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Messages - chinaboat

Pages: [1]
Past L-E Projects / Re: Shion no Ou
« on: May 10, 2010, 07:28:20 am »
Also some help seeding would be nice. At this time I've downloaded slightly less than 3.5 of the 3.7G and it will take a day or so to get the last. In that same time I've seeded 13.6G - even though I'm going to definitely hear from my ISP I'll leave it open for five more days. I believe this anime is that important. But a little help would be appreciated.

Past L-E Projects / Re: Shion no Ou
« on: May 08, 2010, 09:54:15 am »
I realize the posting on a very old thread is akin to talking about the Academy Awards from two years ago but I don't know where else to post it. On the other hand, because very few are going to read this I don't mind rambling a bit.

Thanks to Yawara I'm now registered with Live-eviL and of course  I immediately went to check out the forums and past/current/dropped projects page where I read all the synopses available, the ones I found interesting I checked for on the torrents page, and then checked ANN's encyclopedia for ratings. The first two I've chosen are Queen Millenia and Shion no Ou. I like QM although the drawing is a bit difficult to digest but Shion is a winner (hence this post) I would like to say, however, it was a good thing that I soon as I realized it was about a game I knew nothing about I checked the wikipedia and got a brief rundown on it. If I hadn't most of the first episode would have been lost on me. I don't know if would be possible to put an asterisk by the title suggesting reading the article before viewing the anime, but doing so increased my enjoyment of the anime immensely.

Just a thought - I look forward to watching other of the older anime. Thanks

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