Author Topic: Akazukin chacha  (Read 11316 times)

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Akazukin chacha
« on: May 05, 2004, 07:00:54 am »
Is this just going to be the only akazukin chacha that you are going to do..

I was curious if you are also going to do the tv series of akazukin chacha. I love it when i was little.

Thank you in advance!!!


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Re: Akazukin chacha
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2004, 07:46:24 am »
l-e plans to do the ova, and that's it. it was originally an l-e/hnk joint, but hnk sorta slacked off and 2 years passed before someone picked up the scraps and put it out. while there are 2 more eps in the ova, i have nooooooooooo idea when l-e will be able to release them.

on tv: maybe if you provide the staff :P it's a loooong series and l-e is strapped as it is (yawara and ge999 each have 100+ eps remaining to sub i think)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2004, 07:47:38 am by 1010011 »