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Messages - EadTaes

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Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: September 20, 2005, 03:31:23 pm »
Yeah eps 22 is tortrue for those of us waiting for the rest of the storie.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: September 18, 2005, 06:59:30 am »
Yeah i had calculated the time once but meh not important.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: September 17, 2005, 03:46:30 pm »
Last time i  had seend the announcemnt fo when Tsubasa playe sin japan ti was every saturday at 630pm if i recal corectly. The day seems to be the same so is everyweek. Maybe time has changed but we get to watch the sub normaly in lest then a day from it arring in japan most of the time.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: September 13, 2005, 01:11:12 am »
Yeha but the thign si teachign doesn't necesaraly mean using it.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: September 12, 2005, 07:24:08 pm »
Hmm Shaoran can use magic tos ense thigns around him?? Sure looks that way to me. This is makign me think about what teh said at first no coincidence is randomt heir si always a reason for. So right now am I the only one to find it funny Shaoran is travalign with bootha  swords master and a magician. right now he's gettign sword elassons from Kurogane now whos willign to bet h,ll get magic elassons from Fye some time in the future?

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: September 04, 2005, 07:50:51 pm »
But they did run into themselves, I think it was episode 14 or 15. The one where they had to fight for the tournament prize.
That wasn't them selves that was people who resembled them in personalaty. and it also wasn't a clamp original episode.

That might be becaause Sakura has a power of her own and that Eahc tiem they gaina  feather she gains soem of her power back. some how i ahve a feelign at one point Sakura will might be strong enought to cancel the payment ina  way and hold on to her memories.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: September 03, 2005, 04:02:37 am »
I think clamp has announced before that they would no meet with them selves. Not sur eif that info is still accurate because it would be kinda stupid they run into people they know form their  worlds but not them selves.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:38:38 am »
to answer the without mokona question: I asume that you are talking about the scene where fai and kurogane are walking down the street and it is, in fact they explained this in the manga if i remember correctly, that they both speak japanese as opposed to Syaoran and Sakura who speak the language of the kingdom of Clow.

Thats a prety good explanation but that would discord with one of teh first eps and oen fo the first chapter sin teh manga. When they first get seperated from mokona even Kuro and Fey cant understand each other.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: August 28, 2005, 04:52:34 am »
well today it hink with eps 19 we all got a very good hint that Shaoran can and will kill if e has to. Now the thing is how will Sakura react if/and when he does.

anyone care to advance supositions?

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: August 26, 2005, 06:51:22 pm »
Yeha i noticed that thos in this contry. But knwoing clamp here are possible suggestions.

1) mokona powers are growing
2) their learnign languaged faster now
3) the magi thta seems to be in that contry makes mokona "translation range" large.

Prety sure we coudl think of mroe otehr then sayign it an error. But those are teh main 3 that pop in mind i think.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: August 22, 2005, 05:44:46 am »
30 minutes isnt a movie. Its and eps. And if they make soemhtign 30 minute and call ti a movie i'd call it a rip off. So if they amke a movie it probably aprox 2 hours long.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: August 18, 2005, 06:25:17 am »
You should read teh previous page of this topic it woudl asnwer all of you questions. So learn to read.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: August 08, 2005, 07:40:59 am »

Who watches High School baseball on tv???

Err i dunno certainyl not me. sprts aren't worth watchign on TV i'd rater be doing them. And i can't belive bassaball is takign over the hottes anime in town at teh moment. (but that's my personal opinion.)

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: August 03, 2005, 11:37:58 pm »
I Don't think his eye is glass. I mean look at the contry he comes from they live in antiquaty so i seriously doubt (if clamp kept time line for them) doing that would be posible. I think the reflection they put in it was more just to hint people to it then to show its made of glass. Unlest it say it is somewhere in the manga.

and yeah he doesnt ahve that in CCS and in CCS you don't get teh feeling Shaoran could kill someone liek you get in TRC.

So far int he anime you have to reference thats eem to hit to that.
The first is in the contry where Chunyan was. At teh end he asked her if she wishes to avenger her mother.
And in the orginial eps from the anime Fye said if it would ahve been a real Sakura feather the fight would have been much more intense. Kurogane said it would have been tot eh death. And Shaoran just hmmm at it looking seriously.

So could Shaoran kill soemone? Not sure yet but they have been hints to it.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa Chronicle!
« on: August 01, 2005, 06:54:47 pm »
do i look like a projectw orker... err no.... See my title noob hero @_o

Also on DatteBayo sit the link is there but no oen seems to ahve the file.....

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