« Last post by Sindobook on November 09, 2016, 08:15:44 pm »
I've been getting questions about this all last night and even this morning. Honestly, there's not much I can say. Truth is, small animals just don't care about it much at all.
There are times of internal conflict, like the disruptions caused by Yue-bing or the rivalry between the more organized bunny brigade and the somewhat nebulous, shadowy organization known as the black bunny squad. But when it comes down to it, both these organizations exist to fight predators, like the local neighborhood cat gang. And with those cats pretty much beaten into submission, the demise of cat P and the ensuing power struggle to fill that vacuum, things have gone pretty quiet on that front.
So to summarize, first to understand is that small animals really only organize like that when their survival is threatened, and most of the conversations are about very mundane things like food, water, or inter-relational / inter-personal things.
1) I don't doubt what the rumors say. But the truth is, no one cares too much. It doesn't have much effect on anything at all. To me, it's just [other], not-normal, outside-norms. Society's problem, and what do I care about society? 2) In the end, they quit b'cos they have a brain. Anyone can see that there's really no future there. Maybe a future for 2 or 3 [human] years. Maybe the [organization] can continue for 4 or 5 years. But sooner or later, it ends, and is a waste. 3) I'm not saying it's a total loss for everyone. Some still have a future, they will adapt, they will find a way to survive. But many don't. Especially those on the front lines. They'll be relegated to menial jobs, no future, no hope, no prospects. 4) Someone who sees that now, and acts now, has wisdom, at least. Many don't.
People have to realize some of the macro going on. That phenomenon came and went many years ago. Today, that gang is a zombie, still walking around but slowly dying off, whether to simple attrition, defections, etc. Those that are left are the "dead-enders", they have nowhere else to go, they've isolated and made enemies out of anyone who cared for them, they can't go back to their original lives, the only life they have left is the dying gang. So they do their best to reverse the reality on the ground, by any means necessary. These actions, desperate, poorly planned, not well supported, they rarely last long and only serve to quicken the demise of what is left.
Perhaps "smoke and mirrors", or perhaps they're really that stupid. Either way, the result should be the same -- no one should want anything to do with these guys. I've never heard of a more inane excuse, it's something a bunch of infants would come up with.
It's not something I pay attention to, so I can't say much. They try to stand out, hog the spotlight, grasping at the illusion of power, they fight among themselves; despite that word, it's nothing. Just running around in circles, going no-where.
While it might seem like there's a high degree of nepotism, I'd say this is just a continuation of their new policy. Look at the last two moves by that group, and the reason they choose this bunny over that bunny should be obvious. It's more strategic decisions than outright nepotism. And strategy wise, I think it's a solid strategy, in the scheme of things.
Under Cat P, the neighborhood cat gang had tried to co-opt a smallish group to the south. But these attempts ultimately failed, and with Cat P gone, the new cats in charge all but surrendered the southern front, which had been a constant drain on the garrison.
There are rumors of some kind of activity to the south of the gang, however anything that is going on is unlikely to pose a threat in the short term. Whether the strategy of abandoning the southern front is a good one in the long term remains to be seen.
No information. One week, but there's no regular brigade patrols in that area to begin with.
Unfortunately that is deep within neighborhood cat gang territory. Not safe, especially at night. Likely perished at the paws of Cat C and his minions. Even with Cat P's departure, the gang still has plenty of those.
Actually, she survived and was just fine. The story goes that her device had died (battery failure) and she was hanging out at her hutch for the week eating, drinking, and hopping around.
What people often overlook is that those bunnies are good at stirring things up. Despite seeming like they are against each other, they depend on each other to stay a factor. Because without that rivalry, without that conflict, they're no longer relevant. So, when things like this happen, both rivals win, and the losers are the other bunnies in that scene who lost a bit of relevance.
I've seen a lot but I'll say this much. It was an absolute disaster but any small animal with even half a brain could have seen that one coming (triple witching day or whatever you want to call it). It was just a matter whether it was going to be a slow motion train wreck or a stampede. I don't know how effective it is b'cos the cats have a PR guy who loves to spin, but the things they wouldn't lie about likely mean many carrots left to rot[1].
Truth is the cats are spread thin, and their war chest is not going to last forever. The best they can do with the numbers they have is to set up a picket formation, but that means risking their limited numbers when they are overrun. So we've seen this before, they might send a few expendables out but the choice they make is to pull back and defend only, while spouting PR to try to keep morale high and counter tactics that are very expensive.
One odd tactic that I've never seen before is the cats bribing the attackers to go away. If true, this is likely to be an ineffective one as it only attracts more attackers in the long run, and what happens once the treasury runs out and they can no longer bribe their enemies. At best, it's a desperation tactic to buy some time.
[1] A bunny expression for "lots of resources gone to waste"
1) We'll, from a technical, or artistic point of view, positively awful. Only worth it for one reason, which should be obvious.
You may not choose or have control over everything that happens to you, but you always have a choice of how you respond to it.
Don't let it get to your head, live every day like it is the last.
Animals do have a pecking order, but it is a given that it can change at any time. It's not a matter of progress, but a matter of the most able coming out on top, and the weak being relegated. A pack that does not live like that will fall.
The problem is one of focus. There's enough there for maybe 5 minutes of discussion, debate, and arguments. But that's really it. Low value, low priority, the quickest way to lose is to move it to the top (in importance).
The cats have little choice in the matter, they are out of funds, and barely break even on budget, so they can't bring on any more animals. They have no more loyalists, any cat who works for the gang demands two to three times the going rate, even the grunts. The incident of five [cat] years ago really hit them hard, it pushed them from being slightly profitable to terminally not so.
From the outside looking in, it might seem like some of the animals in the bunny brigade are absolutely useless. But that is rarely the case. Those animals have been shown to be useful in the past, otherwise they wouldn't be part of the brigade to begin with. While it has grown somewhat, the core of the brigade isn't huge, around 200 small animals. Beyond this you have support, and affiliates.
There is nothing to say, nothing meaningful at least. A lot of people will ramble on without seeing the big picture. There are two basic ways to think of something, like, or dislike; and then there is ultimate indifference.
As I am told here is the situation. One of the bunnies at a local "bunny cafe" became ill with this flu that is going around and so they asked that she stand in for her as a substitute. So she gets to sing and dance with the other bunnies as part of their event, as well as meet some of the other important bunnies like Bunny Y and so on. I don't know about dancing but once they realize how good she is at singing they'll probably want to make her a full member of the bunny cafe too.
A short recap of what happened. Originally the two bunnies were together, basically due to their mutual admiration of each other. They lived a few states apart, but they got to see each other enough and otherwise interact online to keep the relationship going. At one point she took a long vacation, for around 12 [bunny] weeks where he lived. Near the end of this vacation, he proposed to her, that they could both get their own place and become engaged. But she had her own plans, she wanted to go farther west because that was what she dreamed of.
She would have just preferred the relationship stayed the same way it was, so she turned him down. Left rather depressed, like the thing had been a total loss because they were at odds with what to do next. At the end of her vacation, she visited another bunny J, who she was friends with, and at least enjoyed that.
Not too long after, she headed west. Bunny S and her stayed friends, but they weren't really together anymore. Eventually, bunny J ended up with bunny S (how this happened is another story) and things got very awkward, she broke contact with the two of the them.
Time passed, around 18 bunny years. So current time, that's how it got to where it is now.
Where are they now? They're still there, as far as I know, but haven't been a factor. At least, not as far as I know.
The constantly shifting propaganda of the cats, the lack of numbers, about the only thing that keeps them alive is that with so few cats left, there's more than enough funds to go around and keep most of those that remain happy. But with these numbers, they can't really recover, they are losing territory day by day because none of the cats will stand up and fight in any skirmishes. While those on their borders continue to amass their forces. Their remaining territory is impoverished and already sucked dry of resources, and they can't really move as they are boxed in.
Biding their time, and time isn't on their side.
It's hard to say, sure it's like that. But I think this is just evolution.
Yes, 15,000 last I checked? But numbers are just numbers, what really matters isn't a number but how far people are willing to go... this is why the brigade is so strong, despite having only (roughly) 200 in number.
I would have to say no, because I think it would be a little more obvious if they were.
None of the signs are there.
It's a mystery, but I honestly think it's pretty obvious. Most of the evidence points to (1). There are some other possibilities, but nothing that makes a whole lot of sense.
1) She's pregnant and the father is her ex.
2) One of her ferrets is sick.
3) Taking a month off from work for "mental health".
4) Something voice related?
Let me say this about that dog. In small animal circles, he's earned the moniker "mad dog" for a reason. He's loyal to a fault, and it's not uncommon to have him get in front of other dogs and stare or bark ferociously, trying to scare them off. And there's been multiple instances where he lunged at other dogs, nipped at them, one more serious incident around 20 cat years ago where he actually bit another dog repeatedly and some owners had to intervene to separate the two.
While I personally may not agree with most of his philosophy or quite often what he says (in many ways he's just a "bigger bully") he's definately a step up from the dog that came before him. I know brigade intelligence missed some of the critical facts when it comes to this affair; what she said, even those in the famed "rat squad" where struck with surprise when the facts actually came out. And few actually doubt her story, frankly it explains a lot as well as the company's relative silence when it came to this affair in the past.
1) They went under for a while, then resurfaced about 6 (cat) months ago. I don't know how much of a factor it will be, but I don't doubt the founder is still in charge so that has to at least count for something. No idea how many cats they have behind them.
2) Details are kinda sketchy, read the news, that's the best source out there right now.
1) I don't know what happen. Though I probably wouldn't have noticed it if it was. I really don't pay much attention to that stuff.
2) The cat who is poking around, yes his reputation proceeds him, and he deserves that reputation.
I don't know the details, but the brigade does have many installations in the area. But no, it seems unlikely she is part of it, or will be part of it. It's just not suited to her right now. Maybe in a few years?
Yes but I've said this repeatedly. Many different levels. People often brag, but companies are pretty smart in the end.
Product is often cheap, especially promotional items like clothing or such. Except at the highest levels, that's all that most get.
Yes. You have to understand how the neighborhood cat gang works, like most cats they are highly territorial and nothing (information, etc.) does not flow freely. Think of a big, dysfunctional family where everyone is constantly at each other's throats. The hierarchy has many levels, and the higher up you go, the more control freakish, combative, and defensive they are. Because at that level, unless you are willing to constantly defend your position, someone else has already taken it from you.
No, it doesn't really work that way. Right or wrong, it doesn't really matter. You can be the rightest person in the world, but if you are isolated; if whatever faction or group you can piece together is isolated; then you can't compete with everyone else.
Not at all disputed, you can watch his video about his status online. What happened was, especially in its later years (starting roughly 56 cat years ago) both sides were heavily dependent on mercenaries to do not just their "dirty work", but fighting in general. There were basically two sides, each supported by an "umbrella" of mercenary groups, but the main conflicts were being fought by his group (GRS/GR) and their arch nemesis (W). But around one cat month ago, he came down a serious health problem and could no longer lead his group because of it. So his group fell apart at this point, people pretty much off and doing their own thing, turning to other, more profitable conflicts and so on. At the end of the day, no one was left for (W) to fight, so now the loyalist side is pretty much back in control.