Well folks,
I'm sure most of you have seen the news about Geneon's DVD sales. If not, check it out here:
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-09-26/geneon-usa-to-cancel-dvd-sales-distribution-by-fridayThis is a sad day for anime fans, but this is probably just the beginning.

Anime sales have been falling drastically. Some of you may have noticed the anime sections of your local retailers shrinking.
Let's face it guys. The anime industry
AS A WHOLE has just gotten too big to support itself. American companies have been licensing almost
EVERY new show. Many of these shows are just not very good. We need to send a message to the licensees that they need to be more discriminating about what they buy. Fans won't just buy anything anymore. This business of pre-licensing needs to stop as well. In those cases, the company can get stuck with a show that is horrible!
But there is a catch...
Producing anime has gotten VERY expensive. So expensive that many Japanese producers can no longer afford to finance it on their own. In fact, they are looking to the West to help pay for these shows. However, there are so many producers now that they are canceling each other's profits. There is more product than the market can consume.
The solution, in my opinion, is a market correction. Things are going to get
UGLY. Many anime producers and American licensees will fail.
When the dust settles, only the good stuff will remain. The "anime junk" will no longer be made. I encourage everyone to help the companies learn what the "good stuff" is by buying the stuff you really like. And TELL them WHY you didn't buy the crap (but be constructive about it).
Anime will become a niche market again, and that may be a
VERY GOOD thing.