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SIndo, you're nuts


--- Quote from: mamochan on January 21, 2014, 08:19:23 pm ---SIndo, you're nuts

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And your point is?
BTW here is the 'making of' video or something like that.

You tell me who is more nuts, me or the guy who entered the lol tournament put on by her where the first and only prize was being able to ask her out on a date at a time and place of his (or her!) choosing, played lol all day and despite losing to Wendy, still came out ahead in overall points; then pays for round trip plane ticket to fly her across the US and back, but when she shows up takes her out to "Mr Noodles",  a cheap ramen joint in the seedy part of koreatown for the date!  And then three days later I get a panicked phone call from him asking if I can bring my laptop b'cos she was in such a rush that she forgot hers, and hasn't been able to play lol in days, her hands are shaking and her face is flushed out and she's starting to go into convulsions; I ask him why he can't just let her use his and he goes on about being afraid she'd fine his porn collection and dump him b'cos of it; by the time I'm able to get to the starbucks they were at, she was yelling "need my reague... can't live... my reague!" in that crazy voice and drawing the attention of all the patrons.  I set up the laptop so she can get her fix, but everything was getting lagged, she whines about how they are ddos-ing her despite our explanations that it's just the lousy shared starbucks wi-fi, so off to the cyber-cafe so she can get her fix for a few hours, after that she is normal again, and all the time he's got a smile on his face like she is the best thing since sliced bread and insists that soon she will be his "waifu".

That's nuts.   Everything is relative.

Take your crazy pills! :)

There's no pills for that, you know it and I know it.


--- Quote from: Sindobook on January 20, 2014, 10:39:18 pm ---based on:
original song/PV:
( Utata-P official channel: )

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its from an old RPG in the 80s era called Paranoia...


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