. You even tried them? Bet ye don't even know your reasons for not liking either/both.
Please don't think of me as some ignorant kid who can't assess his own logic. I know exactly what I think of both and why.
Initial D: I'd give it a 6.5 out of 10. I enjoyed it but couldn't stand the art style. On top of that, like yourself, I'm not a sports fan so it didn't really pique my interest.
Tsubasa Chronical: 6/10. I tried to find this interesting, I really did, but I simply couldn't. I stuck with it for nearly 10 eps but it never grabbed me and pulled me in like it does with so many others. It's enjoyable, don't get me wrong, it's just not something I'd watch for any other reason than to kill time.
I wasn't trying to insault anyone, it just seems to me that both these shows find their niche in the 12-15 shonen demographic. Perhaps the 16 and 17 yeard olds I hang out with just have taste beyond their years...but I won't say for sure because saying it one way or another is just me setting myself up for a bashing from those with differing opinions.