Author Topic: Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help  (Read 15401 times)

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Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help
« on: October 17, 2003, 11:52:24 am »
 ???  Hey Everyone.  Me and my sister have been having a debate over my computer problems for about two weeks now.  I think I'm right and I'd like you all to give me your opinion.   ;)

My computer has a freezing problem.  But it only happens about 10-15 minutes after I start using Bit Torrent.  None of my Processes (a tab in the Ctrl+Alt+Del box) are draining my CPU either.  

My sister thinks there is something wrong with Bit Torrent and I think my motherboard (a Gateway  >:() is the problem.  However, my sister had the same motherboard about two years ago (hand-me downs  ::)) and Bit Torrent worked fine for her.  So her argument is that there is something wrong with the New Version of Bit Torrent.  I counter this by saying the Old Version of Bit Torrent froze my computer as well, but it usually didn't freeze for at least an hour or so.  It now freezes every 15 minutes - it's nearly impossible to download anything!  I think the reason the motherboard worked fine for her was because is was TWO years ago, and she had it for about 3 years herself.   The thing is just old...and a Gateway  :P.

So as you see, this argument could go on forever :-/.  Please give your advice so my sister and I can decide how to fix my computer - also known as the Demon Box. :'(


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Re: Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2003, 12:45:32 pm »
I think that your computer is just too old. I have no problem using the new BT on  my laptop. I actually think that the new version works better (at least with my 56k connection)


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Re: Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2003, 01:35:02 pm »
Which Bit Torrent version are you using? Is it the experimental one?


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Re: Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2003, 01:39:16 pm »
I have Bit Torrent 3.3 - is it experimental?  And Everything inside my computer is almost brand new.  The motherboard is the only exception - that's why I think it's causing the problem.


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Re: Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2003, 01:50:31 pm »
Hmm.. it's not experimental. The best experimental Bit Torrent is SHADOW's experimental. You can get it here Maybe what's wrong is with your motherboard because I once used the original version of Bit Torrent which is 3.3 and I never have any problem with it. So just get a new motherboard  :).


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Re: Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2003, 01:58:32 pm »
Hmm... could you be a bit more specific as to what is your computer spec. and OS and some basic software that's installed. And if possible what threat is running at the time you run that troublesome bittorrent. That way we can help you better. Cheers! 8)



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Re: Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2003, 02:43:31 pm »
My operating system is Windows XP.  I have a Verto G-Force FX.  A RW Combo for my Disk Drive.  Two Harddrives - with a 65.32 GB combined capability.  Once hard drive came with my computer and the other is a Maxtor - it's about two years old.  A zip drive, a floopy drive.  Two RAM cards - but I can't don't know the exact amount - and there is some RAM on the Video card.  A Netgear card - it's pretty old...probably about as old as the motherboard.  A Sound Blaster Card. Two Heatsinks and a fan. That's all the Hardware in my computer.

My sister usually does the work on my computer so I just gave you everything I know in the last paragraph - you probably don't need half of that information.  Is there anything else you need to know?  I'll try my best to answer any questions.

I also made a point of testing when Bit Torrent froze.  It messes up if I'm running lots of programs and if I'm running none.  However, it does seem to freeze faster if I'm watching a video file.


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Re: Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2003, 02:57:17 pm »
Based on that spec and test you did, I think you might have a memory (RAM) problem. Have you tried to unplug one RAM and test if it's OK? If that one failed, try another slot with the same RAM card. then if you have tried all slots with that RAM and still has problem, try with the other RAM. This is to find out which one has the vault. Your RAM or your Motherboard RAM Slot.

Be sure to check each slot with each RAM by testing one RAM with all slots first before testing the other RAM. This is just to make sure that all slots are tested with all RAM cards you have.

Well, that's for now. I gave you this steps because I suspect your motherboard RAM slot is broken or your RAM card. Well try this and see. Cheers! 8)



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Re: Bit Torrent Trouble - Please Help
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2003, 11:35:15 am »
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the advice.  I checked both my RAM cards and one did turn out to be a dud.  Unfortunately my motherboard died while I was doing this test :-[.  So I'm talking to you from my sister's computer today ;).  

My mother and sister are buying new equipment today  :D - unfortunately it'll take a week before we can play frankestein with my computer again :-/.  I'll tell you how it goes!  Again thanks  :).