Author Topic: Pelsia Ep 5  (Read 30030 times)

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Pelsia Ep 5
« on: January 27, 2004, 01:09:57 am »
Hi. Now that it has been subbed, I would like to request a script of Magical Fairy Pelsia episode 5. I own the LD-BOX. Great job on subbing it, thanks. My apologies if this is the wrong forum in which to request this, but I did not see a specify arena in which to ask for things like this. Thank you for your time.

Offline Sindobook

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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2004, 06:45:31 pm »
Hi. Now that it has been subbed, I would like to request a script of Magical Fairy Pelsia episode 5. I own the LD-BOX. Great job on subbing it, thanks. My apologies if this is the wrong forum in which to request this, but I did not see a specify arena in which to ask for things like this. Thank you for your time.

Does your computer have the soap-chewing capacity necessary to use the script?  We had problems at first, I mean we had to build a special computer system for pelsia and mami scripts to work at all.  A top of the sony VIAO P4/2800 failed due to it's mediocre rating of 2.93 bpm.  A high-end Dell also lags at around 3-4 bpm.  It's sad that most modern 'brand' computers even with their high prices and snazzy sounding names skimp on such vital requirements as these.  I custom built a Cel-2000 with optimized parts and a good motherboard, custom fans, etc. and this alone delivers more than 11 bpm of capacity for a fraction of the price.  Unless your computer has at least 10 bpm or so you wouldn't even be able to use our script, and my guess is most likely you'll need to build a custom system to achieve that.


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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2004, 01:01:20 am »
Pardon me, but what are you talking about? Perhaps an easier question would be what file format is the script in? SSA? In a worst case secenario, even a txt file would save me the trouble of having to manually transcribe the script.

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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2004, 07:09:30 pm »
Pardon me, but what are you talking about? Perhaps an easier question would be what file format is the script in? SSA? In a worst case secenario, even a txt file would save me the trouble of having to manually transcribe the script.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then it is very doubtful your computer even has the soap-chewing capacity necessary to even use the script.  If you don't plan to look at it on your computer, what do you plan to do with the pelsia#5 script?  Sell it on the black market?  Auction it off on e-bay?  Something else that would not be acceptable to a fansub group?  I would not attempt something like Pelsia on a computer with anything less than 6bpm, the results could be disastrous, to say the least.  Safety first.


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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2004, 12:51:45 am »
It appears neither of us knows what the other is talking about. OK. So, let's try to get to a basic line of understanding. Allow me to ask you a few questions.

1) What do you do at LE?
2) What is the file format of the script? (by file format, I am referring to three letter file extensions that tell you what type of file it is. IE .avi, .vob, .txt, .rtf, .doc, .dll, etc.)

When I mean by script is the translation of the anime (the text) + the timings in whatever program you are using to subtitle it. I am assuming that you start with a text translation of the episode and then have to synch subtitles to it. I do not know by which processes you make your final .avi file, but I am taking a shot in the dark that you 1) get translation 2) use subtitling software to time the subtitles, thus resulting in a timed script 3) merge the timed script and raw video file you have using a video editing program to create the avi file that is eventually distributed on the internet.

What I am requesting is the script, the timed subtitles to the video file, independant of the video file itself.

I do not understand the specifics of whatever tech stats you were giving me, but seeing as how my system is a P4 with 1.59 Ghz, 256 mb of RAM, and runs every video editing program and complier you can find on doom9, I don't think playback will be an issue.

Please allow me to assuage any fears you may have. I own the Japanese LD-BOX of the complete TV series. I have scripts for episodes 1-4, 5-28. I want to play my laserdiscs of the series in conjunction with an output device from my computer so that the subtitles will appear on the anime. Does that make sense?

Offline Sindobook

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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2004, 03:02:41 am »
First of all, I understand what you are talking about just fine.  I know what you are requesting and I am trying to insure that 1) you can actually use the script you are requesting in the way you say you will, and 2) you will not misuse it in some other way.

When we first started on Mami and Pelsia we did not realise the importance of soap-chewing capacity either.  One of our computers was a top-of-the-line sony VIAO and the poor thing started making popping noises and spewing smoke.  Then it violently caught fire and before we knew it, it was reduced to a burning pile of rubble.  Fortunately I keep a C-type fire extinguisher in the house and put it out quickly enough to stop the fire from spreading.  It was under warranty and Sony was kind enough to replace it free of charge.  But it took a week just to get out the horrible smell, and Piiki, the pet pig has been very jumpy ever since.

So these days before loading or using (playing back) a mami / pelsia script I will always feed the computer a few bars of soap to purify / sanctify it.  If you are catholic this is not too much different from what happens in confession (ritual cleaning) except that it is a computer instead of a person.  The problem is that most off-the-shelf premade computers like VIAO or Compaq or such are not designed with soap-chewing capacity in mind.  You will have to very lucky to chew through anything with them, and they are likely to fail if you do it repeatedly.  It took some time but using resources on the net like you can order most of the parts you need by mail.  My current setup has a 110W AC motor which drives a 10" diameter grinder fan made of titanium alloy.  Then a self-guided driver arm rotates and feeds the soap into the grinder fan, and the rotation of the driver arm is syncronized to the fan speed monitor (if the fan slows down too much, the driver arm will slow its own rotation rate to compensate).  Likewise you need a removeable basket of some type to catch the soap shavings and dust, otherwise it will begin to pile up inside the computer and eventually could cause something to go wrong.  With this system I haven't had any failures since so I am very happy with the overall performance.  The only problem is storing the soap that I get in bulk at the local costco.  I run about 6 bars for every script so right now I estimate I'll need about 500 bars to finish both Mami and Pelsia.  And I haven't even begun to think about Sweet Mint... probably another 200-300 bars for that alone.

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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2004, 05:46:32 am »
Yeah, that fire almost steamrailed the entire project. We were all really taken aback by it. Dark times for Live-eviL. Thankfully we seem to have it under control now, but I wouldn't advise that level of hardware stress for the ill-equipped.

The alpha and the omega of Live-eviL.


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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2004, 01:18:36 pm »
OK. You feed your computer... bars... of... soap...

Um, yeah, dude, sure.

Apparently, I must have missed some big notice on the main page stating "don't request scripts". Or, you're telling the truth. Or you're insane. Or, most likely, you're just making fun of me. Whatever. But, considering that you won't answer my questions related to the file format of the script, your job at LE, etc, I'll wager on the last option. Let's all take a big laugh because I thought "soap" in your post was some weird-ass buzz word you were using.


Anyway, as to concerns about my usage of the script... the black market? Ebay? Do you think there are dozen of buyers ready to spend hundreds of dollars on a single episode script of a 20-year old mahou shoujo anime? Even if I wanted to make money by selling a script, which I DON'T, I wouldn't be able to make a single red cent. I just wanted the script to play with my LD-BOX so I could watch it subtitled on my TV. Geez.  

Offline Sindobook

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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2004, 09:47:06 pm »
...single red cent. I just wanted the script to play with my LD-BOX so I could watch it subtitled on my TV. Geez.  

Yet you say in a message above
"Please allow me to assuage any fears you may have. I own the Japanese LD-BOX of the complete TV series. I have scripts for episodes 1-4, 5-28. I want to play my laserdiscs of the series in conjunction with an output".

So while you already have the script for #5, you're requesting our script for #5 (and only #5); likewise you accuse us of not being serious when in reality it is you who is not being serious as to the motive behind your request.  Enough, it's pointless for me to continue.


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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2004, 09:44:02 am »
Good God man, I MADE A FRICKIN' TYPO!!!  >:(

I should have typed "I have scripts for episodes 1-4, 6-28".  No 5. I lack a script for episode.

Are you happy now?

Anyway, I again would like to request a timed script for Pelsia episode 5. Thank you for your time.

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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2004, 10:47:25 pm »

Anyway, I again would like to request a timed script for Pelsia episode 5. Thank you for your time.

No.  It is obvious you cannot meet the requirements for even using the script.

Read the thread over and re-think your request.  You cannot even use our scripts with the computer you have.  When you can demonstrate that your computer has sufficient soap-chewing capacity (6bpm minimum), you can resubmit your request.  Use regulation bars, not those tiny things you find in hotels or the liquid stuff.  Take a movie of the test with a digicam and send it to us over IRC, then we'll send you a liability waiver form, sign it and mail it back to us and then we'd be glad to provide you with the script.  Otherwise, we have a policy here of "safety first".  If that disappoints you, tough.


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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2004, 07:52:38 pm »
No. And I should listen to you, Sindobook... why exactly? Why don't you prove you are indeed LE staff and get all the moderators to post and refuse my script request.

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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2004, 02:29:25 am »
Under his nick i can read Live-Evil Members ...
but that's just my point of view ...
Jabber ID :

Offline Sindobook

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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2004, 07:39:00 am »
No. And I should listen to you, Sindobook... why exactly? Why don't you prove you are indeed LE staff and get all the moderators to post and refuse my script request.

I don't need to prove anything to you.  To your ad-hominem attacks and veiled hypocrisy and hostility, I say only that you should watch those Pelsia LDs you supposedly have and try to take them all to heart.  There is no hope in life for those who have become corrupted by wants and needs that go beyond human nature.  

If you find that you anger or frustrate easily, that you place demands on others without examining yourself, that you lack a basic trust for people, both yourself and others:  then you really should watch it and watch it again until you can really understand it.


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Re: Pelsia Ep 5
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2004, 07:52:59 am »

"I don't need to prove anything to you."

Nor I to you. And no "ad-hominem attacks" would be "you're a flaming a##h#l#", not that asking you for proof you're a LE member when all you've been doing for the whole thread is giving me a BS runaround about feeding my computer soap and "safety first".

"Veiled hypocrisy"? Gee, I think that may be fansubbing something and refusing to give out the script to people who own legitmate versions of the product. No? Oh, my bad then. Perhaps if YOU watched Pelsia and took its message to heart you would be kind and sharing.

Anyway, it's clear to me that I'm certainly not getting the script from you, and since Tofusensei doesn't seem inclined to help me out either I'm not going to get it here. Sad. I wonder if there was a moderator and staff change. The previous staff who maintained the old board were so nice and said they would give me the script for 5 when it was done. Oh, don't worry, I'm sure you consider me a liar or worse so don't bother, I don't expect you to follow up. I do expect you to deny anyone ever suggested they'd give a script to me that also deny that I own the LD-BOX. I also expect the mods to edit this message because I say not positive things about LE. But hey, we don't have to prove anything to each other, do we?

Anyway, this has disgusted me so much I'm going to unregister after posting this. You don't have to worry about me getting the script. I WILL get it. I'm somewhat saddened to learn that such good digisubbers turned out to be a bunch of message board nazis. Suggestion: if you don't want people asking for scripts, just put a big notice on the website saying "DON'T FUCKING ASK FOR SCRIPTS, YOU GODDAMN RETARDS!!!" Had I seen that, there would have been no issue. Instead, I experience a bunch of unwarrented abuse from an adleged staff member, and the moderators don't lift a finger to clarify the situation or help me out.

In closing, post whatever you want in reply to this thread because I won't be reading it ever, nor do I care anymore.