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Offline Xagest

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Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« on: October 31, 2005, 11:28:00 pm »
Hey there.  Since TC finished it's first season, it has gone pretty quiet lately.  I figured that since it's over, it's time that we do a bit of rigorous analysis of the series.  Feel free to ask questions, write comments, or provide counter arguments.  Now, for the first topic...

Tsubasa Chronicle: Chobits no Kororo or Hearts of the Persocoms

***Warning - May contain spoilers of Tsubasa Chronicle (anime and manga), Chobits, and Clover***

One of the fun things TC has done was bring back some of our old favorite characters from various Clamp classic.  This was explained through the idea that people with the same soul/heart can exist in many worlds.  For example, Sakura from TC and Sakura from Card Captor Sakura would have the same soul.  They are different, because they grew up in different worlds, but the core of their nature is the same.

This brings us to an interesting problem.  On a few occasions, we've come across several characters from Chobits, a story a young man and his Persocom (equivalent to an android).  In particular, we've seen Chii in the first episode, and Sumomo and Kotoko in the last half of TC.

Because of their appearance in another world (in which case we assume that they have organic bodies), would it be logical to assume that they have souls?  If they do, would it follow that their non-human counterparts (Persocoms) also have souls?  This is actually a really complex debate concerning Chobits; whether or not the perfect persocom can be thought of as human, with true emotions of love.

If TC is considered cannon throughout the Clamp universe, we can almost be certain that if someone has a soul in one world, then that person would share the same soul if that person existed in another world (even in a non-human body).

Which brings us to another question.  Does Chii, Sumomo, and Kotoko have souls in the TC plotline?  It is implied that Fye was Chii's creator (if you've read the manga, this turns out to be actually the case).  Now we really can't be sure if TC-Chii has a soul at all.  But then, how do we explain Chii's existence in TC and Chobits?  Do they have the same soul?  Or is it possible that Chii was created in both worlds under the same cosmic influence (hitsuzen?).

This applies to Sumomo and Kotoko as well.  We can't be absolutely sure that Sumomo and Kotoko are human (they're huge and highly disproportionate, which makes them really really scary in my opinion).  Through this reasoning, it is just as likely that the Persocom characters don't have souls at all.

Let's throw another wrench into the mix.  Oruha hails from Clover, a manga series that Clamp released.  In Clover, Oruha is clearly human (or close to) and indeed has a soul.  However, Oruha in the world of Oto is not human.  In fact, she doesn't even have a body.  She's simply artificial intelligence built into a really cool video game.  We might infer from this that Oruha from Oto does indeed have a soul.  In fact, she has the same soul as Oruha from Clover.

With this, we might also say that Chii from Chobits indeed has a soul, along with Sumomo and Kotoko.

Sorry if this feels long.  It didn't come out as smoothly as I originally intended.  Anyway, I would love to hear your ideas and such, especially if you find holes in my reasoning and would like to provide a counterclaim.
One little extra thing I want to throw in:  Are Kudan souls/have souls?  The reappearance of Masayoshi's Kudan seems to point to yes...

Offline EadTaes

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 12:08:10 am »
Here is a theory.

You agrre with em that each world has its onw particuler historya nd set of events that occured in each of those worlds prior to the point where they arrive. this means that anythign could happen to anyone of the characters or their anccestors in each world. thsi woudl mean in one world Chii migth not be born because her parents die or where never born them selves.

now add a very populur theory of Yin and Yan. That a balance must be maintained in the univers. In TRC thsi could be reflexted as characters that aren't born of natural birth are somehow created in that world by some other allthernate means. would those beign created not of natural birth share the same soul as the beign of natural birth in outher worlds i would sya yes since in this case it would be the worlds tryign to balance them selves out.

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2005, 01:18:05 am »
or it could simply be that the balance is maintained in another way...two beings that exists in most worlds are also completely absent from 2 worlds that are not the smae to maintain another symblance of balance in that method, allowing one to exist in one world and not in the other and doing the same for another, does that make sense?
The planet weaves a cruel fate for men... Children are always the first to suffer... Geostigma,Genova,Reunion... Children who have lost hope... Respite for the Soul... And so he takes sword in hand once again...


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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2005, 02:39:33 am »
I think you're looking at this the wrong way. You said that people with the same soul/heart can exsist in many different worlds. Using Sakura as an example to justify that, both from TC and CCS are kind, innocent, altruistic and true to their emotions. However, they are still two different people raised two different ways. One is a school-girl who's active, energetic, and speaks her mind. The other is a princess who is quiet, withheld, yet eternally trusting. So, although they are different people, you can see how one, raised in the other's world, would turn out the same as the other. right?

Ok, I ran in circles there, but just keep that in mind. If a person turns out to be a certain kind of person regardeless of upbringing and enviroment, it's logical to assume that they share the same heart/soul, or that the soul is a direct and major influence on the evolution of a person. As such, that person, in two completely different worlds, would be able to think and act the same way. If they think and act the same way, their imaginations would be the same, if not closely simmilar than. right?

Ok, my point is coming out. You said that Fye was implied as the creator of Chii. If so, than is it not understandable that two different fye's from two different woulds could have simply created Chii the same because that's how his mind/imagination works? I wouldn't call that balance, I'd call that inevidability.

The same holds true for Tsumomo and Kotoko. They were characters in a game, so their creator simpl used their models as it came to his/her mind, the same way the Laptop persocoms were created in Chobits. Now I have nothign against Chii or her having a soul, but this should proove that she doesn't need one to appear in multiple worlds.

This brings up another issue though, following my trail of thought obviously. Chii in Chobits really did have a soul, I believe. However, since she was a creation, than her soul was created as well. Now, if Fye from TC created a Chii with a soul as well, than that Chii would closely resemble the Original Chii, as much so as a person with his counterpart. However, since their souls were created indevidually within their own specific universe, would they still share the soul?

Somehow this brings me to another trail of thoughts. If the same person from different worlds really does share a soul, what happens if they meet? What would happen if Fye or Kurogane or Syaoran appeared in a world that they existed in allready? Einstein said that a person cannot be in two different places at the same time. Now this applied to time travel, yes, but with a sharing of the soul, wouldn't it work the same in dimentional travel? If Sakura came to the CCS world, and met the CCS Sakura (assuming that they are the same person in different worlds) Would one of them dissapear? Would the universe end in a paradox? Would the CCS Sakura absorb the TC Sakuyra's feather instead, thus preventing the ultimate completion of their multi-dimentional quest to begin with? My head is spinning with possibilities. and I can't apply any of my time-travel theorums to understand it, because the multidimentional axis is completely perpendicular to the temporal one. Kuso!!! Not I've got to read through "The Number of the Beast" again. DAMN YOU ROBERT HEINLEIN!!!! THAT WAS ONE OF THE MOST BOORING BOOKS I'VE EVER READ!!!! what was I talking about again?

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2005, 05:52:03 am »
Well, the thing is that they are still different people, even though they share the same soul.  I have a feeling we might come across something like this sometime in the series (although I could be totally wrong).

Another thing we need to keep in mind is that time isn't consistent between worlds.  This is why Sakura's feather showed up in Spirit 300 years prior to their arrival, even though it was only a week or so since the adventure started.

This means that the two people with the same soul may not necessarily share it at the same time.  That's a sketchy sentence, as we can't really say what is "the same time".

We might also take into consideration of the prospect of reincarnation, or rather, the possibility that souls move between one body and the next.  It's possible that a soul might have found a persocon's body to be a suitable "vessel" to survive in.

Offline EadTaes

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2005, 02:10:02 am »
To Cryostasis:
The point you bring of 2 people that share the same soul comming into contact is interesting. And yes accordign tot he laws of time travel that wuld be true. however like you said in this case we are travaling perpendiculary to time by chnaging from one dimention to an other. I dotn belive that in TRC they will desintegrate if they touch each otehr. We all know by now i think that teh person in the hourglass is Shaoran. And that booth Shaoran's will probably fight later on. So if they would just simply toucha nd booth die then that would go againts the plot of TRC.

Now to move on and make some comparations.

In TRC Touya and Yokito are clsoe friends and have a relationshipw ith each otehr like in CCS. In the republic of Hanshin (first world the visited toke name outta my french manga) Yokito and Touya are also friends and seem closely linked to each other.

Booth CCS and TRC Sakura and Shaoran are detain to be each others.

In the Republis of Hanshin and the 2nd world the visited with Chuyang (SP)Arashi and Sorata are booth living with each other.

Also int he world of CCS and Clow Touya and Sakura are brother/sister in the republic of Hanshin Touya keeps looking at Sakura and Shaoran as if he is seeign a ghost or wondeirng if those people are the ones he migth have knowed a long time ago. Perhaps Sakura and Shaoran had died in that world due to the gang war. Eitehr way their was soemthign about the way Touya was lookign at them and lets you belive soemthign was up.

So we can say that trought worlds relations between people are often kept if possible. But now i ams ure your gonna point out that Sakura's and Sharoan's Parents arent the same in CCS and TRC. And 'll agree with you. However (warnign ccs manga spoiler here so dont read if you dotn wnata  spoiler of the ccs manga) in the CCS manga Shaorna is a decendant of Clow and Sakura is the daughte rof fujikata wich is a reincarnation of Clow. So in a way you can say that Sakura and Shaoran are related to each other. In TRC you have Clow and Fujikata as Sakura's and Shaoran's direct fathers. Only inverted, Butt heir is only one tiny problem in it. Fujikata isnt Shaoran's blood father in TRC. I guest that is soemthgin we might learn about later in the manga. and that is the only conclusive break down of ralations in TRC. Other then that relations seem to be kept from world to world.

I think I,ll stop here and think things over more. I had more but it still needs more analysis.

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2005, 08:58:42 am »
I think the relationships are resolved through Hitsuzen (inevidability).  Some people are naturally destined for each other (Sakura x Syaoran, Sorata x Arashi, Yukito x Touya).  I think we can make a note that some people are semi-destined (Fujitaka and Clow, Touya and Sakura).  I say semi-destined because they were siblings in CCS and the land of Clow.  However, there's little indication that they know each other in the Hashin Republic or the land of Oto.  Of course, we don't know the full specs of the situation, but I'm certain someone would have said something at one point or another.

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2005, 06:08:16 pm »
In the land of hassin the way touya looks at Sakura you gotta knwo that soemthign is up. Hes not just looking at her because she is prety he is askign him self deep questions to at teh same time.


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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2005, 06:42:39 am »
Well, he might just be Syaoran's real father yet. It can be assumed that he is himself from a different dimention, so in the this world, yes, he's not the real father, but his counterpart could have been.

One other issue comes to mind. In most theorums of Multiple Dimentions, it is understood that a paralell dimention is a "branch" of this one, meaning that sometime ago, someone made a different descision, thus completely altering the course of history. This Idea is shown perfectly in the old show "Sliders".

In TRC however, every world is so completely different that there's no way for each to have evolved into what they were, no matter how long ago the change occurred. For example, How did KUDAN come to be and to posess everyone? What would happen to make the world population into micronians living under he sea? Why do some worlds have magic, and other's don't? If Magic is something that exists and can be learned, than surely someone in every world would have been able to discover it, even if by accident, thus teaching the rest of the world of it's existance.

Which brings another point. Since the worlds are so different, supernaturally speaking, Would Fye's Magic work, even if he tried using it? In the first world (first taveled-to world I mean) Everyone Had Kudan. The Kudan were living, intelligent creatures. They were also capable of interdimentional travel, otherwise they wouldn't have appeared before Syaoran and Kurogane while still in Limbo. As such, if these top-level Kudan liked Syaoran and Kurogane and Fye, posessed them, agreed to help them, why didn't they follow them when they moved on?

I say it's because they couldn't. The other worlds wouldn't be able to support them, As they don't exist there. Each world is so completely different, both physically, civilizationly (whew, tough word), and spiritually, than the only constant that could travers the worlds would be the physical beings themselves. Therefor, Fye's magic wouldn't work, because the leylines of magic work differently in other worlds.

If you want to bring up Syaoran's sword to counter that theory, Understand this. The sword was a digital thought, an image constructed through computers and idea's. It became real only through the power of Sakura's feather. Now her feathers are very powerfull, and of an interdimentional field. that means that, since they are thoughts and objects capable by themselves of crossing dimentions, then they retain their powers no mater what dimention they appear in. Their power is so great that they even bring magic to places that have none. As such, when the feather was used to bring the Land of Oto into the real world, the objects brought with it became real, with the same frequency as the feathers, so they retain the same ability of retention as the feathers...if that makes any sence.

My head hurts again. Too much logic, not enough amusement. Must seep....


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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2005, 05:51:20 pm »
i think u should take it as anime.

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle Analysis
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2006, 02:45:03 pm »
What no proceeds with the analysis this year???  :oHow boring!
22:02 Mamo-chan: tsubie. if you were a doll. you'd be this:
22:03 Mamo-chan: :O
22:06 Tsubie-chan: kaawaii