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Messages - Tilgare

Pages: [1]
I've got a similar issue.  The way I've fixed it is I spam a timer in a random chan... so mine looks like:

Code: [Select]
/timer1 100000 5 /me wrote a timer to save from d/cs.
It repeats 100000 times every 5 seconds... that way it never actually idles and should save you from the d/c problem.

You will be able to, it's at the time stated above, but it's just a single frame. It's not the player, it's the vid.  If you've got the raw see if you can reproduce it with that.

Unfortunately it looks like a glitch in the raw.  I'll go ahead and ask Tofusensei if he knows what's up.  This should not affect the video or audio.  Thanks for pointing that out to us.


I would be extremely sad if Clamp canceled the anime...  I don't think they will cancel the manga, so at least there is that.... and, yes... I would be happy if Tofu came back on board for Tsubasa S3. 

*crosses fingers*


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