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4th Annual L-E Banner Contest! (Better late than never...)
Deadline extended!
I know many of you probably thought that we had forgotten about the contest or canceled it this year. I'm happy to say that we have not. Life was just too busy for any of our staff to manage the contest over the holidays, so we present it to you now!
Live-evil is calling for entries in our Fourth Annual Official Banner Contest!!
L-E is hosting our 4th annual contest and you are invited to enter. Multiple entries are allowed. This is your chance to show off those fancy photoshop skills. And all you sketch/drawing artists out that, this contest is open to you too!
The contest: Design a banner for L-E's homepage.
The prize: Your banner will be added to the rotating banners on L-E's website (obviously!) and the winning nick(s) will be announced on the site as well. ... Oh, and did I mention that we have some manga and DVDs as prizes too? In fact, this year's top winner will receive a complete series on DVD.
The rules:
* MUST be 730x185(pixels)
o Please note, the edges will be cut off by the frame when the banner is posted, so keep that in mind when creating your design.
o We are making the frame available for the first time this year. It can be downloaded here: Note: You MAY submit an entry already framed, but you MUST also submit an unframed copy of the same banner.
* MUST be in .jpeg, .bmp, .png, or .gif format. JPEG or PNG preferred.
* MUST contain the Live-Evil logo
o Download the logo in jpeg & psd format here:
o This may be faded or the edges blurred to make it look good in your design, but it must be prominently visible.
* Entries MAY be created from screenshots, drawn, or any combination thereof, but MUST come from a current Live-evil project (includes joint projects).
o See for a list of current L-E projects.
* MAY contain the logo of the show(s) being used, but MAY NOT contain any other text (apart from the L-E logo). No links to other websites, signatures, nicks, etc. will be permitted
* MUST NOT contain content of an overly graphic or offensive nature.
* Entries not meeting the above requirements will be disqualified.
The DEADline: February 15, 2010 March 31, 2010- 11:59 PM PST. (and we mean it!)
The judges: The staff of Live-evil will vote on the entries and determine the winner(s)! If the entries are good enough, runners up may be chosen and their banners displayed as well.
Submission: 3 methods acceptable:
* E-mail your entry to
Not that we expect any problems, but: if you do not receive a response to your e-mail within 24 hours, it was not received.
* Post your entry in this thread
* Post a link to your entry in this thread... make sure your link works!
and.... that's it. Ready? Set... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this again? I thought we were over it *sigh*
Way to be positive, Bastard... :-\ The Banner Contest has become a staple at Live-eviL. Be happy she brought it back! I was worried that we lost it! :D
So doing this this time around :3
aand were off!~ <3
Winter Sonata goodness [:burtonsnowboard]
::Fullsize:: (since Im assuming forum limits it lol)
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