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Messages - leunamortiz

Pages: [1]
Leeching & Technical Problems / Re: Lil' help with Harlock
« on: September 06, 2011, 07:46:35 pm »
Posted this to the main “reseed” thread, but since that thread is over a year old I thought I would post here as well. I hope I am not bothering anyone by asking twice.

[Live-eviL]_Captain_Harlock_(TV-1978)_-_Special_Edition please!

Currently up to 80% (was 77% last night) but up to about 73% speed was good.  Now it’s slower than molasses. I am connecting sporadically to 5-7 peers and only about 2 ever download at about 2-3k or so. Seems like the same thing for other peers who are always stuck at the same percentage I am. Seed me and I will seed as well to help!

[Live-eviL]_Captain_Harlock_(TV-1978)_-_Special_Edition please!

Currently up to 80% (was 77% last night) but up to about 73% speed was good.  Now it’s slower than molasses. I am connecting sporadically to 5-7 peers and only about 2 ever download at about 2-3k or so. Seems like the same thing for other peers who are always stuck at the same percentage I am. Seed me and I will seed as well to help!

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