For whatever reason, the page isn’t allowing me to vote. I wanted to cast a vote for the Sailor Moon Musicals.
Although I do watch a few other of your releases, the musicals is the #1 reason why I check in from time to time. I have done some editing and subtitling of my own and understand the amount of work involved, therefore as per request I have never asked about the status of this (or any) project. But as this one appears to have been stalled, I would like to respectfully appeal to the ladies and/or gentlemen working on it to continue the project.
My reasons for picking this one:
Mugen Gakuen in particular is a musical that I feel is a shame to never have been subbed. Although there is no one particular part that I would call my favorite, I do feel that this musical was the best one overall. The choreography was excellent, and the story was the most cohesive out of all the musicals with almost no “slow” parts, at least in my opinion. There was great camaraderie between the performers and the dancing was top-notch. This is probably due to the fact that this musical had more of the best known performers than any other, including the longest running Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter, and the second longest Moon, Mercury, and I believe Mars. There was also an exceptionally good Venus and one of my favorite Mamo-chans (I can't decide between him or his successer ^_^).
My japanese is decent enough that I could understand most of the musical. However there are several parts, particularly some of the jokes by the Grimm senshi, that I just couldn’t get no matter how many times I watched it.
My hope is that someday all of the musicals and specials will be fansubbed. I would sub them all myself, but I don’t know anyone fluent in japanese, which I’m sure is the usual problem. If additional help is needed for this project I more than willingly volunteer, but please note that the only program I am familiar with is Adobe Premiere Pro.
Biggest reason, I love the musicals of course!
I would also like to see Sailor Stars finished, although I have already seen it. I love the new quality.
I also watch the Trapp and Snow Queen stories, but neither are important enough to me to give them a vote.
Thanks for all the great subs!