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Messages - gumbaloom

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Past L-E Projects / Re: Death Note Licensed
« on: January 12, 2007, 02:37:45 pm »
Viz Media confirms the downloadable version of Death Note will be SUBBED.

DVD release with dub and sub to come later.


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Minky Momo?
« on: January 12, 2007, 08:54:38 am »
and the group shoud sub it.

I beg your pardon?.

We will sub what WE want and not what you want. Yes the pig does like mahou shoujo but that still doesnt get away from the fact

No raws and translator = no subbing.


Past L-E Projects / Re: Death Note Licensed
« on: January 11, 2007, 08:08:05 pm »
In all of this someone is forgetting Enterthegames policities on Licensed Anime.

ETG has a simple straightforward policy - if it's licensed you don't sub or distro it. Read the sticky for gods sake.

And quit with the whining about "but it's only licensed in America". Licensing is a domino effect. Once the U.S. gets it the rest will follow like a pack of dominoes.

You also need to remember that most members of Live-eviL are American. So Viz would be quite within their rights to sue the American's amongst us so sorry much as we love Death Note, we don't have fancy a nasty letter from Viz kplsthxbye.


General Forum / Re: Yagami Light or Yagami Raito
« on: January 08, 2007, 07:42:00 pm »
It's Light TRUST ME.

Lean katakana and you'll understand why the Japanese spell Light as Raito.


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Yadamon
« on: January 06, 2007, 01:51:56 pm »
It was a one off thing to highlighted the series.

Tofu was "supposedly" getting DVD copies off someone but I don't think he seriously intended on subbing it.

Like everything else, if you wanna see Yadamon done properly from ep 1 then find us a translator + dvd raw source otherwise REQUEST DENIED.


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Minky Momo?
« on: December 31, 2006, 09:58:37 am »
Unless you can supply translator + suitable raw source for it REQUEST DENIED


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: 3000 leagues in search of mother
« on: December 09, 2006, 09:36:05 pm »
uh dude Tofu hasn't been on IRC in months now and he ignores us when we try to AIM him. Unless something changes I think he's basically retired from fansubbing.


Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: 3000 leagues in search of mother
« on: December 09, 2006, 02:22:48 am »
and someone to supply raw source.

Note the R2's have japanese subs so that would make it easier for a TL'er.


Past L-E Projects / Re: Death Note Movie
« on: November 22, 2006, 12:15:21 am »
It might seem strange though a LOT of movies especially big ones have English subs on the Region 2's

Some come to mind are...

Swing Girls
Full Metal Alchemist - Conqueror of Shambala

If you check up all 3 of the Japanese dvd's have English subs.


Yes the movie does spoil the Anime :c (it's just a shortened down version of what the anime is telling). Movie 1 does the first half and Movie 2 covers the last section of the manga.

Current & Future L-E Projects / Re: Ryuusei no Rockman
« on: November 19, 2006, 07:39:28 pm »
Legend of Rockman doesnt exactly fit our profile of subbing there are other groups more suited + the fact that Rockman shows usually get licensed pretty quick.

Also the only way would be if you gave us a translator otherwise no cigar.


Past L-E Projects / Re: Death Note Movie
« on: November 12, 2006, 09:42:09 pm »
Not another one.

The Japanese Region 2 will have English subs = we will not sub it to respect the original creators.

If you want it, buy the R2.

Topic locked


Past L-E Projects / Re: i want deathnote movie!!!
« on: November 10, 2006, 09:42:00 pm »
Live-eviL does not subtitle stuff where the R2 DVD has english subs.

Thread locked.


Past L-E Projects / Re: Death Note the movie
« on: November 10, 2006, 09:40:26 pm »
Oh yeah

Forgot about this thread -


(Thread locked)

Past L-E Projects / Re: DEATH NOTE!!!! .:.Master Thread.:.
« on: November 07, 2006, 01:01:53 pm »
Just so theres no doubts, as soon as there is news about a Death Note license from a reputable news source and not somebody that likes to indulge in tabloid journalism aka AnimeNewsService L-E will drop this project.

By this I mean, as soon as announcement appears on either AnimeNewsNetwork, AnimeOnDVD or Animesuki removes torrents for Death Note. Any 1 of those 3 happening = Death Note dropped.


PS It wouldnt surprise me if Viz has it considering they're releasing the manga and they have experience with Bleach and Naruto

Past L-E Projects / Re: DEATH NOTE!!!! .:.Master Thread.:.
« on: November 04, 2006, 11:55:58 pm »
For informational puposes I own the vol 11 of the Japanese Death Note manga as does Beloculus owns all of it. If you actually bought the Death Note Manga you would see they provide romaji spellings of the character names in the first couple of pages so I think Miss Beloculus is perfectly capable of ensuring the names are right.

We're not going to argue with the original Mangaka now are we ? :)


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