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NOW RECRUITING: Translator(s)

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--- Quote from: chibi_sayoko on May 23, 2007, 01:27:34 pm ---hit me up...

--- End quote ---

We'd love to. Suzaku will be home this evening (she is on central standard time, i.e. GMT-6:00, give or take an hour for daylight savings time, I forget which). She would love to try you out with a test script.

It would help a lot if you can come talk to us on inter-relay-chat channel #live-evil on server If you don't already know what this means and you are running Windows you might want to look into downloading program mIRC from It will also help if you can upload and download files via FTP. To do this I use program SmartFTP from The first program is free to try out. The second is free for home use.

If you don't want to go to the effort to install these programs right off, we'll find some other way to communicate. Trust me. We are interested in trying you out.


Still recruiting Translators! Especially people who are willing to finish one or more of our current projects, but we will consider a new project if there is a dedicated and competent translator. 

If interested, please reply here or (even better) speak to tlynnec, yaoiboy, suzaku, or any of our other ops in L-E's irc channel. (

Look forward to hearing from you!

We definitely could use another translator/translation checker or two to help us out on our ongoing projects. If you like or don't mind on working on older, classic anime and think you have what it takes to be a translator/translation checker, feel free to head over to our IRC channel, or post a reply here. Talk to either Mamo-chan, Suzaku, or any other ops (the people with the "@" mark by their names) in the channel about this. Oh yeah, you don't have to have any fansubbing experience, as long as you're fluent enough in both Japanese and English. However, having fansubbing experience is always a plus. Of course, please don't apply if you're still currently studying Japanese in school, took Japanese courses in school in the past and have not used it in a long time and/or "lost your skills" or have just been watching anime for most of your life. In all honesty, translating and doing translation checks at a competent (acceptable) level takes much more than the aforementioned things. Anyway, feel free to apply if you think you have what it takes. Thanks.


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