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Topics - ellen

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Leeching & Technical Problems / Blood doesnt seem to want to work...
« on: January 07, 2006, 02:46:58 am »
Hallo. I've tried a few times now to download the first episodes of Blood. It seems to work, but when I play:
Episode 1 is 5 seconds long, and
Episode 2 is 10 seconds long.
It's not as if I've got a 30 minute episode that stops playing after 5 seconds, rather, the episode seems to be only 5 seconds long. It says it was 170MiB in the download window?? I have no idea how to fix it (I do Japanese, not computers, and to top it off I'm a mac user ;D, be nice please!)
Would appreciate any advice because i enjoyed the OVA a lot and would like to see how the series goes.

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