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Messages - JC

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Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: September 03, 2005, 11:32:24 am »
I could possibly provide you with a dedicated eggdrop with scripts that ban on wildcard... Depending how much longer my hosting stays up for... All I know is my colo is being belted with massive DDoS and a few other things ever since the hurricane went through :/

And shouts out to the dedicated guys manning a colocation centre in the affected area, they're doing a top job, and almost out of fuel :(

Can read their blog <--- There

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: August 25, 2005, 01:22:03 pm »
Well... I've now watched the movie, DVD rip, and with subtitles (Gotta love the guys who did it!). And apart from the driving and drifting... The only highlight was the crashes!

But otherwise, the characters were pretty bland :/

Last night I woke up to my phone ringing, friend calling me from somewhere in asia to tell me that he's just bought himself a trueno and it'll be imported in a few weeks... And that he's hunting up a lead he has for a group a engine, but it's listed as not running (Apparently the big ends have gone - Ala what happens in Stage 2, or pretty close to)... But if all goes well with immigration and department of transport... I MIGHT be babysitting the sucker when it gets here... If so, I'll post up some pics and stuff

And since I've been sick the last few days, I have watched every single ep from s1.01 to the last LE release... I've had nothing better to do :P

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: August 18, 2005, 08:02:59 am »
True, considering the Pontiac GTO Monaro is made in Australia :D

They go though... Verrrrry fast!

VL was a completely revised body from what I've read of some articles, as it has less of a "Chassis" type construction, and more of the "Body" type we see today (Only SUVs and stuff like that have a chassis these days)

But, yeah... Saw an interesting race this morning... R32 GTR Vs Supra (Say about a 1997 model) from the lights near my place... GTR creamed the Supra completely... Then a cop car creamed them both... Went past again about 20 mins later and their cars were just being towed away :D

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: August 17, 2005, 04:09:44 pm »
Wasn't a flame mate... And notice "VL" and "VK"... Letter difference :P

VK has an older, sturdier frame compaired to the VL, which was a bit of a nut job, but extremely popular :P

Someone had one on Ebay a while ago that they wanted about $30,000.00 for or something, as it'd only done 2,000km in it's entire life, and was "AS NEW"... Hah!

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: August 16, 2005, 11:50:55 am »
Well... Looks like my car is having a shit time... Quite possible that the head is on it's way out (In my daily driver)... And if the mechanic can't fix it (I don't have the time :(), it'll probably go boom, and set me back a fair bit...

Well, actually, not really... Just means that it'll take me longer to get the project car running as I have to rebuild part of it's engine so I can put it in there and use that... Thus meaning I can't put the RB26DETT head on that I'm ordering fairly shortly, as I need the pistons too, else it'll be a complete slug :(

VL's arn't good for drifting, too much body flex, and I laugh at people who try to, then wonder why they kill wheel bearings and so on due to the force of the body flex :P

I'd donate a motherboard, as I have a few spare, but he'd need a Socket A (AMD), and it's gotta come from Perth to wherever in the world... Thus, expensive :(

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: August 15, 2005, 10:20:15 am »
Why is there a VK in a drift club? :P

Hellbent: I agree, completely :) Wait and see I guess :P

Cars are expensive... Costing me AT LEAST $1,600.00 for an RB26DETT head... Then about $500.00 for RB25DE pistons (Yes, they're skyline parts), to make an RB30DE (3 litre twin cam non turbo... .4 of a L bigger than the godzilla RB26!)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: August 12, 2005, 03:00:32 am »
That was a real mouthfull... Needs more punctuation :P But still informative!

I woke up about 10 minutes ago (day off, gf rang me... Not that I mind, makes a very welcome change from an alarm), and read about someone else asking about releases... I'm honestly starting to think that people are doing it just to annoy us now, since we've started cracking down on it so to speak (Eh, some sites are harsher, they alter the post to contain "Idiot post - removed", and it can make reading it amusing!)

Project gets on the road this weekend *fingers crossed*, time for fun and games to occurr (and me to give up drinking alcohol, so I have money for work on car)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: August 07, 2005, 06:14:42 am »

I almost bought myself a die-cast Trueno yesterday... Saw it in a toy store in the window, was official Initial D merchandise... But, I'm broke :( *Damn cars... "If it's got tits or wheels it'll send you broke"- My gf (who earns more than me :( )*

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: July 28, 2005, 06:44:56 am »
Trolls need food? I thought ate rocks... "Mmm... Brog is hungry... Brog likes rocks... Rocks taste nice to Brog"

I really need to stop working with contact adhesive :P

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: July 26, 2005, 11:22:05 am »
brokenimage0: Haha... About... Say... 5 times? We were using it for mixing screed up to put on the floor to make it level and stuff like that... So they kept taking the bucket off me and emptying it :(

Was excellent fun though... Was going to get the trolley drifting, but the rear wheels (Pushing it), are the steering wheels, so it's bloody hard to do :/

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: July 24, 2005, 02:00:11 pm »
chichin0: 10 points! That was class! :D

I've been hanging out for 16 for a while now, but been amusing myself at work... Working out just how much control Tak would need not to spill the water.

Got a flatbed trolley and a bucket of water, pushed it around, experimented with acceleration and decelleration (Spelling? I'm tipsey :D), and the control he'd need to make it not spill is indeed godlike (but is completely possible, if everything is set up perfectly)... Needless to say my boss found it amusing (He didn't yell at me when I told him what I was doing, plus it kept me out of mischeif at times)

On other slightly unrelated junk, I got a second car on the weekend, same as my current one just a newer model (1988 instead of 1987) for AU$650.00 :D The guy I bought it off had a bloody nice looking Trueno in his neighbours driveway, went over and asked the guy if he wanted to sell it, but he said no :(

For anyone interested, it's running a 7AGE (4AGE 20V head off the Silvertop engine from an AE101, with a 7AFE bottom end off the newer Toyota's), making it a 1.8L, with a roots type SC14 supercharger in it (Off the Toyota 2L supercharged engine they made)... Lowered slightly, bigggg rims and brakes, exhaust tuned to suit. Saw a dyno sheet showing 280rwhp @ 10psi!!!!! I'd pay good money to see something like that be driven by Tak :D

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: July 16, 2005, 03:07:34 am »
Humans are stupid, that answers that question Elchfaenger :P

*Strogg lives forever - Sorry, just watched the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars preview... Mmmm*

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: July 13, 2005, 12:56:49 pm »
He does that stuff in the Manga? :P

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: July 08, 2005, 10:07:22 am »
Lots of ifs and buts about the series, but I can say this... That was a dirty bloody trick with the oil, reminds me of guys in real life putting oil on the road so they can drift without damaging their tyres (Needless to say, they're serving 2 years jail for criminal damage and a few other things).

I'd love to see a 5th and 6th stage, reckon they've got plenty to base it all on.

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: June 30, 2005, 10:03:53 am »
God I just love all this bickering and squabbling about something as trivial as people not reading the topic, or just not understanding some general things about the way some groups work. I honestly now believe that it's a waste of time, resources (IE, power), and patience to abuse each other for peoples inability to read and comprehend plain and simple English. You could have this "DON'T ASK THEM WHEN IT'LL BE OUT" in neon fucking pink flashing writing at the top of the screen flashing so fast it send you either epileptic or blind!

At the end of the day, there is always going to be one or two idiots to spoil the whole fucking thing for everyone else, and they know who they are, because they either do it for fun, are the sort of person who has to do something they're told not to to see what happens, or genuinely don't know the way things work (usually because they're the second group who don't READ)

Yes, usually I'm quite calm and collected, and I don't use dodgy French in my posts, but I'm tired, had a really long day at work, and coming home to even more immaturity and stupidity that I could understand coming from my 6 year old brother... Really pisses me the hell off!

And as for the guys from L-E, hold it back for as long as you deem suitable, lose fans, whatever it may take to get most of the message across to people. I'm still going to wait quite patiently for your excellent work, and possibly even contribute online hardware and funding via alternative methods to the cause in a few weeks time.

Reason: Because they fucking well deserve free shit for the job they do!

(pardon the French)

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