Author Topic: OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available  (Read 19067 times)

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Offline Tofusensei

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OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available
« on: July 12, 2006, 10:44:03 pm »
Ladies and gentlemen,

Please put aside any negative feelings you may have for myself or L-E and let's talk about a very exciting topic... Otakon 2006!

As you may or may not know, Otakon is the premiere anime convention on the eastern seaboard and arguably all of America. Every year, we at L-E, along with others, organize a trip there which includes a fansubbing panel at the con, nights in luxury suites at a 5 star hotel, and more alcohol+snacks than should be consumed in one weekend.

We do have plenty of room available for those who would like to come. All you need to do is get your butt to Baltimore, MD for the weekend of August 4-6.

The going rate will be $100, which includes hotel stays on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, as well as the best parties you'll ever find at an anime con. If you or anyone you know is interested in coming and partying with us, just let me know. You may PM me on here, IM me at Tofusensei on AIM, msg Tofusensei on, or send me an email at

We will allow groups of people to stay with us, and I guarantee much fun will be had by all. I might even have to bring the karaoke machine again :X

See you there!

For more information on Otakon, go to the website at

You really should pre-register at the site to secure a badge for the weekend. The current rate is $60.


Please respond in this thread if you are going to the con. Even if you cannot stay with us, you're welcome to party :)

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Offline Lupin

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Re: OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2006, 08:47:42 pm »
Tofs, I'm still not sure what the deal is and I may be taking the train or plane in on thursday night. Just make sure there's car space for me on Sunday and we're all cool.

I'd love to come down early but I've been totally shafted on vacation days. I lost one that should have been a personal day, but wasn't charged as one, so I only have 3.5 for the rest of the year and taking thursday off is out of the question right now as I have some other shit planned in August and need to save at least a couple days.

I am pre-regged tho, so I'll be there at least. I pray the harbor court upgrades us again. That was pimp and a third. As stated, I may hit up the yankees game on saturday. When is the fansubbers panel?

Offline Tofusensei

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Re: OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2006, 10:06:30 pm »
10PM friday is the panel, everyone better be there or death to all >:O
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Re: OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2006, 10:16:35 pm »
My fursuit is almost done. I can't wait.  ;D

Offline Masakari

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Re: OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2006, 09:43:37 am »
I am SO going to this next year...If it doesnt conflict with other cons..

I want to get on a panel, and be like, ZOMFG ye know? WTF!

Oh man....Id draw so much would be beautiful.....

I would tell people about how their beloved shows suck, and then they would be lik, OMFG STFU!"!!!!! but Id lol, and be like YOU CANT RESIST MY BISHOUNEN POWERZ!!!! MUWHAHAHAHHH!!!!! then theyd be like....

[Scenes removed due to potentially graphic content..... :-* :-* ;)]

Yeah...thats about how it would go. 8)

Offline mamochan

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Re: OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2006, 07:35:42 am »
I heard the 90 minute fansubber panel.. and the fansubber suite drunk party as well...
Such fun.
DVD Backlog: Galaxy Angel (all of them), GITS: SAC, Juuni Kokki, Last Exile, Master Keaton, Rurouni Kenshin TV, Saber Marionette J, Saber Marionette J Again, Saber Marionette J to X, Slayers (The), Slayers Next, Slayers Try.

Offline Lupin

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Re: OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2006, 05:14:11 am »
Weekend over. Very tired.

Densha otoko was good. So was the subbers panel.

Tofu's Taylor Hicks stylings were not good enough to get him to round 2 of otaku idol.

The traditional almost-getting-throw-out-of the hotel happened on friday night. We got a noise warning at around 1230 AM, and then at a little before 3AM all of the non-guests got thrown out. We put a decent dent into the alcohol, though.

I got into town at around 8pm friday. I drank on the train. I drank as soon as I got to the hotel. I drank on the way out of the hotel. I think my only mistake was not to drink during the panel at 1000, which went pretty smoothly and consisted largely of Q&A. This was audiostreamed and there may be a copy available somewhere. Double whammy: two of our guests were basically sideswiped by a guy on a bicycle (who rode between them and made contact). After some yelling, one of them was punched in the eye. It looked pretty painful. At least there was plenty of booze to numb the pain.

Friday night highlights were 2 hours of hot tub karaoke. This was awkward but amusing. Yaoiboy was carrying around a laptop and microphone, broadcasting it to the channel. After the party, pretty much everyone went straight to bed. We tried getting some people from 410 to go into our room to balance things out, but they are very sound sleepers. Tofu woke up to find a random underaged girl who was giving me total gaara vibes in appearance  ;D sleeping next to him in bed. I swear nothing happened!!!

I stayed up all night playing poker online after my ambien failed to kick in properly. I made a nice profit over about 1500 hands. Dead was boggled to see one of our guests urinate on the carpet about 15 feet away from the bathroom. At least we tipped housekeeping well.

Everyone was pretty much awake by noon, so we all went out to see densha otokon, which is a very charming little movie about a overly shy and self-conscious japanese otaku who objects to the drunken antics of a older man on a train. He gets a thank you gift from one of the women he helped out on the train and eventually begins to date her, with the aid of members of the 2chan forums. Ostensibly based on a true story, it is peppered with otaku references and ascii art/emoticons. Overall, a very good balance of romantic comedy and pleasant characters.

Then we tried to go to hooters, but the wait was absurd, so we went to chipotle instead. I am mixing things up somewhat, but I believe the next stop was back to the hotel for a quick drink and then off to the otaku idol competition, where tofu and his suit sang some song that will probably appear in a l-e troll sub at some point as an OP. It was good, but not good enough for him to advance to the next round. Maria/hinano also sang. Dammit, I don't know the name of any of these songs. Whatever.

After some meandering, we loaded up on beers and commenced the flcl drinking game. Sips were required for:

  • phallic references
  • any new pillows song
  • the giant iron
  • any coming of age or underaged sexual undertones
  • naota getting hit in the head
  • any direct statement of the title, either spoken or printed
  • baseball bat or rickenbacker bass appearance in any new scene (see phallic references)
  • any apparent or ejaculation (i.e. iron giving off steam)
  • any time we felt like it

This game worked very well with southern comfort. I forget what happened next, but we (myself, deadalready, and hiei) tried to go get some wings at hooters, but the yankees game had just gotten out. We decided to just find some place a little farther from down town and looked for a cab. I saw what appeared to be a van for hire, but i was mistaken. The guy riding shotgun asked me where I was going and I told him "ruth's chris steakhouse," to which he responded that he was just joking about giving us a ride. I told him, with a smile on my face and laughing, "don't fucking joke with me like that man" and he started trying to instigate something. I just yelled at him and walked away. Pretty hilarious.

We took a cab a couple miles to the east and ended up at the louisiana, which had a live jazz combo playing and very good filets.

We got back to the EMPTY hotel with 2 30 packs of beer in tow. NO ONE WAS THERE. We went from 428 to 410, which was near the ice machine, and hung out for a few minutes. After inviting everyone to our room, we started drinking and just kinda hung out and watched tv. People started showing up, so hiei and myself took the initiative to wash out some cups with the scalding water and set up a beer pong table. We didnt have any balls so we used bottle caps. It was surprisingly challenging. We didn't have any noise complaints despite 30 or 35 people being in the room. At around 3am I pretty much lost all track of time. I apparently started drinking again after trying to fall asleep, which was a very effective way of getting to bed. Somehow I meandered over to 410 again (with no memory whatsoever of having done so) where I informed people that 'if they have any problems, they can call 911.'

In a haze, I stumbled back to the room and passed out until 11am, when we cleaned the room for checkout. I slacked on this, although I did fill the whole bell cart with the bellboy. I had done enough cleaning the two nights before, so if it looked like I was being a lazy bitch, it's only because I had been the exact opposite for the past 2 days.

Okay, I'm done for now.

Good weekend, tho. Someone else will likely fill in the gaps that alcohol has left blank.

Offline Sindobook

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Re: OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2006, 11:52:42 pm »
Sounds kinda scarey, esp. the part about Tofu waking up to find a young girl sleeping next to him in the same bed.  Did you get any pictures to post?

Offline Tofusensei

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Re: OTAKON 2006 FANSUBBER SUITE, room available
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2006, 02:19:02 am »
I'll give my report in a bit.

To occupy your minds till then:

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