Live-Evil Forums

General => General Forum => Topic started by: Tsubasa on November 05, 2006, 02:13:37 am

Title: This is funny...
Post by: Tsubasa on November 05, 2006, 02:13:37 am
I just thought we needed a thread to post things about stuff that happened around that we found funny/sharing funny jokes. Feel free to post and make us laugh,  :D So nothing mean, frustrating, bound to make people  :'( or  >:( please.

Title: Re: This is funny...
Post by: Tsubasa on November 07, 2006, 07:57:59 am
Well I got nothing funny myself today since another really bad thing happened.

It's good to see no one is posting bad stuff here but I just realised people here need to take it easy cause apparently no one got anything funny to share. It means you need more fun in your life.  :(


P.S. That Joe Bloggs guy is funny cause he is supposed to be 'average' but actually he is so stupid.  :D
Title: Re: This is funny...
Post by: suzaku_nomiko on November 07, 2006, 01:57:36 pm


Title: Re: This is funny...
Post by: Tsubasa on November 16, 2006, 11:40:39 am
<sujan> Oi dos asos?
(Hey pal you there?)[/color]
<Tsubie> Eitto, ki khobor bol.
(Yea, what's up?)
<sujan> Ar koishna gtlbd hala re joota pitha korte icchse kore. ><
(You don't wanna know. I just feel like beating up those gtlbd bastards with my boots.)
<Tsubie> Amar o beshi bhalo obosthha na. Speed na to....
(Not that I am getting much speed either. This is just...)
<Tsubie> To koto pacchish?
(So what speed are ye getting?)
<sujan> 9b/sec.
<Tsubie> 9 kb/s? oO Onek bhalo to.  [I was and am getting only 3kb/s -_-]
(9 kb/s? oO That's pretty good you know.)
<sujan> Are na beti. 9 bytes/sec.
(No you bitch. It's only 9bytes/sec.)
<Tsubie> Seriously?
<sujan> Are koisha na. 9 bytes/sec ekta speed holo? Ki faltoo speed. ><
(Don't ask this is so frustrating. You call 9 bytes/sec a speed? So stupid! ><)

For some reason that value sent me ROFLMAOing.

Title: Re: This is funny...
Post by: Draconis on November 16, 2006, 02:45:15 pm
Not as humorus for the ones not involved but i suppose this convo that just happened will only be slighty humorus to me.

 L:  your presence is set to gone home... are you not here??
 M:  I'm home
 L:  it's nice that you consider this home... very sweet of you
 L: lest that made me snicker for a second...but no my spirit is still in the warm bed
 L:  hha... yeah i know the feeling... but gotta get that paycheck you know??
 M:  WHAT?! I'm suppose to get paid for this...
 L:  ummm.. yeah...that's the whole idea
 M:  that's a serious I get money to stay up and talk on the phone
 L:  precisely... your job rocks
 yeah not as funny now...oh well I tried
Title: Re: This is funny...
Post by: Tsubasa on November 16, 2006, 03:05:33 pm
Hehe, people could never make me a phone whore even if they paid me millions.   ;) Yeah, I really dislike the phone except when I am talking to a few special people.

Title: Re: This is funny...
Post by: Tsubasa on November 16, 2006, 04:03:35 pm
From my IRC diary:

<layzieEee> @find tsubasa
<Tsub|pissed|worried|lonely> yes I am here
<Tsub|pissed|worried|lonely> what do you want?
* layzieEee was kicked by banania (No @find or !find  ,15 minute Ban)
* banania sets mode: +b *!yami@*
* Joins: tx-gen (
* Tsub|pissed|worried|lonely is now known as Tsubasa
<Tsubasa> hahahahaha

Title: Re: This is funny...
Post by: Tatsuki on November 23, 2006, 01:28:02 pm
bwaahaha thats funny Tsubie-chan