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Topics - tlynnec

Pages: [1]
General Forum / 4th Annual L-E Banner Contest! (Better late than never...)
« on: February 03, 2010, 09:47:13 am »
Deadline extended!

I know many of you probably thought that we had forgotten about the contest or canceled it this year. I'm happy to say that we have not. Life was just too busy for any of our staff to manage the contest over the holidays, so we present it to you now!


Live-evil is calling for entries in our Fourth Annual Official Banner Contest!!

L-E is hosting our 4th annual contest and you are invited to enter.  Multiple entries are allowed. This is your chance to show off those fancy photoshop skills.  And all you sketch/drawing artists out that, this contest is open to you too!

The contest: Design a banner for L-E's homepage.

The prize: Your banner will be added to the rotating banners on L-E's website (obviously!) and the winning nick(s) will be announced on the site as well. ... Oh, and did I mention that we have some manga and DVDs as prizes too? In fact, this year's top winner will receive a complete series on DVD.

The rules:
  • MUST be 730x185(pixels)
              o Please note, the edges will be cut off by the frame when the banner is posted, so keep that in mind when creating your design.
              o We are making the frame available for the first time this year. It can be downloaded here: Note: You MAY submit an entry already framed, but you MUST also submit an unframed copy of the same banner.
  • MUST be in .jpeg, .bmp, .png, or .gif format. JPEG or PNG preferred.
  • MUST contain the Live-Evil logo
              o Download the logo in jpeg & psd format here:
              o This may be faded or the edges blurred to make it look good in your design, but it must be prominently visible.
  • Entries MAY be created from screenshots, drawn, or any combination thereof, but MUST come from a current Live-evil project (includes joint projects).  
              o See for a list of current L-E projects.
    • MAY contain the logo of the show(s) being used, but MAY NOT contain any other text (apart from the L-E logo).  No links to other websites, signatures, nicks, etc. will be permitted
    • MUST NOT contain content of an overly graphic or offensive nature.
    • Entries not meeting the above requirements will be disqualified.

    The DEADline:
    February 15, 2010 March 31, 2010- 11:59 PM PST. (and we mean it!)

    The judges: The staff of Live-evil will vote on the entries and determine the winner(s)!  If the entries are good enough, runners up may be chosen and their banners displayed as well.

    Submission: 3 methods acceptable:
    • E-mail your entry to
                  Not that we expect any problems, but: if you do not receive a response to your e-mail within 24 hours, it was not received.
    • Post your entry in this thread
    • Post a link to your entry in this thread... make sure your link works!

    and.... that's it. Ready? Set... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Forum / 3rd Annual L-E Banner CONTEST!!
« on: December 19, 2008, 06:20:10 pm »
Live-evil is calling for entries in our Third Annual Official Banner Contest!!

L-E is hosting our 3rd annual contest and you are invited to enter.  Multiple entries are allowed. This is your chance to show off those fancy photoshop skills.  And all you sketch/drawing artists out that, this contest is open to you too!

The contest: Design a banner for L-E's homepage.

The prize: Your banner will be added to the rotating banners on L-E's website (obviously!) and the winning nick(s) will be announced on the site as well. ... Oh, and did I mention that we have some manga and DVDs as prizes too?

The rules:
  • MUST be 730x185(pixels)
              o Please note, the edges will be cut off by the frame when the banner is posted, so keep that in mind when creating your design.
  • MUST be in .jpeg, .bmp, .png, or .gif format. JPEG preferred.
  • MUST contain the Live-Evil logo
              o Download the logo in jpeg & psd format here:
              o This may be faded or the edges blurred to make it look good in your design, but it must be prominently visible.
  • Entries MAY be created from screenshots, drawn, or any combination thereof, but MUST come from a current Live-evil project (includes joint projects).  
              o See for a list of current L-E projects.
              o Exception: entries for Tokyo Marble Chocolate and Piano no Mori will be accepted this year only. :)
  • MAY contain the logo of the show(s) being used, but MAY NOT contain any other text (apart from the L-E logo).  No links to other websites, signatures, nicks, etc. will be permitted
  • MUST NOT contain content of an overly graphic or offensive nature.
  • Entries not meeting the above requirements will be disqualified.

The DEADline:
December 31, 2008 - 11:59 PM PST.
(The last minute of the year in practically the last time zone  ;))

The judges: The staff of Live-evil will vote on the entries and determine the winner(s)!  If the entries are good enough, runners up may be chosen and their banners displayed as well.

Submission: 3 methods acceptable:
  • E-mail your entry to
                Not that we expect any problems, but: if you do not receive a response to your e-mail within 24 hours, it was not received.
  • Post your entry in this thread
  • Post a link to your entry in this thread... make sure your link works!

and.... that's it. Ready? Set... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Forum / 2nd Annual L-E Banner CONTEST!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:47:40 pm »
Live-evil is calling for entries in our Second Annual Official Banner Contest!!

Yup, that's right. L-E is having a contest and you are invited to enter.  Multiple entries are allowed. This is your chance to show off those fancy photoshop skills.  And all you sketch/drawing artists out that, this contest is open to you too!

The contest: Design a banner for L-E's homepage.

The prize: Your banner will be added to the rotating banners on L-E's website (obviously!) and the winning nick(s) will be announced on the site as well. ... Oh, and did I mention that we have some physical goodies too?

The rules:

  • MUST be 730x185(pixels)
    • Please note, the edges will be cut off by the frame when the banner is posted, so keep that in mind when creating your design.
  • MUST be in .jpeg, .bmp, .png, or .gif format. JPEG preferred.
  • MUST contain the Live-Evil logo
  • Entries MAY be created from screenshots, drawn, or any combination thereof, but MUST come from a current Live-evil project.         
  • MAY contain the logo of the show(s) being used, but MAY NOT contain any other text (apart from the L-E logo).  No links to other websites, signatures, nicks, etc. will be permitted
  • MUST NOT contain content of an overly graphic or offensive nature.
  • Entries not meeting the above requirements will be disqualified.

The DEADline: EXTENDED - January 6, 2008 - 11:59 PM PST.
(Deadline has been extended! Please enter NOW!!!)

The judges:
The staff of Live-evil will vote on the entires and determine the winner(s)!  If the entries are good enough, runners up may be chosen and their banners displayed as well.

Submission: 3 methods acceptable:
  • E-mail your entry to
          Not that we expect any problems, but: if you do not receive a response to your e-mail within 24 hours, it was not received.
  • Post your entry in this thread
  • Post a link to your entry in this thread... make sure your link works!

and.... that's it. Ready? Set... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leeching & Technical Problems / Rose of Versailles patch
« on: September 23, 2007, 09:11:06 pm »
It has been brought to our attention that episode 5 of ROV in the bittorrent batch is slightly corrupt (1 frame).

A zidrav patch file has been created to correct this problem.  To use this patch, you will need zidrav and the following patch file:

The correct CRC for episode 5 is: 60E5F411... or apparently 7B9D9469.  (yeah, we can't seem to figure it out either, but both versions are error-free >.<)

Please let us know if any additional problems are found.


Current & Future L-E Projects / MOVED: Main Page QUALM
« on: January 04, 2007, 10:46:29 pm »
This topic has been moved to the General forum.

General Forum / CONTEST!! Design a banner for L-E
« on: December 19, 2006, 01:41:17 am »
Live-evil is calling for entries in our first official banner contest!! 

Yup, that's right. L-E is having a contest and you are invited to enter.  This is your chance to show off those fancy photoshop skills.  And all you sketch/drawing artists out that, this contest is open to you too!

The contest: design a banner for L-E's homepage.

The prize: your banner will be added to the rotating banners on L-E's website (obviously!) and the winning nick(s) will be announced on the site as well.
...Physical goodies if someone feels like donating them ;p

The rules:
  • MUST be 730x185(pixels)
    • please note, the edges will be cut off by the frame when the banner is posted, so keep that in mind when creating your design.
  • MUST be in .jpeg, .bmp, or .gif format. JPEG preferred.
  • MUST contain the Live-Evil logo
  • Entries MAY be created from screenshots, drawn, or any combination thereof, but MUST come from a current Live-evil project.
  • MAY contain the logo of the show(s) being used, but MAY NOT contain any other text (apart from the L-E logo).  No links to other websites, signatures, nicks, etc will be permitted
  • MUST NOT contain content of an overly graphic or offensive nature.
  • Entries not meeting the above requirements will be disqualified

The DEADline: December 31, 2006 - 11:59 PM PST.
(Basically, the last possible moment of the last day of 2006 in nearly the last timezone!)

The judges: The staff of Live-evil will vote on the entires and determine the winner!  If the entries are good enough, runners up may be chosen and their banners displayed as well.

Submission: 3 methods acceptable:
  • e-mail your entry to
    Not that we expect any problems, but: if you do not receive a response to your e-mail within 24 hours, it was not received.
  • post your entry in this thread
  • post a link to your entry in this thread... make sure your link works!

and.... that's it. Ready? Set... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The following is part of Live-evil's code of conduct for members:

Live-evil Member Code of Conduct

1. No behavior will be tolerated that is hurtful to another person in any way, whatsoever.

2. When in doubt, refer to rule 1.

In short, we're all here to have fun, so act like adults!

New members are expected to agree to this code of conduct before joining Live-evil.

Full text of the Code of Conduct, including rules for conflict mediation and reprecussions, will be PMed to anyone wishing to join Live-evil (staff, QC, or distro).  If you do not feel that you can abide by this Code of Conduct, do NOT apply!

Current & Future L-E Projects / New forum moderator!!!!!
« on: November 14, 2006, 06:26:16 am »
Live-evil is proud to announce that crypticgimp will now act as Senior Moderator of the L-E forums.  bobby6 will act as Junior Moderator. We believe that crypticgimp and bobby6 will act as neutral level-headed parties, and arecapable of moderating the forums so that we can all enjoy the threads and not other nonsense and hurtful speech.

ALL moderators will now be enforcing the following rule:

No post will be tolerated that is hurtful to another person in any way, whatsoever. Judgment is at the moderators discretion. If such posts are made, they will be removed.

-Yaoiboy, tlynnec, crypticgimp

Current & Future L-E Projects / Yawara - Judo scoring for the curious
« on: January 31, 2006, 03:06:55 am »
Since there've been several questions about how Judo matches are scored, I thought I'd post this little summary for the curious:

Ippon: Full point - Wins the match immediately.
Waza-ari: Half point - 2 waza-ari's win a match.  In addition, even a single waza-ari outweighs any number of yuko or koka and can win a match that ends for time limit.
Yuko: sometimes translated as 'quarter point' - yuko in fact has no true mathematical value. It's worth less than a waza-ari, and outweighs any number of koka.  At no point can a player receiving only yuko points win a match against someone who has a waza-ari.
Koka: The lowest value point in a round. At no point can a player receiving only koka points win a match against someone who has yuko or waza-ari.

Rounds scoring a single waza-ari, or only yuko and/or koka go to the time limit, and the player with the most higher-value points wins the match. (ie. 1 yuko beats 6 koka,  or 3 yuko beats 2 yuko)

For more information on how each of these points can be scored, as well as penalties, I suggest the following link:

General Forum / Halloween!!!
« on: October 31, 2004, 06:15:24 am »
Ok, I'm just curious what everyone's doing for Halloween.  Party? Trick-or-Treat? Boring sit-at-home?  Costume?

I'll even start it off:  hosting a party and going to the one across the street.  Still haven't decided on a costume.  I always dress as some sort of pun & i'm trying to decide between 'a one night stand (1 nightstand)' a 'serial killer (cereal)', or 'the Ace of Spades (flying ace w/ gardening spades).'  ;)

I haven't been able to see the log half of the l-e website in about a week and a half.   i'm running XP w/ the most recent update.  any idea why?

Live-eviL Recruitment Center / Need an editor?
« on: September 10, 2004, 10:42:55 am »
Bored editor looking to edit for a group she actually likes.  Do you guys need one?

Past L-E Projects / Rose of Versailles
« on: July 02, 2004, 08:51:03 am »
Is Rose of Versailles still being worked on?

Pages: [1]