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Messages - kel_

Pages: [1]
Past L-E Projects / Re: NANA Anime & Live-Action
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:14:31 pm »
whoa is all that i have to say.

this is probably the first sub i have got from you guys, well at least i think it is.

props to you guys tho, it's awesome. having watched fansubs for over three years now, i gotta say u guys do a good job. as for the anime itself (i haven't watched the live-action, d/ling it now tho) also props to you guys for pickin this one.. just by watching ep1, i've kinda already been sucked in, by that, i mean that some 'other' anime you kinda take a couple of the first few eps to really get into it, but with this one, whoa, liking it from the get go.

anyway, rock on and peace out.
btw the opening and ending songs are real good (imho).. now if only someone could tell me where to get them.. ;D

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