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Messages - Nao

Pages: 1 [2]
Past L-E Projects / Re: Creamy Mami.....
« on: June 24, 2006, 02:31:06 am »
Yes, what happened to episode 46? I couldn't even find the raw on the qc ftp... It's a really good episode, too. And important to the storyline!

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa & Nana = DROPPED
« on: June 24, 2006, 02:21:22 am »
No, you're not the only one who konws Japanese, I am also a translator.  But subbing from a sub reduces accuracy doesn't it?
Depends on the way you work. I remember my first pro translation back in '94 was for the AD Police manga. There was already a really good English translation available for it (from Studio Proteus IIRC), so I took my Japanese volume, my English volume, translated from English and checked, word for word, from the Japanese text. It allowed me to avoid browsing through my dictionary everytime I stumbled upon a problematic word. (And believe me, AD Police is not far from Shirow stuff in terms of complexity sometimes.)
Well, I still believe it to be one of my best works. And I'm not ashamed to say I borrowed help from the English version. In the end, it's not like I made an inaccurate translation: I did translate it from Japanese.
The Creamy Mami French dub is really not bad at all. There are issues here and there, but it's quite a good text to use as a basis for an English translation. Then, you just need to check the Japanese version for potential mistakes, and, obviously, for the actual way of saying the things.
Today I was reading through a manga translated to French from English. I didn't have the Japanese original under the hand, but it was a blatant example of how bad the French community can be at translating from English (which is something like ten times easier than translating from Japanese). This was in the second or third sentence in the manga: "(I'm very busy with my job) And that job would be... voice actress". He translated that to "Et ce job serait... actrice". Or something like that. It's a litteral translation. You all realize "would" is not used in its usual context here. Well, he translated it as if someone had said, "If I could have a job, then that job would be voice actress".
It's not a flaw to translate with help from a language that is not the original text. It's a flaw when you're a bad translator or you simply don't care at all about doing your job seriously.

You seem to really like French subs, dubs...
I don't watch much anime, actually. And I only watch them in Japanese with English or French subs. Except for older anime, which I sometimes watch in French, for nostalgia reasons. (French dubs used to be *really* good in the 70's and 80's.)

maybe subs but dubs o_O is a no no I think.  Anyway, I think I'll be doing the OVAs from Mami unless you want to.
There's an Italian dub available for them (no French dub, though). I don't speak Italian, but I could doublecheck your work against the Japanese version if you'd like.

there is an urgency of getting it done as soon as possible, so I hope you can return soon.
Do you plan to do the OVAs before actually finishing the TV show? That sounds strange to me.

PS: I'm very tired tonight, sorry if I made any English mistakes in my post.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Tsubasa & Nana = DROPPED
« on: June 24, 2006, 12:22:47 am »
B'cos we got more important shows like Mami to worrey about.
I'm really sorry that I'm too busy to get involved in it for now (won't be available before the end of the summer at the earliest... at least for doing several episodes in a row), but you'll finish the show for sure--if only because it's being released on DVD in France right now, the 26 first episodes are out, the rest is coming soon, I'm pretty sure someone will end up ripping the French subtitles, converting them to SSA and translating them to English. Will save you a lot of hassle... Or, of course, there's also the good old French dub.
I suppose I'm not the only one speaking French here, right? I'm also not the only one who understands Japanese. These two factors can be split among two people, doesn't have to be only one ;)

Well, yesterday, I ate an apple.

Well. I grew up with albator so I'm pretty fond of everything by matsumoto . So my favorite series are:
Queen millenia: Because this has never before been translated in a language I understand.
Actually they dubbed about 10 episodes to French and showed them on La Cinq back in 1991.

Galaxy express: I never saw the complete series, just a few french dubbed ones about 20 years ago.
About 35 got dubbed, yeah.

PS: no "double-post" mod applied here? Ahh, too bad!

All I was doing was compiling a Top 10 list. Now, as for the reason you put up this poll, I guessed at your nickname that it was to convince L.E to keep working on Tsubasa by showing them that it's the most popular anime at L.E, and then going to a Tsubasa fan forum and asking them to vote here.

Since it is my opinion, it's only fair enough that I troll about the series you're such a "fan" of that you've writing in all caps and are obviously angry at me.

Ahhhh... Fandom. All these young people and everything.

It might be interesting to establish the current Top 10:

1. Tsubasa (45)
2. NANA (28)
3. The Snow Queen (20)
    Sailor Stars (20)
5. Captain Harlock (19)
6. Galaxy Express 999 (17)
7. Yawara (13)
8. 3000 Leagues (12)
9. Queen Millennia (11)
10. Creamy Mami (10)

Apart from #1, these are all good shows.....  ;D
(Just trolling :D)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Creamy Mami.....
« on: June 03, 2006, 02:31:25 pm »
Probably because being on the chan doesn't mean I read it... I actually just have this tab open under Opera with the qc chan in it, sometimes when I restart Opera it refuses to connect to the server so I don't even notice I'm not on the chan.
I finished Mushiking #1 a month ago ( if you're interested, but it's a French-only fansub), but I believe in the meantime Tofu-sensei has found new interest in finishing Creamy Mami by himself, so everything is fine, right?

I didn't get to vote for all shows I wanted to vote for, so I'll give reasons for all of them:
- 3000 leagues: I don't think any other group is doing it... It's a very nice show and I heard the last episodes are fantastic. Plus, a Takahata/Miyazaki combo is never something to be dropped ;)
- Creamy Mami because the show is almost over and it would be a shame not to let American viewers discover the really excellent last episodes (pianist, first kiss, final stage, etc.)
- Pelsia, just because I'd like to see the final two episodes out. They're quite awesome as well.
- Galaxy Express 999, Captain Harlock and Queen Millennia, because old Matsumoto shows were really something. GE999 has great final episodes, Harlock has a very good soundtrack and Queen Millennia... Well, I loved the movie.
- Glass Mask, another interesting show. It's already been completed by another group (non-digital fansub) years ago, though.
- Snow Queen, Dezaki/Sugino combo. 'nuff said. (Plus, no other group is doing it.)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Creamy Mami.....
« on: April 05, 2006, 01:21:52 pm »
Yeah, I'm 24/7 on the private chan (although I'm not reading it, it's just a tab among others in Opera), ask Gum about my nick there ;)
I'm really glad you're interested in doing the last two Pelsia episodes as I suggested :) I'd happily help with translation and/or adaptation and/or qc.

Past L-E Projects / Re: Creamy Mami.....
« on: April 05, 2006, 12:05:15 am »
I haven't started work on Mami yet (was busy working on Mushiking #1), and I was told that Tofu had finally qc'ed Mami #44 so I'll probably start work directly on episode 45 (if I'm still needed, obviously!).

PS: have we seen the same dub? The French dub is really awesome... The translation is good, too. One of the very few anime I can actually say are better in French than in Japanese. (The other one being Versailles no bara.)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Creamy Mami.....
« on: March 07, 2006, 03:00:45 pm »
Hi there... Just checking by to see if there's any news.

If you want to see Mami finished either a) volunteer your translation checker services to Sindobook via forum if you are capable of such a task or b) email Tofusense at to express your eagerness to see the end of the series.
I answered this a few months ago by volunteering as a translation checker. I've been doing that exact job a few weeks ago for a couple of Saint Seiya Hades Inferno releases, and it went great. Again, I'd love to help checking Mami translations. I'm a fan of the show in French, and although I don't like the Japanese dub half as much, I'd really appreciate to help expedite the last few episodes for the Live-Evil audience.

I'd also be willing to translate & check the last two episodes of Pelsia, which are really, really good, and don't require to see the previous episodes to be understood. I realize that Pelsia is never going to be finished at this pace, and I think it would be a good idea for its fans to at least finish the final two episodes.
I can also help on Leiji Matsumoto-related shows, although I don't think any help is needed here.

Thanks for your consideration!

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