Live-Evil Forums

General => General Forum => Topic started by: mikala on July 03, 2005, 11:17:53 pm

Title: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mikala on July 03, 2005, 11:17:53 pm
Tofu is the father  ;D
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 03, 2005, 11:19:40 pm
i'm so happy!!!!! that's why we are a magical fansubbing group! immaculate conception!
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: Akirasuto on July 03, 2005, 11:25:48 pm
Ho ho ho!

Names... the kid must have a good name!

/me summons forth a good name
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mikala on July 03, 2005, 11:27:29 pm
Kitty-san ?

Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: Sun_Tze on July 03, 2005, 11:30:18 pm
Kitty-san ?

How about Darth Vader?
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 03, 2005, 11:30:49 pm
i'm gonna name the baby soy if it is a girl. and bean sprout if it is a boy
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: tlynnec on July 03, 2005, 11:32:48 pm
Baby name possibilities:
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mikala on July 03, 2005, 11:33:46 pm
How about Darth Vader?
i'm not agree 'cause the 'Force' is not magical (and as we're in the magical world of fansub .... )

Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mikala on July 03, 2005, 11:34:12 pm
Baby name possibilities:

Vegey :D
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 03, 2005, 11:53:57 pm
my children will not have misspelt names!!! do i look ghetto to you?!
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mikala on July 04, 2005, 01:47:32 am
*joker* :D
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 04, 2005, 02:50:16 am
look who's talkin.  you started it :P
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mikala on July 04, 2005, 03:03:34 am
it's not me.
In fact my kitty was dancing over my keyboard.
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 04, 2005, 01:50:31 pm
super smart kitty who knows how to type AND post on the forum uh huh... keep digging that hole mikala....
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mikala on July 04, 2005, 01:52:25 pm
my kitty is fabulous :D
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: angelan on July 04, 2005, 04:26:51 pm
gimp, your kitty needs some typing lessons from mikala's kitty ^^

Congrats on the baby!!  ;D

soy sounds good, i'd just go for sprout if boy...:)
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 04, 2005, 06:28:44 pm
but i like saying the word bean.  i dunno it sounds silly to me.  my kitty is too lazy to learn how to type properly ::looks at said kitty sleeping on the box in her closet::
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: angelan on July 04, 2005, 08:27:16 pm
hmmmm....ic.  Indeed your cat is lazy.  It's a wonder she doesn't just sit on your keyboard rather than walk across it ;) or has she already done that?

So why not jus call your son bean?  ::)
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 05, 2005, 12:56:34 am
because soy is a bean.. and so having bean as the boy's name would be redundant.  i hate redundancies.  and if it was just sprout then people would think of brussel sprouts.  no way! no brussel sprouts on MY side of the family!
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: angelan on July 05, 2005, 08:45:49 pm
LOL that's true brussle sprout would be no good.  wonder why tofu has no opinion in this  ;D
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 06, 2005, 01:06:29 am
he is at AX.  hence why it is an immaculate conception!
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: Tofusensei on July 06, 2005, 02:41:01 am
Oh my O_O; I go away for a weekend and all hell breaks loose :D
/me calls Maury Povich

Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mikala on July 06, 2005, 02:50:06 am
you need to assume your child now :p
Title: Re:"pregnant gimp has miscarriage and her and tlynnec become femme fatales"
Post by: tlynnec on July 06, 2005, 03:29:53 am
The saga continues... in true anime style ;p

[17:52] * gimptastic trips tlynnec as she tries to get away
[17:52] <Sun_Tze> CATFIGHT! :O
[17:52] <Vashsensei> swweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
[17:52] <gimptastic> never! tlynnec be my friend!
[17:52] * tlynnec manages the kind of amazingly acrobatic dodge/roll that's possible only in anime ;p
[17:52] * gimptastic laughs so hard she has a miscarriage
[17:53] * tlynnec then makes up with gimp and hugs her per the rules of anime plot
[17:53] <gimptastic> group hug!
[17:53] <tlynnec> :)
[17:53] <Vashsensei> ahhh
[17:53] <Vashsensei> feel the love
[17:54] <Sun_Tze> fell the bossoms! *gets whacked*
[17:54] <tlynnec> .... wait a minute... i don't wanna hug the bloody girl...
[17:54] * tlynnec realizes this is a dark anime... starts crying as gimp dies ;p
[17:54] <Vashsensei> ><
[17:55] * gimptastic dies
[17:55] <Vashsensei> u bastards killed gimp
[17:55] * Sun_Tze gets the beers and gives one to Vashsensei
[17:55] * Vashsensei CHEEEEERS!!!
[17:55] * tlynnec dies as well... "i must go to the underworld and save gimp!"
[17:55] <tlynnec> have we got all the anime plotlines in here yet?
[17:56] * gimptastic ghostly spirit cries at the true friendship love that tlynnec has
[17:56] <tlynnec> lol ;p
[17:56] <gimptastic> no you forgot the 2 coins for the river styx
[17:56] * Sun_Tze is now known as AfroSensei
[17:56] <AfroSensei> :O
[17:57] * tlynnec fights the demon guardian of the river styx in an epic 2 season long battle to get to gimp and free her soul from the turtures of hell
[17:57] * gimptastic laments as her unborn children have been put into a compost heap
[17:57] * tlynnec uses AfroSensei's enormous afro to squash the demon in the final move!
[17:58] * AfroSensei combs his fro
[17:58] <tlynnec> wait wait... plot twist coming........
[17:59] * gimptastic realizes afrosensei needs some afro sheen in order to regain his power
[17:59] * tlynnec learns, as the demon dies, that it was the twisted soul of gimp/tofu's unborn child that was seeking revenge on tlynnec for making gimp laugh into a miscarriage!
[18:00] * gimptastic gasps
[18:00] * tlynnec takes afro sheen out of the previously unoticable pocket on her spandex mini-skirt and offers it to AfroSensei
[18:00] * gimptastic mourns and her cries can be heard on the seas of enland. a foreboding to all sailors of bad times to cme
[18:00] <AfroSensei> uhh, spandex
[18:01] <gimptastic> and tofu thinks all hell breaks loose when he isnt here... HA
[18:01] * Vashsensei droool
[18:01] <tlynnec> snakeskin?  something incredibly tight
[18:02] <tlynnec> hehe... gee we should write anime gimp ;p
[18:02] <gimptastic> we should!
[18:02] <gimptastic> it'd be full of drama
[18:02] <tlynnec> and adventure, and comedy
[18:02] <gimptastic> tho my character needs to do more than just cry
[18:02] <tlynnec> and good 'ol WTF moments
[18:02] <tlynnec> true....
[18:02] <gimptastic> chicks with gunz
[18:03] <Vashsensei> I like it
[18:04] <tlynnec> *the mourning of gimp is loud and sad that the heavens take pity on her and return her to earth as a gun-toting angel who tracks down and 'removes' evil from the world*
[18:04] <gimptastic> of course you would
[18:04] * gimptastic is now badass bitch
[18:05] * AfroSensei yawns
[18:05] <gimptastic> "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..."
[18:05] <tlynnec> i think that would be the anime's title ;p
[18:05] <tlynnec> **note: said angel also carries a bag of coins to provide all those she kills with styx crossing, as she is deep sown incredibly sad & broody
[18:05] <tlynnec> bahahaha
[18:05] <gimptastic> lol
[18:05] * gimptastic doesn't provide exact change for irony
[18:06] * tlynnec wonders where AfroSensei went... we need some comedy relief about now x_x
[18:07] * gimptastic makes tight yet multihidden pocketed get ups for tlynnec and herself. has obsession with weaponry
[18:08] * tlynnec likes the get-ups
[18:08] * Vashsensei has lots of weaponry XD
[18:08] * gimptastic can never have enough pockets. shows tlynnec the accessories
[18:08] * tlynnec got stuck in hell trying to rescue gimp. she now returns to earth as a partial demon, having given up a part of her soul in order to return to gimp
[18:09] <tlynnec> the angel/demon badass girl team can now kick as together
[18:09] <gimptastic> wOOt
[18:09] <gimptastic> will they ever be human again??
[18:09] <gimptastic> ::insert ominous music here::
[18:10] * tlynnec notes the clever pocket gimp installed between the breasts... must keep the fans happy after all ;p
[18:10] <Vashsensei> u will need a badass OST to your series
[18:10] <tlynnec> will u be composing Vashsensei?
[18:10] <Vashsensei> sure
[18:10] * gimptastic shows tlynnec the secret uses of said pocket
[18:10] <tlynnec> ;p
[18:11] <gimptastic> mwahahahaha
[18:12] * tlynnec wonders if said pocket is for the scenes where the hands are unavailable, so the girl must get out the mini-knife between breasts by using her teeth?
[18:13] <gimptastic> and so much more....
[18:13] * tlynnec grins evilly
[18:13] * gimptastic laughs maniacally
[18:13] * tlynnec & gimp pose theatrically for some fanservice ;p
[18:14] * gimptastic puffs out chest
[18:14] * tlynnec too
[18:15] * tlynnec logs this conversation for late night amusement ;p
[18:15] <gimptastic> hehehe
[18:16] <Vashsensei> w000t

Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mamochan on July 06, 2005, 03:33:53 am
Tofu can't afford child care, let alone himself :P
What a terrible father  >:(
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: mamochan on July 06, 2005, 03:36:58 am
I can see their future already.
<Crypticgimp> Change the baby's diaper Tofu-san
<Tofusensei> But but... I'm trying to release Yawara. Btw, you need to qc the next ep :O
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: tlynnec on July 06, 2005, 03:44:18 am
but it doesn't matter now.  gimp miscarried :(
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 06, 2005, 03:57:00 am
being a femme fatale it doesnt matter. plot twist!

* gimptastic castrates tofu
* gimptastic finally has the eunuch slave she has always wanted
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: Vash on July 06, 2005, 04:29:08 am
I havent been on the forums for months.
Then tofu knocks up cryticgimp O_O!!!
Whats going on????

Congrats on the baby!!
Now the big question is when in the Wedding????

Live-Evil Topic Tofusensei and Cryticgimp Wedding Coming Soon!!
It will be the biggest news in fansub history ever.


to be continue................
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: angelan on July 06, 2005, 08:14:27 pm
but vash, the baby is gone....miscarriage. 

no celebration here. 

**damn i miss the channel :(
Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: Tofusensei on July 08, 2005, 03:36:27 pm

/me sues gimp for medical malpractice after developing an infection following said castration.

Now what will I do with all the money I win... Do they make prosthetic penises yet? :D

Title: Re: Crypti is pregnant and ...
Post by: crypticgimp on July 08, 2005, 10:05:47 pm
you cant sue, you're my eunuch slave.  and i ALWAYS have clean medical tools on board.  that being said they know you are lying and you are awarded your penis on a htdog bun