again for your replies!

Offline Yayoi_Yukino

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Re: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2009, 10:29:56 am »
The Legend of Marine Snow, like some of the other older Matsumoto specials, was released on Japanese VHS, but no other format, so raws would technically be available, but obviously not in the best condition.

I don't have the VHS for this, but I own the anime books, so if you dedide to do it, it should be easier and faster to translate.

Offline razorwing77

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Re: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2009, 09:36:14 pm »
I would love to Submarine Super 99 and especially Danguard Ace

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Re: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2009, 06:14:18 am »
I think the issue with Submarine Super 99 is that it IS licensed in English. Just not released. So technically they can't do it.

But while I'm here I might as well express my interest in the rare "Leiji-Three" (I made up that name) of:

The legend of Marine Snow
Arei no Kagami
Saint-Elmo: Apostle of Light

*Grins* I never miss an opportunity ^^

Offline Artel

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Re: Some thoughts I have about Live-eviL's Lejiniverse future...
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2009, 01:54:06 pm »
I think the issue with Submarine Super 99 is that it IS licensed in English. Just not released. So technically they can't do it.

Submarine Super 99 has indeed been listed on the middleman Enoki Films' website for the better part of half a decade. Somehow I don't think any R1 companies are going to bite at this point, especially since most available translated Matsumoto material on R1 DVD obviously didn't sell well.

But, this has reminded me that there's another production yet to be tackled by any groups yet, The Galaxy Railways II! Sure enough, 24 episodes were done by AonE & F-B, but for some reason they seem to think that's the whole series. 2 further episodes were produced but went directly to DVD only.