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Messages - JC

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Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: May 10, 2005, 09:55:57 am »
Tucker did it!

Gah, been working so much lately, but getting the monies big time... Can pay off my credit card and move out!

Up next, car rego :(

Why does Japan have to make us wait for more Initial D? (I managed to get my collection back up to scratch, and I now have a moderately usefull paper weight)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: May 03, 2005, 10:30:08 am »
That would sound like a reason to keep it going... And I hope they do!

It's the only anime, bar Transformers, that I watch... And the best bit is, my brother doesn't try to watch it with me because he can't read yet :P

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: May 01, 2005, 10:07:21 am »
URL DELETED by Tofusensei

Please don't post links to licensed anime here. ;)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: May 01, 2005, 04:50:15 am »
Well, the fansubs I have now appear to be DVD encodes with different subtitles, simply put. The original ones I had were fansubs off video tape, so not really all that good :/ But as far as I can tell, they might still be using the AC3 audio in the encoding, as it appears to have 5.1 surround sound... Or it could just be my settings on audio, but I highly doubt it as it sounded far too realistic to be emulated (The timing was too good to be a software/hardware emulation).

So far I've had no codec issues with anything I have, which is brilliant... Bar the slight trouble I've had with WMV, which doesn't really bother me, I just re-encode the media to an avi based type, much nicer :)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 30, 2005, 02:16:03 pm »
Well... All the files I've tried so far, work absolutely fine (LE, can you please do fansubs of S1, 2 and 3? The quality of these is crap! :P)

Going to download Stage 4 tomorrow :D

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 29, 2005, 09:36:56 am »
I'll let you know if I can play them when I've downloaded them, as I use Linux now... So I don't know if I'll have codec issues or not

As for windows, I found using the klite codec pack, full pack (About 8meg) played just about anything that I needed, do a google on it, should be able to find a free site hosting it (The official site requires registration or something, and I hate the spam that comes with it, their anti spam policies or not!)

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 28, 2005, 09:30:03 am »
Ouch, much with the sympathy there!

Already lining up my new HDDs, getting them at cost price through my dad's work...

Just not sure how long it'll take them to get into stock here :(

But I think that 4x 500gig SATA drives should do it, being hotswappable, I can back up and restore easily!

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 28, 2005, 04:31:42 am »
Yeah... The biggest pain of them all is losing my documents, has all my order stuff in it, resume... A lot of stuff my gf sent me that I was supposed to keep!

Maybe the drive didn't like the fact that I don't use Windows anymore :P Too bad for it, not going back!

From what I can tell of the drive, the heads have siezed on the platters, which means that the drive makes a really nasty thunking sound and physically moves...

I can live in hope that the heads will eventually unstick, or just forget it completely and start all over again :/

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 27, 2005, 06:52:00 pm »
Boxtorrents, of all places... GIYF :P

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 27, 2005, 01:14:49 pm »
Cheers for the offer, found S1, S2, S3 and Extra stage on a torrent... So leeching them back slowly (Whoever made the torrent made it 1meg chunks, takes forever!)

Also getting back my Initial D music collection... Then backing it all up to one of my servers via ftp (Over lan, of course)

Going to try and recover this HDD as much as possible, as I want my 59gig (10,988 files) of mp3s back!

Not to mention everything else :P

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 26, 2005, 05:58:57 am »
Well the new forums do look nice...

I'm interested to see how Tak goes with driving the WRX as well as the AE86, the handling and bare fundimentals behind both cars are worlds apart :/

No matter, don't want it to finish though :(

EDIT: Disaster has struck for me... The HDD that had all my music, and all my Initial D on it has appeared to have died! NOT HAPPY... Samsung drives were cheap, and I paid the price :(

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 24, 2005, 07:19:00 am »
Haha, oh the irony... I start to get ready to reinstall my PC, and LE do a release... Maybe it's telling me something :P

Cheers for the release though, and so quickly too!

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 23, 2005, 07:33:11 am »
Thanks for that Just_J, I'll have to look at a WRX STi me and a friend are considering purchasing for a race car with a little more scrutiny (It's an MY98, with some heavy drive train modifications, but before we can really work the car, we have to revert it to stock, as the drive train it has how won't be covered under the racing rules)

someguy_ZERO: If you think about it, the 86 is a 4 cylinder car... Now from what I know about the engine that's under the hood of that car, the final amount of fuel and air ratio inside the cylinder before combustion, is 33.9cc's... That's a pittance of fuel compaired to something like a V8 supercar, which can do about 30 or so laps without a fuel stop (possibly even more!). Combined with the fact it only has 4 pistons to drive at any one time, they use very little fuel, even at high speeds... Also, it could also not be shown during the switching of positions between rounds... They might refuel the cars? :P

Just_J, one question though... Would changing a 35/65 split to a 50/50 split affect performance much? I'd assume it would some how, possibly increase the power lost? (The stock performance of this car is 205Kw (275HP))

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 21, 2005, 06:59:37 am »
Hehe... They're US models though, we never get those sorts of things here, unless someone was really particular and wanted a US model of those cars...

The 2 door EVO I have seen was not 2 door to begin with, it was simply a modified shell for track use and safety purposes on the track

And as for the power distrobution, last time I was down at Subaru, I asked about them, and the guy mentioned that off the shelf they're 50/50, but the ecu alters the power requirements as you drive, so they can actually be any number of ratios, instead of ones that off the shelf are locked to certain ratioes (There's a version of the Monaro here that is four wheel drive, with a 35/65 split all the time, regardless of driving conditions and so on)

Rally drivers use a base of a standard FR 4 wheel drift in most cases, especially for hairpin turns, or anything past 110 degrees (More than a medium turn), thus on a road more than 30 degrees but less than 55 degrees, it is possible to appear to be sliding, but still driving in a simple manner (And at a fair degree faster than an FR, because the power distrobuted to the road means that the rear wheels won't slide much, if at all)

All those degrees from an entry angle are valid at 90km/h, which isn't all that fast, but is still a fair amount of speed on a tight course

Past L-E Projects / Re: Initial D 4th Stage comments...
« on: April 20, 2005, 01:12:57 pm »
Cars in Japan are generally very very cheap, due to their laws and such...

The cars are usually about the same body size, and EVO's generally only come in 4 doors, but there are some 2 door models about (As I've seen anyway)

4WD's drift differently, and in some ways, the angle can be considered not drifting, because there are 4 wheels driving the car, not two

Also another thing is, that the Subaru's have Symmetrical AWD, so there's no range of wheels with more power than the other (front/rear). Most other cars normally have more power at the rear than the front, and some cars (R34 GTR), are RWD untill they lose traction, when the car load balances the drive power into all four wheels to maintain traction, and provide a steady propulsion

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