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Topics - Midean Tsukasa

Pages: [1]
Leeching & Technical Problems / Hentai site Charging For Live eviL files
« on: August 21, 2006, 10:16:48 pm »
Specificaly I noticed Nana.
While they also have Ureshii and IY4EVER files there, I do know IY4EVER  did not have any Idea that they were charging for access.

I'm putting this here so that the fansubing groups that might want a say in this issue have a chance to reply to it, especialy if they did not know about it happening.

Contacted Ureshii at this point so now i have links to all 3 of the threads that i've reported this in

Listing links to all 3 threads that i've posted this in,1047.0.html

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