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Messages - Tofusensei

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General Forum / Re: web help needed O_o;;
« on: July 24, 2004, 08:08:03 am »
Yo tanman :D

Where's John? He should come to otakon >:O


« on: July 14, 2004, 11:05:34 am »
I can answer that ladysetsuna.

1. If they are female bring them on, if they are male...well I guess =\
2. Bring whatever you want.


Yup, Dead's responses are right, hehe! ^^

As far as the details of the parties, we will have a pre-party on Friday night (beginning probably around 9PM or so and lasting all night long till the last person goes to bed), then we will have an even bigger party on Saturday night immediately following the Fansubber's Panel that L-E is hosting, which will take place in panel room #2 at 9:30PM. Obviously we cannot know the exact location of the hotel suite until after we check in, but rest assured that we will put up fliers in very conspicuous locations giving all the details for the parties (in the Otakon message board in the con itself, on the live-evil website, maybe I can give out my cellular phone number to people who'd like it so they can call during the con and find out all the details.)

At the panel all the details will be given out as well. For maximum fun, I'd recommend coming on both Friday & Saturday night so you can get a feel for everything and get to know everyone!! :D

We need to think up drinking games too >_<


« on: July 11, 2004, 01:39:42 am »
Okay, for the past two years as you may or may not know, some members of Live-eviL, as well as other established fansub groups, have been organizing a panel on digital fansubbing at Otakon. Although I invite all of you to come to the panel and say hi and see exactly what it is we do here, that's not the point of my post.

Consider this an official invitation to the third annual Fansubber's Party (formerly known as OMG FANSUBBAZ!), in a to-be-disclosed hotel suite. Just to give you an idea of what kind of party we throw, last year we had a $4000/night presidential suite complete with a full bar, jacuzzi, a grand piano, and professional bartenders. All of it is free of charge but we do take donations if you're kind enough to do so (food, drinks, cash to tip the bartender and help reimburse for the cost of everything). The only time we ask for money is if you plan on staying the night, in which case we don't accept freeloaders :P (Unless you are female, then maybe you can sweet-talk the hosts :D).

This year we will have DDR, video games, a big lan party, and a japanese karaoke box.

Post here if you're interested in coming!


General Forum / Re: Otakon 2k4
« on: July 11, 2004, 01:29:54 am »
What's otakon?  ???


Leeching & Technical Problems / Re: Audio codec ?
« on: July 11, 2004, 12:40:50 am »

You can get the codec right here:

Just read the bottom of it ^^


Leeching & Technical Problems / Re: molly star racer
« on: July 05, 2004, 05:53:47 pm »
That's Maaya Sakamoto. I cannot remember the exact song I used but go buy her CDs! She has a very beautiful voice!


General Forum / Re: Unexpectedly good films...
« on: June 17, 2004, 03:43:41 am »

I knew a french girl who LOVED that movie. She made me watch it with her. I have to admit that it is very good. Danzig was right with his suggestion, if you like those kind of movies, you will love the Boondock Saints.

Another movie that I did not expect to like but really fell in love with was Spy Games. I went to see it in the theater on a whim (I didn't even read a single review about it) and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a strange film because it's essentially 2 hours of background info building up for 5 minutes of movie. :)


Past L-E Projects / Re: Galaxy Express 999!!!
« on: June 16, 2004, 07:45:08 pm »

It was ripped from the DVDs that I purchased legimately in Japan. And we have all the eps. If you're looking for DVD rips of the series you won't find them here :D


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Yawara
« on: June 15, 2004, 03:14:09 am »
Here is what everyone needs to do to get more Yawara.

1) Come to #live-evil
2) Type this command /msg Yoshubesan WORK ON YAWARA YOU LAZY BUM!! >:O
3) repeat daily



Okay, we will never drop 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother. We will subtitle it in its entirety. Eps 6-8 are being worked on right now, as a matter of fact!

As far as Mermaid's Scar goes, check out L-E on Tuesday ;)



We're going to be churning out a lot of Galaxy Express 999 TV translations very shortly and will be in need of someone to help get them all timed. We already have one timer on the project but this is more than one mere mortal can handle!

Anyway, if you think you're interested, feel free to post on here, or msg me on irc (nick is Tofusensei) and I'll be happy to discuss details with you. If you want to check out the show, go to the torrent page, or get it off of irc.

Thank you!


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: galaxy railway
« on: June 11, 2004, 07:51:57 pm »
Well, here is the long and the short of it.

I was translating this show one day (yes, I am the one and only translator for this show :x) and I come across this word "sekusaroido". So I go, "Huh? What in blazes can that be?? Hmmm.... <checks electronic dictionary> <checks online dictionaries> <searches google> Ah, here this is great japanese page explaining what a sekusaroido is!" Of course, the explanataion for what a sexaroid is would be VERY similar to what the explanation for android is, so I (and here is the key phrase here) ASSUMED that it was just a fancy word for Android, so I translated it as such.

No malice was intended, I just missed the reference. It happens :( Now I need to get my hands on the Sexaroid manga :D


Sure, it's on this CD:

It is the accoustical version of Yubiwa.  :)


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: galaxy railway
« on: June 10, 2004, 05:43:47 pm »
Honestly, I didn't catch the reference. Can you give me more information on that? :D

As a hardcore Matsumoto fan that I pretend to be, the truth is I wasn't alive when most of his really famous works came out, so it's possible that I don't catch all his references >_< We need a Matsumoto expert on call at all times :D


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: DAQ!
« on: June 07, 2004, 04:02:46 am »
boo ya :O


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