Hi people,
I am american and I was on the subway like I usualy am on that fateful morning, I was 3 stops from the blast when it hapened and chaos immediately ruled the day, we will never be the same for it either.
Now for whats been happening in London and England in general is just maddening, I want to thank the British Public for hanging tough on this one because it is just that something really-really "TOUGH" without any easy answers as far as what to do about it all. I honestly think I have an answer as to what to do to make us all sleep a little better and to possibly bring this to a close.
Well of course NOTHING will ever be 100% but as far as I am concerned if these people are willing to die for their cause we have only 1 alternative and that would be to do to them what they are doing to these innocents and it should hopefully wake them up and give them a sense of the dread and terror that the rest of us affected feel at this even tho we have relatively NOTHING to do with our Govt's policies and the terrorist know that and have known it all along!!
The only thing we can do is to identify them one by one and make their families pay for their crimes right alongside of them. Yes, you see they make a decision to sacrifice themselves for a cause BUT can they make that decision for their little sisters, brothers and other family members? Do you want your Mom and Pop slain because you decided it was Ok to kill innocents and so with only 1 way of harnessing these renegades we just have to add their people to the mix.
I cant think of anyone who doesnt see this as the most brutal and vicious act and I understand that but I am sorry I know it would have to affect you to KNOW that even if you get away with it they are going to wipe your family off the face of the earth, and I do mean ALL OF THEM, from your immediate to your cousins and relatives. Can it now be that important to them and do they think they have the right to paint all of those people into a corner?
I should have and wanted to make a "Poll" about this idea but I know that almost nobody will like the idea but its the ONLY WAY I can see of making them realize what they are doing to us right?
I say it would HAVE to affect them and their judgement, what do you guys think? Sorry for al the Brits too, hang your heads high tho because you are being thought of as Heros over here in NY!