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Messages - Tokuwa

Pages: [1]
Past L-E Projects / Re: NANA Anime & Live-Action
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:32:57 pm »
Was anyone else surprised by how graphic episode 4 was? O_O;


::giggles:: Definately not me, actually xD The manga is far more graphic at that spot, there you have this pretty clear and lively image of Nana moaning against Ren, tub water splashing up and her breasts are clearly visable (with hardened nipples XD ) - it's simply less of a closeup than here. Probably the most raunchiest Manga scene I ever saw in a Shoujo-Manga - the anime does a fine job at keeping the feel though and adapts the , even if less explicit, especially the guitar BGM regains some of the "lewdness" of the original scene in a subtle way.

Past L-E Projects / Re: NANA Anime & Live-Action
« on: April 24, 2006, 10:28:00 pm »

Our lyrics are wrong.

So is every other group's.

We will fix them when the official lyrics come out. It's all a big guessing game. If you guys didn't enjoy karaoke so much I wouldn't even sub the songs knowing the lyrics are wrong, but that's a concession I am willing to make. So yes, our lyrics are wrong, and no, we will not change them until we have real lyrics to look at.

Since no one knows which is which, there's no reason to even argue over who's is right. Now the Japanese lyrics are a different story...


Sorry if I upset you there, Tofusensei. I didn't plan on argueing who's sub is right and I knew that none of the subs can be perfect, as long as the official lyrics are available. I was more interested in "how close" you felt during that big guessing game - but now I realize that it's indeed quite an absurd thing to ask and you've stated well how you feel about subbing without knowing lyrics - I was kinda ashamed, knowing I'm one of those karaoke-fans that encourage this, indirectly. So thanks for doing it, even if it's wrong.
And personally, I feel that guess fits pretty well, btw. Especially the "Nobody kissing me" - So I'm putting my bets on tha... ::feels evil glowing Tofu glare:: eh.. I... ok, no bets.. ahahaha ::runs off::

Past L-E Projects / Re: NANA Anime & Live-Action
« on: April 22, 2006, 08:24:47 pm »
The blurry Engrish-English definately seems troublesome for all fansubbers - the differences between the subs for NANA's Opening are vast.
Some of the seemingly Japanese lines were even understood as English by another team - and it sounds possible to me, that it's right - though lines like "My tear can ashame your soul" sure are strange.

Well, that's the minor downside of fansubs - it's usually all based on hearing, not on actual scripts - And "Rose" is hearable in many ways, so far ::laughs::
When it comes to muttered words or English like this, it's hit or miss - and sadly, not always does the English make sense, which confuses even more. So my deep respect goes out to brave ones as Tofusensei, that try their best to catch the lyrics.

But now I'm curious too - how sure are you, Tofusensei? Will you rethink some of the words?

Past L-E Projects / Re: NANA Anime & Live-Action
« on: April 20, 2006, 09:21:37 pm »
This is a truly amazing release! I love it!

I need moe NANA!


Death Grin, I'm usually the same way, but Ai Yazawa's works are worth sitting down and reading. They're amazing!

Definately - I became hooked to manga during a time, when I was really low on "manga-reading-motivation"  - NANA relighted a fire back then, it's quite an experience and it's hard to keep that level of grace and style in an anime, but I'm pretty satisfied with MADHOUSE's work so far so I'm eagerly waiting for the next episode like crazy!

Lucky Gokinjo Monogatari (early Ai Yazawa series) is being subbed too now, that helps enduring the wait. Check animesuki on that one, if you're interested.

I'd like to see some more discussion here, any more comments on the episodes so far?

Past L-E Projects / Re: NANA Anime & Live-Action
« on: April 18, 2006, 11:37:44 pm »

I dunno, I think I'd say that in English...

Maybe I'm just weird...

* Tofusensei goes to rethink his whole existence...


Haha, don't. ^^ I actually think the line suits the character well. NANA is a rather mature shoujo-anime and even Hachiko with all her cuteness is someone capable of elaborate language plus it also underlines the "alternative" character of the story, one could say.

Past L-E Projects / Re: NANA Anime & Live-Action
« on: April 18, 2006, 11:19:21 pm »
As fresh member, first of all a warm "Hi there!" to everybody and a great big "Thanks!" to L-E for subbing the NANA Anime *and* Movie!

I'm fan of the Manga every since it started being being released here in Germany about a half a year ago, we're at volume 7 now - I've read they past volume 15 in Japan by now, and no end is in sight - Ai Yazawa's longest series, so far. Anyway, I may be able to provide some details on the differences between manga<->movie<->anime - feel free to ask me about the manga as much as you want ^_^

So far I can tell you the movie covers volumes 1 to 4.5 so the manga story goes far beyond the ending of the movie. 4.5, you may wonder? Well the movie ends right in the middle of the volume - that scene is simply continued in the manga, without any fade or cut xD.

So far, I love the anime-adaption - I'm surprised how close they're adapting the style and scenes as they come in the manga - the partial lack of animation is acceptable, in my eyes - to add more animation, they would have to probably simplify the character-design more, taking away the special flair of Ai Yazawa style.
After seeing Paradise Kiss, another anime to an Ai Yazawa manga, I'm really satisfied with NANA - in ParaKiss they often placed close-ups on more-or-less random objects during conversations to avoid animating *anything* ::laughs::

Oh yeah, and Ep2 was a big surprise - I didn't think they'd roll up Hachi's (Nana K. ) past as detailed as in the manga. By the way, Ep2 was the content of the first chapters of NANA ^^ This is how everything starts in the manga. If they keep on like this, we'll see NANA O.'s past next up.

To L-E - I hope you're prepared for a long series XD Seeing the pace of the anime, this adaption is taking it's time and hardly skips any content of the manga (which is wonderful to see, for a fan like me xD) - Right now it's 2-3 episodes per volume, I'd estimate ^^

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