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Messages - gumbaloom

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Past L-E Projects / Re: The Snow Queen
« on: March 09, 2007, 12:07:25 pm »
Is there a point to these random posts ?

Snow Queen will be here soon enough, I've not gone and spent $280+ buyng the Region 2's for nothing.


Past L-E Projects / Re: Captain Harlock SSX!!!
« on: March 08, 2007, 01:06:11 pm »
* gumbaloom complains about masakari complaining that i'm complaining that he's complaining.


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: new series suggestion thread
« on: February 16, 2007, 01:22:49 am »
And are you going to provide the Tonde Buurin Region 2 DVD's or DVD ISO's for us ? :o


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: 3000 leagues in search of mother
« on: February 11, 2007, 07:53:41 pm »
Tofu has the raws and he's vanished off the face of the earth.

He owns the laserdiscs and capped them.

Therefore we're fucked till someone buys the DVD's OR Tofu comes back(unlikely)

As for translators, the translators we have are a) AWOL eg tofu and Demn b) already tied up don't what to TL more than what they already have c) Have zero interest in World Masterpiece Theatre.

I *might* eventually ressurect 3,000 leagues if something doesnt happen before hand but I'm not made of money so can't afford to go blowing money on random R2's at the minute nor is my Japanese good enough yet.


Lol you miss the point.


The translators we do have are already busy enough as it is and they have their own personal preferences.

Therefore if you want us to pick something up you either got to
a) Supply a translator or a script
b) Hope that someone is interested enough to take time out to translate it.

Note the occurrence of b) is the EXCEPTION rather than the rule.


I'm always game to see good classic anime get subbed but yes Galen is right. No translator + No raws = won't get subbed.

We're not going to use some 5th generation copied VHS tapes as a raw source to sub a movie, it's gotta be either DVD or a VHS capped raw done properly off an original Japanese tape or a clean 1st gen copy.

If you have both raws + translator willing to do it we'll talk business otherwise your comments are falling on deaf ears I'm afraid.


Simple answer NO cos you fail for being dumb and making two forum topics and being generally annoying.


Past L-E Projects / Re: The Snow Queen
« on: February 09, 2007, 07:41:28 pm »
Ep 9 is in QC :E

(I now have all the series on Region 2 DVD btw the last episode made me cry T_T)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Detective Acadamy Q
« on: February 05, 2007, 02:18:16 am »

Ep 30 out

Go get


General Forum / Suggest / Design an Avatar for the g00mba!
« on: January 26, 2007, 10:16:09 pm »
Ok p33ps, heres a competition - suggest for me a (or design for me) a new avatar. I wanna see what your sick imaginations can come up with :o

When theres enough submissions there'll be a vote. Whichever wins will be my new avatar!. Yes I'm trusting you lot to pick me a good avatar >_>;;; (gets the tranquilizers ready)


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Gallery Fake
« on: January 24, 2007, 09:57:53 pm »
Aint gonna happen without a sufficently l33t translator :E


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Ask Dr. Rin Status
« on: January 23, 2007, 04:47:38 pm »
Indeed I popped my head in to the Rin joint channel earlier on today. Let me say this, Rin isn't in the state that it WAS. Before there was no interested translators and no raw source but at least now we have a raw source and a tl'er committed to the project.

The current delays are not insurmountable they are now just the normal trials and tribulations of the processing of fansubs. So take heart folks, sooner or later you will have more Rin goodness, it's gone from an almost impossible to possible now :).


Past L-E Projects / Re: Thank you for the amazing work in Death Note!
« on: January 17, 2007, 06:02:46 am »
Ummm WTF?

There will be no fighting Viz Media here kplsthx. They have the legitimate rights to Death Note and they are perfectly entitled to exercise those rights so we'll have no trash talking on this board.


Quick lil poll here.

As you know L-E and D-B's joint on Tsubasa dramatically failed on Tsubasa S2 of which 95% of the blame lies with Tofusensei.

It's not *that* long before the new (and final season) will be upon us in April. I was just curious to know how much of the fanbase wants us to do S3.

Just something to be aware of Tofusensei has not been seen on IRC for over 3 months now and has not actively posted here for some time.

So heres your chance to vote, would you like Tofu to come back and do S3 or are your allegiances now with another group ?. If so are you happy that we might not finish depending on Tofu.

Note if you want Tofu to come back send an email to to express your desire that he fansubs this series and maybe he might come back from the dead. Hence the title of this thread "Wanted dead or alive XD".


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