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Messages - keepergirl

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General Forum / Re: Anything at Any Time for Anyone
« on: November 14, 2006, 04:01:50 am »
Well, another thing you can do at work is watch the mindless entertainment that is ytmnd.  I personally recommend Cosby Vocoder 2 for extremely addictive music.  (By the way, if you can't play sound at work, don't bother with ytmnd.)

Yes, yes, Ghost Hunt is the awesomeness.  Make sure to hound Blue Mage quite often for new episodes- I hear he loves that sort of thing.  ;)
Truthfully, Ghost Hunt and Death Note are easily my two favorite shows this season.  In fact, I was really in the mood to watch something creepy/ scary earlier, and I had nothing because I've already watched everything from that genre.

Past L-E Projects / Re: DEATH NOTE!!!! .:.Master Thread.:.
« on: November 14, 2006, 03:51:27 am »
Visual quality is by no means a issue. I watch all my anime on TV, most Pc's have a S-video output, invest 10$ in cables and enjoy!
Meh, visual quality still wouldn't be as good as it is on an official DVD. 
Besides, I much prefer using my DVD player as I can turn it off or on and skip through whatever without ever having to get off my bed. :P
I definitely agree with the sentiment of wanting to support the creators though.
(And with the statement that this whole debate is off-topic in this thread.)

Meh, L really isn't attractive to me.  My first thought when I saw him was, "He looks like an otaku."  Light looks much more normal, and he definitely wins in the personality department as well.

General Forum / Re: Anything at Any Time for Anyone
« on: November 13, 2006, 09:40:56 pm »
Draconis, if you're really bored at work, you can always play games at any of the millions of sites that offer them.  I personally enjoy Yahoo games. 

I would recommend for anyone looking to buy R1 DVDs to use in addition to checking sites like TRSI.  DVD Price Search will show you what sites have whatever you're looking for cheapest (and the prices are usually cheaper than at TRSI).  However, DVD Price Search does not include TRSI or other anime-specific sites, so you should check those separately to find the lowest price.

Past L-E Projects / Re: DEATH NOTE!!!! .:.Master Thread.:.
« on: November 13, 2006, 09:31:49 pm »
I don't consider it's our duty to feed business companies. The truth is we don't need them but they need our money.
I personally appreciate the companies bringing anime here to the US.  I would much rather watch anime on my TV than on my computer monitor, not only for comfort reasons but also for the better visual quality.  R2 DVDs are out for me because my DVD player can't play them (which can be worked around) and because I don't understand Japanese.

Keep in mind, too, that a number of Japanese companies produce anime with the financial aid of American companies.  So if the American companies go bankrupt, that's also hurting the original producers of the anime we love so much.

General Forum / Re: When was your first IRC experience?
« on: November 13, 2006, 06:05:04 am »
Hmm, I first used IRC around two years ago when I was really into Gundam SEED.  I had joined a SEED message board and the people who ran the board also had an IRC chan on Rizon.  Didn't use it for downloading or anything though, just for chatting.

Leeching & Technical Problems / Re: The Ideal BitTorrent Client for you
« on: November 12, 2006, 07:39:40 am »
Just wanted to add to this, I personally use ABC and have been using it for years.  It's true that it doesn't use DHT, so if the tracker is down, you have to wait.  Other than that, though, I've never had any problems with it.  And really, it's not complex at all.  It's laid out simply enough, and even doing things like downloading one episode out of a batch is very simple. 

Not saying you all should run and get ABC, but I figured I would just add this, having years of experience using this client.
(And Tsubie, I think non-advanced users would be perfectly capable of using ABC.  It was my first client as well, and I had no problems figuring everything out.)

Leeching & Technical Problems / Re: Bittorrent
« on: November 12, 2006, 07:24:08 am »
I do feel compelled to mention here that some trackers reject BitComet, especially older versions of BitComet.  I believe BitComet was one the clients that essentially cheated the system- it basically lied to the trackers saying that it had uploaded much more than it actually had.  Since bittorrent is a give-and-take system, uploading (not necessarily a huge amount) helps speed up your own downloading speed.  So a few clients, including older versions of BitComet, acted as though they had uploaded in order to increase users' speeds.

But all that wasn't really needed.  Just know that I've heard some groups' trackers reject BitComet.

Past L-E Projects / Re: DEATH NOTE!!!! .:.Master Thread.:.
« on: November 12, 2006, 02:45:06 am »
I'm proud to say that I'm not an L fangirl! 

I just really don't find him appealing in the least.  His intelligence and skills of deduction are admirable, but he just doesn't have that spark of excitement about him.  I realize it's the unpopular opinion here, but I find Light to be much more exciting and interesting than L.  I'd buy a Light plushie, but I don't think most companies make plushies out of killers...

General Forum / Re: nOObs to this forums introduce yourself HERE
« on: November 11, 2006, 07:33:17 am »
Welcome to both Kirstie and Draconis.   :)

Jigoku shoujo futakumori( shows with death are cool...

once Ghost Hunt finishing downloading I'll see if I stick with that.
I couldn't agree more with that "shows with death are cool" statement.  I'm also a big fan of darker shows.
Ghost Hunt is awesome.  Right now, it's probably my second favorite show from this season (behind Death Note).  The second episode ends on such a cliffhanger though, and now I'm left suffering until episode 3 is released.

Again, welcome to the L-E forums and be sure to post lots to give Tsubie something to respond to.  ;)

Past L-E Projects / Re: DEATH NOTE!!!! .:.Master Thread.:.
« on: November 10, 2006, 09:41:20 pm »
Which is GOOD, but BAAAAD. In it's own way. Good for leechers, who dont' give a damn about being legal in their actions, and bad for...I forgot who it was bad for.
It's bad for the licensing companies, who lose out on money.  That in turn makes it bad for those of us who do buy DVDs, because licensing costs are expensive and if companies don't make money they can't afford licensing costs.  Plus, the DVD prices then go up to try and make up for those people downloading licensed shows.  So essentially, the people who sub and download licensed shows are not only hurting the companies, they're hurting their fellow anime fans. 

Past L-E Projects / Re: Death Note the movie
« on: November 10, 2006, 09:32:08 pm »
Nah, Tsubie.  The movie played in a few places in Asia with English and Chinese subs.  Not fansubs or bootlegs- the real thing.  I know a few Singaporians who got to see the movie in the theaters as well.

From what I've heard, the official R2 DVD will come with English subs.  Just thought I'd throw that into the mix.

Past L-E Projects / Re: DEATH NOTE!!!! .:.Master Thread.:.
« on: November 09, 2006, 07:03:47 pm »
Yeah, I just checked Viz's website and their latest InuYasha release was volume 47, which contains episodes 139-141.  As bastard-sama said, IY is 167 episodes, so it's a lot longer than DN anyway.  But Viz's releases of IY have definitely sped up recently (volume 47 was released in Oct., and they've slated the next two DVDs for November and December).  My main concern about this was that since Viz has a number of extremely popular titles they're releasing right now, they may not have the resources to give DN the proper treatment it deserves.

-Just another note about why they've taken so long with IY.  The DVDs for IY contain, for the most part, only three episodes each.  This is a practice I believe they have since done away with for their new releases.  The Full Moon DVDs have four episodes each, as do the Hikaru no Go (yet another popular title) and Naruto DVDs.  So Viz is learning and mending their former poor practices, which is why I don't despise them like many do.

Past L-E Projects / Re: DEATH NOTE!!!! .:.Master Thread.:.
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:09:19 pm »
I can read kanji. Why? Because I'm Chinese. XD

Seriously, though. There's no perfect Japanese-Chinese Kanji conversion, as the words are used in different subtle undertones in either language. Not to mention not all of the episode titles come out in kanji anyways. But I'll entertain you guys for a bit.

(contains kanji; should try Japanese Shift-JIS or Chinese Traditional Big5 encoding)

Episode 5
驅引 Drive/Bait

Episode 6
I don't actually understand the Hiragana after it, but as for your kanji...
绽 Burst/Split
Actually, Tlynnec already posted the total translation of it (on the previous page, I believe).  So the title of episode 6 is "Open Seam."
Thanks though! ^^

Regarding the possible licensing, I would prefer it not to be Viz, as they tend to take an extremely long time to finish a series.  Some of their practices have gotten better though, so they're not that bad.  And their dubs tend to be okay- not great, but not as bad as some companies'.  What worries me more is that Viz currently has their hands full with some long series, like Naruto, Bleach, and Full Moon.  In addition, they're still releasing InuYasha.  So I'd prefer it to go to a company that doesn't have so many high-profile series going on, with the hopes that DN releases might come a bit quicker and be top-notch.  But I suppose we shall see, especially since we don't even know for sure that it was licensed yet...

General Forum / Re: top hated books
« on: November 07, 2006, 06:30:22 pm »
nathaniel hawthorne's the scarlet letter
Agreed on that one!

Others I've hated:

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.  I had to read this for school ages ago, and found it to be horribly boring.  So I bought the Cliffs Notes to try and not have to read the book, and even that was ridiculously wordy.  As I got older, though, I wondered if I was unduly harsh on Dickens, so I tried reading A Tale of Two Cities.  Didn't get very far before I decided Dickens just wasn't for me.

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway.  I'm not really sure if this book should fall on my most hated list, because after reading it I felt absolutely nothing about it.  I still didn't care about the characters.  They all could have died in the first two pages and I wouldn't have cared.  I just felt like this book offered absolutely nothing-  no plot, no interesting characters... nothing.  In fact, I just googled for a summary of the plot, to make sure I accurately remembered what it was about.  The first five chapters are summarized in four sentences, in which the biggest action is a kiss.  That's just how exciting this book is.  Regardless, I've grown to hate the book and I resent the fact that I had to read it over my summer vacation from school.  :P

I know Steinbeck's The Pearl was already mentioned.  I have to give Steinbeck some credit though- The Pearl was blissfully short.  If all crappy books we had to read were that short, I wouldn't mind so much.

Hmm, I think there was another book I wanted to add to the list, but I can't recall what it was...

I did want to mention that I really enjoyed Daphne DuMaurier's Rebecca.  My sister had that book and gave it to me, and I found after the first few chapters it started getting much, much better.

Past L-E Projects / Re: DEATH NOTE!!!! .:.Master Thread.:.
« on: November 04, 2006, 09:56:13 pm »
There are some things that I was wondering about, when I saw episode no. 5:

1) This episode has no "What happened last time" at the beginning.

2) At the end of the episode, the title of episode 6 is said to be "Diplomacy", which is also the title of episode 5.

Have the Great Ladies of Live-evil any explanations for these things?
Well, technically I'm not one of the LLE, but I figured I'd try and give you an answer anyway.  As for point 1, I believe that has more to do with the raw not having one (the episode just may not have had one or the raw they used may not have).  Either way, I'm sure if the raw had had that, it would have been in the release.
As to your second point, I believe that's already been pointed out to some of the staff on IRC.  It was merely a mistake.  Perhaps someone who can read kanji (I can read the hiragana, but not the kanji) would be kind enough to post in here what the title of next week's episode is. 
Anyway, I hope that answers your questions for you. :)

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