I dunno about that last comment there. L-E actually HANDLES things, as opposed to MURDERING THEM.
If you want to put this in someone else's hands, be my guest.......but the result may be less than thrilling.
Or, you could go parading into the Shadowlands to get Tofu back, but chances are you'd end up as corrupted as him.
IMHO, It would be better to just find someone who cares about the series AND is a good TL, and you could get a movement started inside L-E to resume it. There's no Space Pirates, and No mysterious Blondes with tragic pasts....I could barely sit through the first episode without being bored half to death, So don't come to me for anything, but It would still be good, and I think we both know it, to ensure that you have the creative staff of L-E supporting whatever endeavor you wish to see done to perfection.
No Space Pirates....what were they thinking? No Giant Robots either? I mean WHAT do people see in this show? I completely don't get it.....

Our taste in Anime is just different... It's normal to have a different taste in things.

I like it because it was one of my childhood's series (I watched it with hebrew dubbing), and now I'm REALLY glad I have the chance to watch it in Japanese.
And even if I saw it completely some 3 times in the past, it's still interest me. The drawings style... The story... Sometimes I prefer old Animes than modern.
And me too, don't uderstand why L-E even started to translate this Anime (and bought the RAWs!), if they stopped in the 7th episode...
Please! If you guys in L-E doesn't see any future to the translation of this great Anime in your team, please at least release the RAWs so other groups will traslate it!